Varieties and scope of heat-resistant wires

The influence of various negative factors can threaten the integrity and performance of electrical installation equipment. For this reason, special heat-resistant wires are installed. They have an additional insulating layer made of non-flammable material. Depending on the model, the wire will have different parameters. The choice of the best option depends on where it will be laid.

Varieties of heat-resistant wires

Heat resistant wire

Since wires can be used in different conditions, the requirements for them will also differ. Each model will have its own resistance to adverse factors and operating conditions. These features must be taken into account when choosing the optimal conductor. Popular types of conductors for connection are RKGM, PRK, PRKS, PAL and others.

The listed models tolerate high-temperature conditions well. At zero and negative temperatures, different conductors are used.


The most used heat-resistant wire is RKGM. It has the following characteristics:

  • voltage up to 660 V;
  • cutting area from 0.75 sq. mm. up to 120 sq. mm;
  • temperature range from -60 ° to + 180 ° С;
  • 1 core;
  • the minimum operating time, subject to the requirements, is 8 years;
  • inert to changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • mold resistance;
  • withstands vibration, mechanical stress, solar radiation, radiation.

The main working element of the structure is a copper stranded conductor. Has the fifth class of flexibility. The cores are covered with silicone insulation. The outer layer is fiberglass threads.

Silicone and fiberglass are resistant to temperature and moisture, are non-combustible and infusible. Multiple protective layers provide the best safety and protection. It is actively used in saunas, bathrooms, basements.


Heat-resistant wire MVV

Heat-resistant MVV wire can withstand temperatures up to + 500 ° C for a long time. It is flame retardant, but works worse at low temperatures.


  • works in power grids up to 500 W;
  • section from 1 sq. mm. up to 25 sq. mm;
  • single core;
  • operating temperatures from -60 ° to + 500 ° C.

Application - electrical appliances and powerful equipment, hot shop, baths, production facilities with the presence of chemical elements. Also used in heating components.



Heat-resistant wire with a copper core and a silicone rubber sheath is used in rooms with high humidity. These include bathrooms, saunas, steam rooms, swimming pools, production halls and other types of facilities with an unstable microclimate.

Main settings:

  • rated voltage up to 660 V;
  • section from 0.5 sq. mm. up to 2.5 sq. mm;
  • temperature regime from -60 ° to + 180 ° С;
  • single core.

Does not support combustion. No halogen braided.



High-temperature stranded wire PRKS stands for copper connecting conductor with organosilicon insulation.


  • works up to 380 V;
  • cross section from 0.75 sq. mm. up to 10 sq. mm;
  • temperatures from -60 ° to + 180 ° C. Short-term use up to 250 ° С is possible;
  • the number of lived from 2 to 5;
  • used in brewhouses, saunas and other facilities with extreme conditions.

This model is used at high temperatures with surges up to + 250 ° С. Does not emit toxic substances.The stranded wire can be used to transmit electricity up to 30 kW.



Heat Resistant Wire Marking:

  • P - wire;
  • B - application for the output ends of electrical machines;
  • KV - two-layer silicone rubber insulation.


  • voltage up to 400 V;
  • cross-sectional area from 0.5 sq. mm. up to 95 sq. mm;
  • working temperature up to 200 ° С;
  • number of lived - one or more;
  • used in single laying in rooms, mines, tunnels;
  • does not melt, does not burn;
  • resistant to surges in atmospheric pressure.

The most common area of ​​application of PVC is the connection of the output ends of electrical installations for alternating voltage of 660 V or 1140 V, as well as the outputs of the unwinding class H. It can be operated at high humidity and fire hazard.



The decoding of the wire shows that it is heat-resistant and has a silicon-based material protection. Works in power grids up to 660 V and temperatures up to +200 degrees Celsius. On sale you can find solid and stranded conductors with a cross section of up to 4 mm2.

It is actively used in places with increased fire hazard. Can be installed in baths, saunas, hot shops, in production. Withstands temperatures up to 180 ° C.

Properties of heat-resistant cables

The structure of the heat-resistant wire

Heat-resistant products have improved protection compared to classic conductors. This has led to the fact that the service life of such electrical installation devices is significantly increased. The cable can be covered with such types of protection that will allow it to be installed even in places with a high risk of bacterial or chemical damage. The protective layer is resistant to the formation of fungus, mold and other crops on the surface of the cable.

The cable tolerates high temperatures better. In cold weather, the protective coating may crack, making the conductor unsuitable for further use.

When buying a device, you need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics in advance so as not to be mistaken in the operating conditions of a particular model.

Scope of use

The use of heat-resistant wire in the wiring of the bath

Heat-resistant stranded wire is intended for use in such operating conditions when an ordinary conductor cannot be mounted. A heat-resistant wire is selected depending on the intensity of external factors.

The main areas of application of heat-resistant wires are:

  • Installation of electrical wiring indoors, especially in buildings with a high risk of fire hazard.
  • Laying cables outside. Here, environmental factors will act on the conductor - weather conditions, precipitation, direct sunlight.
  • Winding of electrical installations and AC machines.
  • Installation of wires for high temperatures in an environment with chemicals or germicidal threats, as well as the risk of mold fungi.
  • Installation in objects in which there are sharp temperature jumps.

A braided or sealed thermal conduit can be used to connect components of electric stoves, electric ovens. It is also possible to install an additional conduit for the wire to protect it from damage or contamination.

Popular mistakes in choosing a cable are the wrong cross-section and the purchase of products in the wrong temperature range. For this reason, it is important to think in advance where the cable will be laid and measure the required values.
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