Technological progress has more than just positive aspects. The active use of technology that consumes electricity has caused pollution, which has received the name - electromagnetic noise. The body is adapted to natural sources, for example, atmospheric phenomena, solar radiation, but artificial sources pose a threat to human health.
Sources of the electromagnetic field
An electromagnetic field is waves that occur when electric and magnetic fields are disturbed. The minimum portion of electromagnetic radiation is a quantum, it has frequency-wave properties.
The main sources of the electromagnetic field surrounding each person:
- wiring: the amount of radiation depends on the load on the line;
- electric ovens and microwave ovens equipped with a high-frequency heating unit;
- any electrical appliance equipped with conductors;
- economical lighting devices (equipped with power supplies operating at high frequency);
- devices that display information, such as game consoles, monitors and laptop screens;
- electric autonomous heating systems;
- electric motors;
- electronic measuring devices, etc.
The harmfulness of electromagnetic radiation has been proven many times. This is the scourge of our time, but people are not ready to give up the benefits.
Outdoor radiation sources
There are also a lot of street sources of electromagnetic waves that pose a threat to human lives:
- advertising LED screens and street lighting;
- transformer substations;
- public transport on electric traction (damages the body only during its use);
- underground and overhead power lines;
- trolleybus lines;
- transmitting antennas such as radio towers, television broadcasts, etc.
Exposure to electromagnetic radiation is inevitable, so it is imperative to know how to protect yourself from harmful effects. The first thing to do is to minimize the impact on the body.
Protection against electromagnetic radiation
It is important to monitor the strength of the radiation at home, since special services monitor this in public places and at work. At home, people can be guided by the norms of the SES and their own common sense when operating electrical appliances.
There are three ways of protection, in order to choose the most suitable one, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of each.
Time protection
The body is able to safely tolerate a limited dose of radiation. The principle of the time protection method is as follows:
- If the electrical device is not being used at this time, it must be turned off.
- If the device cannot be turned off, it is necessary to reduce the time spent in the field of exposure to radiation.
You cannot stay in large shopping centers for a long time, since such structures are oversaturated with sources of electromagnetic waves.
Distance and direction protection
In implementation, this method of protection against an electromagnetic pulse is both simple and complex at the same time.Its essence is to be as far away from the source of the harmful flow as possible.
Doctors strongly recommend not to purchase housing near power lines, transformer substations and industrial facilities. If possible, you need to control the number of mobile antennas installed on the roof of the house. Do not stand near the microwave oven while it is operating.
It is not recommended to stand near the person who is on the phone. Radiation spreads over a radius of at least 1 meter.
Shielding of electromagnetic fields is based on two physical laws - absorption and reflection of electromagnetic waves during the transition from one medium to another. Suppression of radiation transmitted through the screen occurs. As a rule, the material used to make the screen is a good conductor. In the domestic market, metal raw materials are in demand - steel, silver and copper fibers, as well as a forming mesh.
It is better to approach defense in a comprehensive manner. When making repairs in a house or apartment, it is better to give preference to special screening paints for floors, walls and ceilings. They are made of high quality materials, do not emit toxic substances and are safe for households.
Using methods in practice
The most effective method of protection is the installation of a conductive screen, grounded in accordance with the rules for electrical installations.
This method is applied in practice in the following way:
- During repairs in the room, it is recommended to lay metal fittings under the plaster. This material will prevent the absorption of waves from the outside. Such a grid will be effective only if there is a ground connection.
- Purchase of special metallized curtains with decorative threads. The product will also be effective when grounded.
- Aluminum foil glued behind the batteries will reflect heat and protect households from electromagnetic waves.
- Entrance doors made of steel. It is important that they are grounded as part of the equipotential bonding, otherwise they may cause electric shock.
Protection methods based on shielding have a significant drawback - the quality of cellular communication deteriorates at home.
To learn about the impact of household appliances and electrical appliances in the home, you need to know as much information as possible about the devices used. If there is a suspicion that the permissible norms have been violated, you should invite SES specialists who will carry out all the necessary measurements.