Biologicals for cleaning the cesspool

The disadvantage of a private house is the lack of a centralized sewerage system. The owners have to build cesspools. While operating the pit, it becomes necessary to periodically clean it of its contents in order to avoid spilling and spreading fetid odors in the area.

For labor-intensive work, special biological products are produced. The use of sewage cleaning products makes work much easier.

The preparations contain bacteria, which, when they enter the habitat, begin to process solid masses. The end result is an odorless liquid with sediment - an environmentally friendly plant fertilizer. Biologics are produced in two types, depending on the bacteria - aerobic and anaerobic.

Anaerobic biologics

Anaerobic - microorganisms capable of receiving energy for their life without oxygen. This means that cleaning agents containing these bacteria are suitable for closed pit latrines.

Microorganisms feeding on sewage waste in a short time turn the masses into a solid mineral sediment, into a clarified liquid and fat, which forms a film on the surface. Organisms are not artificially bred, they are part of our nature. They exist in silt, swamps, soil at great depths without oxygen. They are safe for humans.

There are several rules that should not be violated when using anaerobic biologics.

  • For the functioning of vital functions, anaerobic bacteria need a liquid medium. 2/3 of the container must be filled with liquid.
  • Do not allow an increase in the amount of solid sediment of the critical mark (bacteria will die).

The cleansing process is divided into two stages.

The first stage is sour fermentation with a strong odor. A gray sludge is being formed. The release of gas bubbles can be observed. Gases fill the entire volume of the pit, displacing oxygen. An environment is created for anaerobic microorganisms.

In the second stage, the sewage masses undergo alkaline decomposition. Purification is odorless, the sludge becomes black. The use of biological products allows waste masses to decompose faster into solid sediment and liquid.

The advantages of cleaning with preparations containing anaerobes:

  • Safe.
  • Economical. Not much biomass required.
  • Effective mineralization of organic matter.


  • Strict adherence to the rules (temperature regime, pH indicators, regular removal of solid precipitation).
  • The final sludge cannot be used to fertilize the soil.

Aerobic Biologicals

Microorganisms that need oxygen to live. Aerobes are actively involved in the circulation of substances, having special enzymes that ensure the decomposition of biomasses.

Aerobic bacteria cope better with cleaning, but forced ventilation (additional air access) is necessary for their reproduction. The purified waste mass is suitable for fertilizing and watering plants.

Microorganisms are killed if chemical detergents and antibiotics enter the waste container.

Perceptible dignity is a high degree of purification. The impurities dissolved in water, which remain after mechanical and anaerobic cleaning, are processed.


  • Energy consuming investment. Additionally, build in an oxygen supply system.
  • Do not allow chemicals to enter the wastewater.

Packaging release form

Bioactivators are available in liquid, powder and tablet form.

Liquid form - concentrate.Economical packaging, one liter is enough for two tons of waste. Organisms in solution are alive, they begin to act as soon as they enter the habitat.

Powdered type are more common with aerobic bacteria. Bacterial microorganisms are in a dormant state, come to life in a humid environment. Dilute with water before use. Has a long shelf life.

Pills... Convenient in application and dosage compliance in summer cottages. After cleaning in tablets, the contents of the cesspool turns into an odorless liquid, and the sediment with the remaining bacteria is used to fertilize the plants.

There are no definite criteria in which form to choose a remedy. The focus is on personal perception.

Popular biological products


A mixture of microorganisms. It is a dry powder with a characteristic scent of damp earth.

Purpose. For cleaning and maintaining cesspools.

Decomposes solid masses, feces, fats, cellulose with the formation of carbon dioxide and oxygen.

Liquefaction of solid waste occurs within two days.

The pit volume is reduced by 10% in one month. Destroys odors.


Does not corrode metal.

The final product of purification is used as soil fertilizer.

Suitable for country toilets. Powder consumption 250-500 gr. for 1-2 seasons.

Active up to a temperature of +2 degrees. It endures frost in a sleeping state.


Before adding the powder to the pit, pre-pour 1-3 buckets with warm water. Cleaning period 1-2 months. Detergent chemicals do not kill bacteria, they only reduce its effectiveness. Stored for 2 years in a dry place, at a temperature of +10 to +30 degrees. Manufactured in Russia.


Bioactivator that accelerates wastewater treatment. The certified product is produced by an American company. Strong powder copes with technical fats, phenols.

Before use, dissolve the contents of the package in water and pour into a sump. It is required to add water to the sewer tank.

One sachet cleans 1000 liters of waste water.

Liquefies waste masses, fossils.


A complex of natural microorganisms, enzymes and nutrients. Available in powders and liquids. Suitable for small pits up to 1 m³.

For 1-2 m³ of waste, you need 200 gr. cleanser.

After the initial application, add 50-100 g every month.

A certain amount of water is needed to activate bacteria.

Used for starting up after the winter period.

Does not destroy pipes and tank walls.

Treated sediments are environmentally friendly and can be used as fertilizer.

Eliminates unpleasant odors.

Shelf life 2 years in a dark place inaccessible to children.

Do not inhale, wash hands with soap and water after work.


A new generation drug.

Available in tablets, granules and in liquid form. Removes unpleasant odors, quickly decomposes sewage, kills pathogenic microbes. The cleaned masses are used to fertilize the soil. Recommended for small pits.

Consumption: one tablet per 1000 liters of waste.


Brown powder with yeast odor.

Eliminates odors, improves drainage.

Safe for the environment.

The masses are processed into liquid and sludge.

Required Рh from 5 to 8.5, air temperature from +4 to +40 degrees.

Application. Pour the powder into 4-6 liters of water, mix, let it swell, pour it into the pit. The package contains a measuring spoon with a capacity of 10 grams.

Consumption. For a country toilet, 2-3 m³ consume 5 spoons. Add 2 scoops monthly.

With the constant use of Sanex, sewage pipes, walls of cesspools are cleared of fat deposits.

The considered biological products are a necessary tool for cleansing cesspools. Knowing the characteristics, it is easy to choose the right drug for each type of sewage waste.

  • Microzyme - Recommended for use in cesspools where detergents are present.
  • Robik - Powerful agent, dissolves fossils. Suitable for problematic cesspools. Handles technical oils.
  • Biofors - An excellent tool for summer cottages for waste.
  • Saneks - Cleans pipes well. Recommended for use in houses with sewerage, with access to a cesspool, the contents turn into liquid. Can be used for watering. Safe.
  • Micropan - The newest, environmentally friendly product. Convenient to use in summer cottages. Converts paper, faeces into liquid and sludge suitable for watering plants. The toilet is odorless. Reduces the amount of waste masses (no pumping required).
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