Calibration procedure for electric meters - verification algorithm and timing

An electric meter is a metering device that is designed to calculate the amount of electricity consumed in real time - it works continuously. Like any other device, electricity meters wear out over time, which inevitably leads to incorrect counting and malfunction. To prevent such phenomena, it is important to observe the technology and timing of the electric meter calibration in the apartment.

The relevance of the verification of the device

Meters are checked on average every 6-8 years

Verification activities are regulated at the legislative level. In Russia, a special legislative framework has been developed that regulates the issues of checking meters in apartment and private houses.

  • RF Law No. 102 “On the Integrity of Measurements”.
  • Law of the Russian Federation No. 261 "On the conservation of energy, as well as increasing its efficiency."

Metering of consumed volumes of electricity is carried out using special electricity meters. They must be installed in all rooms in order to calculate the consumed kilowatts for their subsequent payment. To monitor the performance of the device, a special event called verification is provided.

The term for checking the electric meter in the apartment and the procedure for carrying out

The interval between verification can vary between 6 and 8 years for induction mechanical devices, and for electronic meters this figure reaches 16 years. The frequency of checks depends on the modification and model of the device; all its technical characteristics must be noted in the attached passport.

There is a possibility of an extraordinary check, which is necessary in case of loss of documentation confirming the operability of the device.

Types of verification of an electric meter at home

Verification is a set of measures designed to determine the magnitude of the error of measuring instruments during their operation. There are several varieties:

  • Initial verification. It is carried out by the manufacturer or when importing a metering device into the country. The essence of the event is to determine the performance, the conformity of the measurement quality with the data that are stated in the attached passport. It is carried out once. The date of the initial inspection must be recorded in the technical passport.
  • Periodic. It is carried out after a certain period of time or long-term storage of the meter. It is carried out by the relevant body of the metrological service. The main purpose of the event is to determine the degree of wear of the part and the operability of the device. They compare the actual values ​​of the error with the acceptable ones, and based on these data, they make their verdict.
  • Extraordinary. The main reasons for its implementation are doubts about the correct display of the metering of consumed electricity, loss or damage to the technical passport, where the date of the last check, repair and replacement of the device was recorded.

The main task of these measures is to compare the readings of the meter with the data of the reference device and calculate the error as a percentage. Metrological services note that an error of no more than 10% up or down is permissible.If this value exceeds the permissible limits, the electric meter needs to be replaced.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out verification to anyone who wishes, since this is exclusively the authority of employees of the metrological service bodies or organizations accredited by them. The use of electric meters that have not passed the test or have reached the end of their service life is prohibited.

Electricity meter calibration method

For different models that are intended for accounting, the methodology may differ slightly, but in general, the event is carried out in several stages:

  1. Visual inspection for cracks and other mechanical damage to the glass, the case and, most importantly, the compliance of the device number, the presence of seals and its configuration.
  2. Testing the strength of the electrical insulating coating. If no damage or abnormalities were found on the meter, you can skip this step.
  3. Checking for compliance with metrological parameters. It is also carried out in several stages: checking the overall performance of the device; identification of an error in percentage and compliance with permissible values; determining the susceptibility of an electric meter, as well as the lack of independent movement.
  4. Last but not least, a conclusion is drawn up on the basis of the data received.

Verification is carried out by employees of metrological institutions who have undergone appropriate education and training and are authorized to check electrical meters.

Detailed algorithm

The verification algorithm for each meter model may differ slightly. The procedure includes a set of the following activities:

  • They start by examining the outer shell of the case - the presence of mechanical damage and deformation, the integrity of the glass, as well as the internal parts. It is important that the completeness of the declared modification and the existing marking is consistent - this is one of the main requirements of the State Standard, neglect of it threatens with a fine or bringing to administrative responsibility.
  • According to the requirements of GOST, the strength of the waterproofing layer is checked. This item can be disregarded if the device is fully functional or has recently been installed.
  • Assessment of the correct functioning of the meter. To do this, you need to connect the device to a power source and warm up for at least 15 minutes. Another alternative is to measure the rotational speed of the disk and turn on the LEDs while the readings on the panel change.
  • During verification, metrologists must make sure that there is no self-propelled gun. To do this, voltage is applied to the parallel circuit (from the nominal value of 115%), this should be done with the mandatory absence of current in the serial circuit and the nominal voltage of the power source and its additional circuits. The verification time in this case reaches 10 minutes. This event is not carried out only if the installed electrical meter, based on its design features, is not at all equipped with a self-propelled gun.
  • Also, measures are taken to identify the sensitivity threshold of the electric meter. The duration also does not exceed 10 minutes. Conducted at the rated parallel circuit voltage of the meter and a similar value of the voltage of the power supply in the electric meter.

Also, the compliance of the basic and relative accounting errors is monitored without fail. Each device has individual indicators. The error is calculated by indirectly calculating the power. In the process, it is imperative to use a stopwatch, ammeter and voltmeter. The error is calculated by comparing the voltage values, load power, and current strength with those recorded in the technical passport attached to the meter.

After checking the meter, if the requirements are met, a seal with an imprint of a verification mark is imposed on it without fail.

Registration of verification of the electricity meter

It looks like the registration certificate of the meter

Information about local metrological organizations can be found in the city authority of Energosbyt or the management company.

To carry out a set of required measures, it is not at all necessary to dismantle the device and take it to the laboratory, most often inspectors come to the house.

At the end of the work, all information is recorded in the passport of the device. Be sure to record information about the date of the visit of the metrological service employee, the amount of error that was identified in the process, as well as detected faults and violations.

If the result is negative, an employee of the authorities issues a notification confirming the inoperability of the metering device, as well as its non-compliance with the established standards and the impossibility of its further operation.

If the verification period has expired, you must contact the organization providing the service.
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