The concept of a natural phenomenon called "static electricity" is known to most people from the school physics course. It describes an experience when finely chopped pieces of paper begin to adhere to a comb or ebonite stick that has been shabby on the hair. The phenomenon under study is presented in this example as the attraction of dissimilarly charged elements, which is explained by the separation of charges due to the work done by friction. However, there are other manifestations of this effect in nature, which are not at all similar to an experiment or an entertainment experience. Having familiarized yourself with them, it is easier to understand what static stress is and how it is possible to deal with it in production and in domestic conditions.
Determination of static electricity
According to the definition, static electricity as an effect is a dangerous phenomenon that threatens the health and practical activities of any person. To comprehend and understand its nature, one should remember that all known substances consist of molecules, and the latter of the smallest particles called atoms. In their center is a nucleus with protons and neutrons, and groups of electrons revolve around it in different orbits. The total charge of these particles corresponds to the same indicator for protons, so the atom as a whole is neutral.
In some substances, negatively charged electrons are so far from the center that at the slightest disturbance of the energy balance, they are displaced from their permanent orbits. This usually occurs as a result of friction, when a small amount of thermal energy is released in the substance.
When electrons move away from the nucleus, it acquires a positive charge, and a significant number of particles with opposite charges (ions) appear in the body of the material. They are the source and main cause of so-called "static electricity".
Causes of occurrence and manifestation
Static stress arises from a disturbance in the general balance of electrically charged particles present in any matter. It is formed not only according to a pre-planned scenario: at the request of a teacher or experimenter. In practice, it most often manifests itself without participation and in spite of his will.
A simple example: wearing clothes made from synthetic fabrics. Due to friction against the body and the subsequent appearance of static charges, the matter begins to tightly encircle it and does not allow it to give the desired appearance alongside. The only possible way out in this situation is to spray it with a special agent called "antistatic agent". This is the only way to remove excess charge from the synthetic material.
Other common causes of static charge are:
- tangible temperature changes, which are also very sharp;
- a high level of radiation, leading to an increase in the energy of electrons and the appearance of heterogeneous charged particles in the material;
- presence of strong induction and magnetic fields.
The first two reasons due to which a person begins to "be shocked" do not need special explanations. In contrast, magnetic induction appears to be a serious problem, especially recently.
With the constant growth of the number of household appliances, many of which have inductive elements, the influence of electromagnetic fields on a person increases sharply. One of these manifestations is the electrification of the atmosphere due to the separation of air particles into charged electrons and ions, which is essentially the same manifestation of static electricity.
The gradual accumulation of risk factors associated with a variety of sources of extraneous fields has led to a separate direction in science dealing with the study of the degree of their danger. On the other hand, scientists have long thought about the beneficial properties of electrification and the possibility of putting this effect in the service of man.
Cons and pros of static manifestation
The dangerous manifestations of electrostatics primarily include the constant friction of low-quality clothing on the human body and the accumulation of electrical charges on the skin. In the technical field, this effect is especially pronounced during the work of installers-specialists in soldering microcircuits. In this case, it threatens the failure of expensive chips or even entire devices assembled on their basis.
When assembling valuable and rare microchips, safety requirements provide for special protection measures against these unpleasant manifestations.
In technologies associated with the soldering of some microcircuits, electrostatic protection involves putting on a grounded bracelet on the hand, in the presence of which the danger is eliminated due to the drainage of charges to the ground. Such preventive measures concern mainly obsolete K-MOS structures, which are increasingly being replaced by modern microchips with built-in protection against static electricity.
Danger to humans
The manifestations of statics, which are dangerous for humans, include:
- lightning discharges accompanied by lightning - they are caused by prolonged friction of air currents; in terms of possible consequences, including fire hazard, they are far superior to all other manifestations;
- the impact of charges on the biological cover (skin) and the appearance of severe irritations on it;
- dangerous and unpleasant discharges of electricity through the human body when touching metal parts of ungrounded equipment.
The latter phenomenon has nothing to do with critical current shocks caused by emergency situations when a dangerous voltage hits the housing of a household appliance.
All these questions concern only the external side of the manifestations of static electricity, which can be eliminated with the help of technical means of protection. A closer examination of this process reveals that the effects of statics on the somatics and the human body can lead to more serious consequences:
- systematic sleep disturbances;
- changes in the tone of the cardiovascular system;
- severe fatigue;
- the occurrence of problems with the nervous system;
- small deviations in the work of muscle tissue.
