The Gas Connection Regulations and Law 1314 concern the gasification of individual houses with plots of land. The owners of such buildings should study in advance the procedure for connecting to the general network, the rules for submitting an application, privileges for applicants of the first group, as well as other nuances, including the time frame for issuing standard technical conditions and the amount of payment.
Technological connection procedure
Rules 1314 concerning connection to gas are regulated by the Decree of the Government of Russia dated December 30, 2013, as well as the Federal Law on Gasification, which contains the main provisions of an organizational, economic and legal nature. Before legislation came into force, residents of private buildings had to wait for connection to the public network for several years. The terms have now changed as the updated rules clearly state the timing. The gas distribution company must provide technical specifications no later than two weeks after the application is filed, the pipeline is laid within two years.
The cost of the procedure has decreased and now its size ranges from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles instead of 10,000-70000, provided that the distance from the building to the highway does not exceed 200 meters. If this distance is greater, the residents of the cooperative or dacha village will need to create a public organization in order to achieve the summing up of the highway at the expense of public funds. Now you need to connect, observing the regulations and the strict order specified in the updated rules.
Content of the request for the issuance of technical conditions
Technical connection to gas networks is carried out upon request; in order to submit an application, it is necessary to collect a complete set of documents intended for individuals. This list includes:
- a statement written according to the rules;
- a copy of the certificate confirming registration with the Federal Tax Service;
- photocopies of all land documents along with a plan of its location;
- territory planning document;
- power of attorney if the application is not submitted by the owner of the land.
Before submitting an appeal, it is advisable to fully study all technical conditions for standard connection to gas supply networks in order to avoid possible problems.
Gasification rules
Taking into account decree 1314, the rules for gasification oblige the gas fuel distribution companies to lay a gas pipeline to the limits of the owner's site and complete a set of all procedures related to tapping into the existing distribution area. The price should include all design work, costs of materials and equipment with instruments.
According to Federal Law 1413 on gas supply, pipes can be laid, boilers, columns and stoves can be connected by employees of a local organization or specialists from a private installation company.
First group applicants for gas connection
It is first necessary to connect the gas to applicants of the first group or category, which includes the owners of cottages and residential buildings, public buildings and non-production enterprises for consumer services, including shops and cafes. It also includes consumers whose maximum gas consumption per hour does not exceed 5-15 cubic meters. The connection cost for such applicants will be minimal within the limits of the amounts specified in the rules.
Order 1314 on standard gasification also contains information on the connection times, which should not exceed 12 months if the distance from the site boundaries to the connection point is less than 40 meters. These rules do not apply to exceptional cases when payment is set individually, taking into account the characteristics of the land and other nuances. Also, they will not apply if applicants are subject to the terms of the investment program that provides for different terms.
The second group of applicants includes industrial and agricultural enterprises, consumer services companies and boiler houses. In the third - large objects of various fields of activity.
Terms of issuance of technical specifications for gasification
Building owners need to know what a conventional technological connection to gas networks is and study the new changes that began to be implemented after 2018. The terms for issuing technical specifications and projects under contracts for connection concluded between the contractor and the applicant are 15 days. If the connection to the gas pipeline does not require the construction of a separate network that needs to be extended to a specific site, the project is issued within 5 working days.
The payment for the approved procedure also takes place in the shortest possible time, the whole process takes 22 working days. When it comes only to the actual connection, it will last from 12 to 3 months if the gas distribution network already exists and meets all the necessary requirements. In some situations, these terms can be reduced to 10 working days.
Network connection fees
The government decree on gas supply primarily regulates the payment for the procedure for connecting to the public network. A fixed fee must be paid by applicants whose parcels meet the standard requirements. In such a situation, the amount will not exceed 50 thousand rubles, if you just need to connect to the distributor and install home equipment. Owners of private buildings should remember that, under the new rules, gas service specialists simply bring the pipe to the established limit of the plot of land.
Further, the owner of the land or object will decide for himself how to conduct gas through his territory. In any case, the indicated cost includes the construction of the gas pipeline, the procedure for its insertion and acceptance, as well as the launch of gas and testing of additional connected devices. For owners of properties of the second and third categories, the standard prices for connection to the networks established by the Committee on Tariffs and Costs are used.