Gasification of a residential building allows you to make living in it comfortable and healthy. In addition, the use of blue fuel makes it possible to save on heating and heating water for household needs. The first step in connecting communications is to obtain technical specifications for gas supply. This document confirms the consent and readiness of the supplier to connect the real estate to the existing networks. You can get a technical specification for gas for a house or building that is in the construction phase.
What are gas specifications and where to apply for them
The technical conditions for gas are a package of papers, in accordance with which the management company conducts the laying of the pipeline, the connection of consumers and the registration of the subscriber.
TU contain the following information:
- estimated volume of fuel consumption;
- place of tie-in into the highway;
- building plan;
- pipeline diagram;
- the location of the meter and fuel consumers;
- signatures and seals of interested bodies.
To connect to the network, you must apply for a gas supply specification.
It is possible to draw up permits on your own, but not one installation company will accept them for execution. Preparation of documentation is the prerogative of licensed organizations.
To get a technical specification for connecting gas, you should contact the servicing city, district or regional office. As a rule, these organizations carry out work on the design and installation of equipment. This option is correct in all respects, but the process of going through the chain of command can take years.
It is advisable to contact an intermediary firm whose employees have access to management companies. The intermediary will prepare and agree on documents for a moderate surcharge, quickly and efficiently carry out the installation and registration of equipment.
Standard list of documents
The initial stage of obtaining technical specifications for connection to gas supply networks is the collection of the necessary papers. Copies should be made in advance to avoid wasting time during the filing process.
List of documents for obtaining technical specifications for gas:
- statement;
- certificate of ownership of the site;
- land plan with reference to the locality;
- identification;
- floor plan of the house;
- calculation of fuel consumption;
- passports for gas appliances and equipment.
If his attorney acts on behalf of the owner, he must present a general power of attorney.
Terms of obtaining technical specifications
The management company is given 3 working days to consider and make a decision on the application of the applicant. At the end of this period, a positive answer is given or documents with motivation for refusal are returned to the owner of the property.
In the absence of legal obstacles, 14 days are given for registration of technical conditions. All the necessary package of documents is being prepared with the application of the need for building materials, an estimate of the installation is drawn up.
The term of validity of technical conditions for gasification is 70 days. After that, they are canceled. Based on this, you need to connect the house to communications immediately after obtaining permission.
There are certain nuances due to which the development and issuance of technical specifications for gas supply may be delayed indefinitely. The pipeline route can pass through private areas, security zones, federal highways. Obtaining permission to cross these places can be very difficult.
Consent of the main subscriber to connect
To connect a house to a gas network owned by a legal entity, you must obtain its written consent, certified by the established procedure. The owner can be individual entrepreneurs, various firms and partnerships.
The form of the agreement can be arbitrary or pre-developed, if such cases occur frequently enough. The contract specifies the passport details of the parties, their addresses, the name and location of the object. If the service is paid (and this is the right of the main subscriber), the amount is indicated, a fiscal receipt or a receipt for cash receipt is attached to the paper.
When a pipe is laid through the sites of neighbors, it is necessary to coordinate this issue with them. The paper should indicate the ability to gain access for inspection, repair and modification.
Technological connection stages
After receiving the technical specifications for gas, the owner of the property can start construction. For this, an agreement is drawn up with an organization licensed to carry out gas works. If the laying is carried out independently or by the forces of hired workers, the gas office will not register such equipment.
The sequence of technological connection of the gas pipeline to the house:
- Installation of equipment (consumers) in accordance with the project. Checking their completeness and stability. Ventilation system testing.
- Arrangement of piping, fastening and connection of heating radiators.
- Digging a pit or installing supports if an above-ground pipeline is chosen.
- Laying a gas pipeline, bringing it into the building and connecting it to internal communications. Backfilling of the trench, installation of signs indicating the security zone.
- Installation of a solenoid valve, installation of a power supply and signaling unit.
- Preparation of a place for tapping into the pipeline, connecting pipes.
- Start-up of gas, check of the structure operability, adjustment and calibration of devices.
- Counter sealing.
The final stage is the act of putting the object into operation. The document indicates the meter readings and the date of its scheduled check.
Gasification of the house
The regulation on gasification of private houses is spelled out in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1314. The document contains all the details of the legal registration of the agreement between the supplier and the consumer of services, the technical aspects of laying the gas pipeline.
Practical and legal aspects of the supplier's responsibilities:
- Checking the compliance of the work performed with the manufactured specifications.
- Control of the absence of the possibility of outside interference in the meter.
- Conclusion of a contract for the supply of gas to the consumer.
- Conducting briefing on the rules for using equipment, metering and control devices, the procedure for detecting a malfunction or gas leak.
- Clarification of responsibility for unauthorized changes in the layout of the gas pipeline, obstruction of the representatives of the management company in access to the equipment, untimely payment for the services provided.
The owner is responsible for compliance with the rules for using gas appliances, their regular maintenance, timely restoration of the protective coating, and maintenance of the protective zone regime.