Although these abnormalities are not very noticeable at first, over time, changes in the body accumulate, which can lead to serious abnormalities. Poor sleep results in mental problems, which in turn leads to other illnesses. The harm from this effect in this case is beyond doubt.
Doctors recommend paying close attention not only to the material of constantly worn clothes, but also to the choice of home bedding, on which a dangerous charge accumulates.
The benefits of static electricity
At one time, many scientists and inventors tried to find ways to manage a static charge for the benefit of humans. They developed bulky and very costly units, the return on which remained, as a rule, very low. The only breakthrough in this area is the discovery by scientists of the so-called "corona discharge".
The unique possibilities of this phenomenon are used not only in production, but also in ordinary household conditions. Due to the development of modern methods of controlling electrostatic phenomena, they are widely used in the following technological processes:
- painting of frame bases, as well as surfaces of metal structures and other prefabricated products;
- purification of gases from impurities in the mining industry;
- use in many areas related to the processing of materials (modern nanotechnology).
Coronary discharge has also found wide application in medicine, where it is used for limited exposure to electrostatic discharges on diseased human organs. In addition, on the basis of this effect, many devices have been developed that can ionize the air not only in industrial premises and factory workshops, but also in a typical city apartment. One of these useful inventions is an electrostatic filter designed to remove aerosol and mechanical particles from the ambient air. Thanks to its use, it is possible to get rid of soot, soot and smoke, as well as small dust particles that accumulate in excess in any modern home.
How to remove static electricity from a person and surrounding objects
Since the harmfulness of static electricity for adults and children has been proven by time, scientists have long been looking for ways to protect them from this dangerous phenomenon. Of particular importance is the issue of protecting young children from statics, who are more sensitive to its manifestations. For all categories of users, several different approaches have been developed to relieve static electricity that accumulates over time on the surfaces of any object.
The easiest way to get rid of static build up on home equipment (on a personal computer or washing machine, for example) is to ground them by connecting the chassis to a special ground bus.
The simplest method of removing charge from any wearable is to periodically spray it with a spray bottle with water, which is a good ground.
To prevent a dangerous charge from accumulating on the body of the car, a special strip of conductive rubber (strap) is attached to its rear bumper. In addition, during long trips in private vehicles, it is necessary to study the issue of inadmissibility of the accumulation of charges due to a change in the position of the body relative to the seat. As a result of the friction arising from the covers, sometimes a sufficient amount of them accumulates, which often leads to a tangible and unpleasant electrical discharge. Therefore, you should periodically moisten the seats by spraying them with a special compact spray bottle.
Personal protective measures and means
Electrostatic protection is a necessary measure, which is practically impossible to do without in modern life. For this, a number of effective and efficient methods have been developed, using which it is possible to reduce the risk of static effects. First of all, it is the right choice of clothing for everyday wear, which is made on the basis of natural fabrics such as cotton, flax and similar fibers of non-synthetic origin. If it is impossible to do this, you will have to use modern means of removing electrostatics, developed specifically for these purposes.
The easiest way to protect against electrical phenomena while wearing clothing is to use an anti-static compound that removes the charge from the surface of the woven fabric.
Special washing powders have become widespread, which contain special additives that neutralize the effect of the electrostatic effect.
Getting rid of static electricity will help a competent approach to choosing shoes wearable daily, which is no less important than choosing the right fabric for clothes.To explain the peculiarities of protecting a person from the side of the legs, it will be necessary to remember that it is easier for free charges, which are always present in the ground, to accumulate on rubber surfaces. Choosing permanent wear shoes with leather-based soles will reduce the number of reasons for electrostatics on the ground side.
At all enterprises, whose employees are engaged in the production of high-precision and expensive electrical appliances and components for them, they issue special shoes. With its help, it is possible to protect modern microchips and other electronic parts from accidental breakdown by static electricity.
It is known from practice that water and a humid environment are a conductor of electrical charges, so that they usually do not accumulate on wetted surfaces. This procedure is carried out by applying special solutions and lotions to the skin of the hands and body. It is best to do this just before dressing, and then moisturize exposed parts of the body throughout the work day. When a large amount of charge accumulates on clothing worn at home, it is recommended to soak it for a short time and then dry it thoroughly outdoors.
Static electricity in itself is a natural manifestation that is dangerous to humans and can lead to a number of undesirable consequences and even a serious illness. Therefore, the fight against it is given increased attention not only on an industrial scale, but also in domestic conditions.