Electricity is the most common resource that is produced for the operation of various appliances. The correct location of the sockets in the bedroom makes the use of such devices the most productive and comfortable. A large assortment of different modifications of sockets is presented in hardware stores. They are selected for the technical requirements of household appliances or its dimensions. For this reason, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the features of the choice before buying, and not rely solely on appearance.
What determines the number of switches and sockets in the rooms
A bedroom is a special place in an apartment or a country house, where a person spends a lot of time. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to provide a high-quality level of comfort in the room. This cannot be achieved without outlets and switches. To determine how many outlets you need in the bedroom, it is enough to study the factors that affect the number.
- The number of household appliances and electrical devices. Lighting devices, chargers for a personal computer, etc. are taken into account. There is a possibility that all or most of the devices will work at the same time; this is important to take into account when designing.
- Room area. As a rule, small rooms are equipped with 4-5 universal technical devices. The optimal location is functional areas near the door or by the bed.
At the initial stage of the work, it is recommended to depict the location of sockets and switches schematically on a blank sheet. Such an illustrative example will allow you to adapt the project to your needs.
The optimal number of outlets in the bedroom
To create comfortable conditions for staying in the bedroom, they calculate the minimum number of outlets, as well as their location in the room.
- One outlet is mounted near each bedside table.
- Two sockets for TV and related equipment.
- Socket near the dressing table.
- Next to the front door.
In total, for a medium-sized room, the minimum number of outlets is 5 pieces. A more specific number depends on the location of the furniture.
Socket options
There are sockets for universal use, as well as various modifications designed for specific electrical equipment.
Under the TV
This kind of household appliances is less and less installed in the bedroom. But if, nevertheless, the design involves the installation of a TV, electricians recommend installing a block of outlets, consisting of five inputs. Similar designs are used for devices supplemented with a tuner, stereo system and other devices.
If only a TV will be used, one or two sockets can be installed, no more. Modern models of plasma TVs are equipped with Wi-Fi, this function allows you to transmit a signal to the receiver via wireless networks.
For iron
This household appliance is extremely demanded and used in every home.As practice shows, they use it most often in the bedroom, which obliges homeowners to bring out a special outlet for it. If the bedroom is small, you should not install a separate outlet for the iron; it is enough to operate the one installed near the bedside table.
The iron is an energy-consuming electrical appliance, so you need to use points designed for heavy loads.
For other electrical appliances
This category includes heaters, vacuum cleaners. Points for such devices, as a rule, are placed at the entrance to the room. Experts advise having several general-purpose points in the room - universal sockets. It is preferable to place them at two opposite ends so that the application is as optimized as possible.
If the area of the room is small, it is enough to install one universal point. Another important point - if the installation of an air conditioner is provided in the bedroom, it is important to place a structure near it to provide power that can withstand heavy loads. This is due to the high power of all varieties of this household appliance.
Near the bedside tables
Classic bedroom designs often include small bedside tables. To optimize this space, it is recommended to install electrical points around them. The interval between the surface of the furniture and the point of electricity intake is at least 15 cm. They are placed on each side of the bed to allow lying people to use them freely.
At the dressing table
As a rule, a dressing table is installed in rooms with a large area. Visually, it is a small cabinet, additionally equipped with a mirror. Several electrical devices are stored here, for example, a hairdryer, an epilator, an iron for straightening hair, etc., as well as decorative and care cosmetics. It is important that a power source is located near the dressing table. If the number of devices is impressive, it is better to immediately install 3-4 sockets. A point is mounted above the table surface at a distance of at least 2 cm.
Sometimes this point is made universal, and it is used to launch seasonal or infrequently used devices. The main thing is to install sockets designed to work with heavy loads.
If a person works on a laptop, an outlet for him, a desk lamp and a Wi-Fi router are quite enough, but if we are talking about a stationary PC, you will additionally need another outlet for the monitor.
However, a surge protector is often used to protect expensive computer equipment from power surges. One outlet is enough for him.
The optimal height for placing sockets in the bedroom
There are no uniform standards that indicate the height of the points of electricity intake for household appliances. There are a few rules that should be followed when installing outlets:
- Practicality. All points of electricity intake should be located in such a way that a person can easily and without much effort access them. The height of the sockets above the bedside table or, for example, the dressing table does not play a special role, as well as their number. As a rule, the optimal height of the outlet above the bedside table in the bedroom ranges from 0.5 to 1 meter from the floor level.
- Safety. When installing outlets, it is tedious to give preference to products made of high-quality material that can withstand high loads. The work is carried out in accordance with all the rules for connecting electrical cables.
In order to avoid spontaneous combustion, experts advise placing the points of electricity intake a little higher above surfaces, for example, the interval between the outlet and the bed is at least 25 cm. If we are talking about a point of universal use, it is recommended to fix them at a distance of 0.5-1 meters from the floor. It is forbidden to mount electrical appliances too low, because during wet cleaning there is a possibility of moisture getting on them.
Helpful hints
Sockets are not only a necessary technical design, but also an attribute that can become a wonderful addition to the interior. Manufacturers produce a wide range of designs with cases of different decorative shapes and colors. There are built-in sockets, as well as products equipped with special covers that mask the hole. Thanks to this assortment, choosing the right option is not so difficult.
Due to the heavy loads, the wiring in the bedroom must be replaced during the construction phase. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the entire network will fail if overloaded. When installing a new cable, it is recommended to give preference to copper wires or modern material made from a mixture of aluminum and brass.
If you have no experience in performing construction work, it is better to trust the professionals. When choosing the location of electrical appliances, you can rely on domestic and European standards. Electricians prefer the latter because they combine convenience, practicality and safety.