How to make a windmill to generate electricity at home

In urban conditions, a stable system for generating electricity is being created. Interruptions are rare and quickly resolved. It is rather difficult to create uninterrupted power supply in the countryside, so people are looking for sources of alternative energy. These include wind generators, which generate electricity from the wind. They can also be called wind turbines, wind generators. You can buy a windmill or do it yourself. It will generate enough energy to power household appliances.

Operating principle

Horizontal model of a wind turbine

Under the action of the force of the wind, the blades of the device begin to rotate, which drive the rotor. Thanks to the stator winding, the received mechanical energy is converted into electric current. Under the action of the rotational force, the resulting electricity is stored in the battery.

The amount of energy received directly depends on the strength of the wind - the stronger it blows, the more electricity will be stored in the battery.

During the turns, the axle also rotates, which is connected to the general rotor. 12 magnets are fixed on it, which rotate in the stator. This creates an alternating electric current of the same frequency as that flowing in the sockets.

The resulting alternating current can be transmitted over long distances, but it cannot be accumulated. Therefore, it must be converted to direct current. The process is carried out using an internal electronic circuit in the turbine.

To obtain large amounts of energy, wind farms with a large number of installations are being created. They are enough to provide energy to several houses.

Application of wind turbines

The principle of the windmill

Windmills for electricity can be used in the following options:

  • autonomous work;
  • joint work with solar panels;
  • work with a backup battery;
  • parallel to the generator (diesel or gasoline).

To illuminate the suburban area, a wind force of 45 km / h is enough. The turbine in this case will generate 400 watts of electricity.

Choosing a purchased wind turbine

Wind turbines for home

The best wind turbines are produced in Germany, Denmark and France. These countries manufacture installations that can be operated in the private sector, on farms, in retail outlets. Alternative energy sources are poorly distributed in Russia.

When buying a wind power generator, you need to understand for what purpose it is used. There are different models - with increased efficiency, vertical and horizontal, bladeless. You also need to understand that the wind turbine has an efficiency of about 60% and depends directly on the wind speed.

When buying a generator for a summer residence, preference should be given to installations of 1-3 kW. You will also need a low power inverter. For a private house, such a model is not suitable, especially if someone permanently resides in it. In this case, it is better to choose a model with a large capacity battery. To quickly charge it, you will also need a high-power generator. The best choice is a wind turbine with a diesel generator and a solar battery.

Commercial wind generators are becoming widespread. Energy from them is supplied to enterprises in which there is a shortage of power supply.

You can save money if you make wind turbines for generating electricity with your own hands.

Making a homemade windmill

A homemade wind generator can be used as a main or additional source of energy. As an auxiliary device, it can power lamps in the house and outdoors, heat water in a boiler. As the main source of electricity, it can power all household appliances, heating systems and lighting groups. Making a wind turbine yourself is more profitable than buying a store model. Devices up to 5 kW can cost up to 200,000 rubles, and their repair is also expensive.

The main units of the wind turbine


Before making a wind farm with your own hands, you need to assemble the necessary components. To create a windmill, you will need the following parts:

  • Blades. They can be made from various materials.
  • Generator. You can assemble it yourself or purchase it ready-made.
  • The tail section. Helps the blades move in the direction with the highest possible efficiency.
  • Cartoonist. Allows to increase the rotor speed.
  • Mast for fasteners. Locking device for all knots.
  • Tension ropes. They also fix the entire structure of the wind farm, made by hand.
  • Battery, charge controller, inverter.

Beginners can create a generator in the simplest way.

Generator assembly

Generator assembly

A wind turbine can be created from any material, even from plastic bottles. It will spin in the wind and make noise. The assembly schemes for such devices are different - the axis can be installed vertically, horizontally. The device can be of completely different sizes.

The basis of a homemade wind turbine is a generator. For its self-assembly you will need:

  • Stator. It is made of two metal sheets, which are cut in the form of a circle with a diameter of 500 mm. 12 neodymium magnets with a diameter of 50 mm are glued to each circle. The poles must always alternate. In the second circle, the stripes are placed with a shift.
  • Rotor. Consists of 9 spools of copper wire with a diameter of 3 mm. Each coil should have 70 windings. Placed on a non-magnetic basis.
  • Axis. It is done in the middle of the rotor. For stability, the structure should be centered.

The rotor and stator must be installed at a distance of 2 mm. The windings should be connected so that a single-phase current source is obtained for obtaining electricity from the wind.

Installation of blades

Manufacturing blades from a polypropylene pipe

In windy weather, up to 3.5 kW of power can be obtained from a self-made wind farm. On average, this figure will be about 2 kW. In the simplest horizontal generator, three blades are made. They can be made from the following materials:

  • Wood. The disadvantages include the formation of cracks during operation. Blades will need to be replaced in the future.
  • Polypropylene. This is the best option for wind turbines with low power.
  • Metal. It is considered the most durable, high quality, durable and reliable material for wind turbine blades. It is recommended to choose duralumin for such purposes - it is reliable and not particularly heavy.

The most difficult part of building a wind turbine is getting a balanced structure. Subject to all the nuances and correct calculations, the structure will serve reliably and will not be damaged.

When the blades are created, they should be installed together with the rotor on the mounting platform. The tail section is also fixed on it.


Assembly diagram

It is important to choose the right place where the wind turbine will be located. The element should be placed vertically and as high as possible so that it falls into the area of ​​strong winds. There should be no large buildings and trees nearby, as well as other objects that will interfere with the circulation of air flows in the windmill for electricity.

When the assembled installation starts working, you need to connect a multimeter to it. It is connected to the generator branch in order to check the presence of voltage. When it is registered, we can assume that the wind turbine is ready for full operation.Further, the scheme of supplying the received power supply to the dwelling and other objects is being thought over.

Connection in the house

Connection diagram

You need to connect household appliances to the wind turbine, which will be powered from it. To do this, you will need to purchase an inverter converter with an efficiency rate of 99%. Then there will be minimal losses when converting DC to AC.

There will be 3 nodes in the building:

  • Battery. Builds up energy.
  • Charge controller. Responsible for the battery life.
  • Converter. Converts direct current to alternating current.

The power supply equipment can be installed on devices operating at a voltage of 12-24 V. Then the inverter converter is not required.
Add a comment

  1. Ivan

    Dear author! Can you imagine what a wind of 45 km / h is? This is 12m / s, with such a pressure it is difficult to stand. In the middle zone, such winds are very rare.
    A car generator is generally not suitable for renewable energy installations, it develops 30% power at 1500-1700 rpm, full power is achieved at 5000 rpm. A wind turbine (as well as a micro-hydroelectric power plant) needs a slow-speed generator, this will significantly reduce the power loss on the gearbox, but such generators are expensive. I can't say anything about a home-made generator, no one tested it, what it gives out there is not known.



