How to adjust the brightness of an LED lamp - which switch with a dimmer is better to choose

LED light sources are modern, economical and efficient. To regulate the brightness and light level in the lamp there is a special device - a dimmer. Dimming the backlight saves energy and creates a different ambience in the room.

Working principle and design

Rotary dimmer for LED lamps

A dimmer is an element that allows you to smoothly change the intensity of artificial lighting, turn on and off bulbs, and remotely control the light. The adjustment is carried out by changing the voltage and, accordingly, the power of the device. This can be done by adding a load - ballast resistors, capacitors, chokes. In LED lamps, regulation is done using dimmers.

Not every LED light source can be dimmed. For stable dimming, special regulators or devices with a PWM function are needed. It is important to choose the right regulator for the light bulb, since the quality of the lighting change will depend on its circuitry.

The dimmer works like a rheostat. Voltage or current changes as a result of a change in resistance. Semiconductor regulators are now actively used - triacs and dinistors, operating on the PWM principle.

The advantages of dimmers include:

  • creating comfortable lighting at any time of the day;
  • energy saving;
  • reliability;
  • smooth inclusion;
  • multiple luminaires can be controlled;
  • increasing the service life of lighting devices;
  • ease of installation;
  • the ability to synchronize with the "smart home" system;
  • creation of unique visual effects.

Saving electricity is the most important advantage of dimmable devices over conventional light sources. By adjusting the light level, the lamp will not burn at full power all the time and, accordingly, consume a large amount of electricity. Such use also leads to an increase in the service life of the luminaire.

12 V dimmer


  • high price;
  • the wrong choice of the regulator threatens the occurrence of malfunctions;
  • cheap appliances can cause interference;
  • sensitivity to high temperatures;
  • low efficiency in night mode.

Regulators for 220 V and 12 V have structural differences. The simplest mechanisms that craftsmen can make at home perform the function of changing the intensity of light. Modern models have wider functionality - for example, the "Sleep" function, in which the brightness is maintained at 30% of full. There is also a "good morning" function when the intensity increases, or "good night" when the light becomes more subdued.

Dimmers are used in different areas. Home lighting, billboards, entertainment. Adjustable lamps are used in office luminaires VG SKUL 1200-36 W.

Dimmers are an important part of a smart home system. An important function of the regulators is the emergency lighting system. When running on battery or battery power, the operating life is increased by decreasing the brightness.

Varieties of dimmers

Touch dimmer

Regulators are classified according to various criteria: type of voltage in the circuit, type of control signal, method of installation, design.

According to the voltage in the network, dimmers can be divided into two groups:

  • for alternating voltage 220 V;
  • for constant voltage on LED strip 12 V.

By the type of control signal, dimmers for LEDs are distinguished:

  • analog;
  • digital;
  • digital-analogue.
Monoblock keyboard dimmer

According to the installation method, several types are distinguished:

  • modular, which are mounted on a special DIN rail in the switchboard;
  • remote controls that are mounted in a chandelier;
  • wall-mounted, which are installed instead of the switch.

By control method:

  • rotary - adjustment is carried out using the handle;
  • keyboards - control is performed by buttons;
  • rotary-push - regulation is performed by pressing the buttons and turning the handle;
  • touch - models with different sensors;
  • remote - controlled by the remote control via Wi-Fi, radio channel or infrared port.

The most expensive are touch-sensitive light controls. These are modern devices that can be controlled by voice commands, movements, claps.

Criterias of choice

What dimmable LED bulbs look like

LED light sources can be dimmable or non dimmable. This must be taken into account when buying. Regulators should be selected taking into account the following aspects:

  • The ability to adjust the light source. Do not put a dimmer on an unregulated LED lamp. This will result in damage that is not covered by the warranty.
  • The number of light sources that the dimmer will control. For one light bulb, it is enough to purchase a low voltage regulator.
  • Light bulb power and minimum load level of the dimmer. For most regulators, the minimum load is 20-45 watts. This power can be achieved with the help of 2-3 LED lamps connected to a 220 V network.
  • Total load on devices. The dimmer power should be approximately 30% higher than the total connected load.
  • Voltage. For lamps, you need a dimmer that works with a 220 V network, and for tapes - for 12 V or any PWM regulator.

When choosing a regulator, you should give preference to proven, well-known brands. These include Schneider Electric, Legrand, Makel, ABB and others. Poor quality goods of unknown origin may damage the lamp. You also need to take devices in specialized stores. There, the seller will help with choosing a dimmer, give advice on connection and tell you about the warranty conditions.

Calculating the maximum number of lamps

The total number of bulbs is selected based on the power limit of the dimmer. The calculation is made taking into account the type of room, type of lamps.

For the calculation, you need to divide the limit value of the regulator by the power of one light bulb. The resulting value is the number of connected light sources. In the calculation, when connected to a 220 V mains, the maximum power of the dimmer must be divided by 10, and then again divided by the load of the LED source.

Illumination control method

Leading edge phase cut dimmer contains triac, diac and RC circuit

AC dimmers differ not only in performance, but also in the way of adjustment. These include:

  • dimmer with cutting edge on the leading edge;
  • with a trailing edge cut-off.

The first are the cheapest and simplest devices. The rest of the half-wave is applied to the load, its first half is cut off. When turned on, interference occurs that may interfere with the operation of household devices. These dimmers are used for special LED lamps. You can understand whether a light bulb is suitable by the inscriptions on the packaging.

The second type is suitable for a larger number of lamps and works without interference. The adjustment is better, but within a certain range, not from scratch.

Luminaires with built-in brightness control are placed in a separate group. They include an LED matrix, a driver, a bulb and the regulator itself. There is no need to install additional dimmers for such lighting devices.

Self-installation of the regulator

Dimmer connection diagram for LED lamps

You can install a dimmer for 220 V LED lamps yourself. The foreman must have a minimum knowledge of electrical appliances and observe safety precautions.

Step-by-step installation algorithm:

  • Power outage in the house. Checking the presence of voltage using the indicator.
  • Study of the dimmer circuit.
  • Loosening of the bolts, installation of the regulator contacts in the circuit connectors. It is important not to mix up the wires and observe their markings. Usually white is the phase and blue is connected to the load.
  • Tighten the bolts after installation to ensure good contact.
  • Installing a dimmer in a socket.
  • Installation of the protective case and button.

Then you can turn on the electricity and test the assembled system. By the smooth change in the backlight, one can judge that the assembly was carried out correctly.

Installation may differ slightly for different types of dimmers and devices from different companies. Be sure to read the instructions that come with the package.

Possible installation errors

Installing a dimmer is straightforward, but beginners can make a number of mistakes. Typical problems include:

  • use of a dimmer at elevated temperatures - the optimal limiting temperature is 27-30 degrees;
  • the load must be at least 40-45 V, otherwise the service life of the dimmer and lamp decreases;
  • wrong choice of dimmer for a specific light bulb;
  • using a regulator for the LED strip in the lamp and vice versa.

The last 2 mistakes are the most common. Before starting the installation, you need to make sure that the dimmer fits under the light bulb, and only then start the installation.

Self-made dimmer

Diagram of a homemade dimmer

The simplest regulator can be assembled by hand. This will require:

  • constant and variable resistor element;
  • non-polar capacitor;
  • triac;
  • copper wire;
  • dinistor;
  • textolite board;
  • soldering iron.

All electronic components must be installed on the board according to the dimmer scheme: when current flows from the resistor element to the capacitor, charging will occur and voltage will be applied to the lamp. The components must be connected together by soldering. You need to make holes on the board that will serve as pins. After assembly, you need to test the assembled dimmer.
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