How to break down fat in a sewer pit

Silting of the sewer leads to a narrowing of the internal lumen of the pipes. As a result, the drains move to the final receiver more slowly, forming plugs, stagnation. In order to overcome silt from fat and pieces of food debris on the inner walls of the communication, you can use the "Mole" to clean the sewer pipe. But besides this method, there are other methods of dealing with the problem.

The Importance of Clearing Sewers from Accumulated Fat

Dense food runoff often ends up in the sewer through the kitchen pipe. Fat from a dirty frying pan, broths, soup leftovers and other similar waste go into the sink. It is especially bad if such drains are discharged into the pipeline while still hot. When faced with the cool temperature of plastic or cast iron and cold water, the fat thickens, slows down and settles on the pipe walls.

The situation is aggravated by pieces of food that end up in the sewer. They attach to the sticky fatty film and thus build up a build-up. It is like a coral that grows more and more.

As a result of such formations, the following problems arise:

  • partial or complete blockage of the pipe;
  • slowing down the outflow of dirty water;
  • multiplication of bacteria in the collector;
  • a strong, offensive odor from the sink or bathtub.

The most common places for the location of fat plugs are the kitchen pipe section and the walls of the sewer pit, which takes in drains with the remains of soup / borscht flushed down the toilet. Here, sweat particles accumulate, which are washed off the body by the shower.

Methods for cleaning sewer pipes

Plumbing cable

There are several popular ways to deal with grease sludge in pipes. Moreover, you can use them without the help of professionals. The simplest of these is wire rope cleaning.


This method is the most radical, but at the same time it removes all growths on the walls of the pipes to the very septic tank / pit. If chemicals or a plunger work locally on the first 15-25 cm of the collector from the sink / bath / toilet drain, then the cable can be pulled to the receiver.

They act in this way:

  1. Take a long plumbing cable. Its length should be enough for 10-15 meters of the collector.
  2. A special rounded ruff is put on the cable.
  3. The work is carried out together. The first master constantly rotates the cable, and the second continuously moves it forward. You need to clean the collector by this method until you exit into the pit.
  4. If the steel fixture rests against the cork, you need to make rotational movements back and forth. This will allow you to break through the plug and move forward.
  5. At the end of the work, the entire collector is flushed with plenty of hot water to remove residual grease from its walls.

This method helps not only to break through the fat in the sewer pipe, but also to remove the formed sludge on the walls. But here you need to be careful: it is strictly forbidden to use a split steel cable or a pointed metal ruff. They scratch the inner smooth surface of the plastic pipes.

Hot water and soda

Soda and hot water will remove small blockages

If there is a suspicion of sludge formation in the pipeline (water leaves more slowly), you can try flushing the sewer pipes from grease using hot water. To do this, pour half a glass of baking soda into the drain of the bathtub and sink. It is important to try to pour it into dry plumbing fixtures. So the soda will fall to the very overflow.Then 1 liter of very hot water (70-80 degrees) is poured here and the plums are closed. A reaction will start inside the collector that will break down the fat.

After about 10-15 minutes, you should turn on hot water (60-70 degrees) and thoroughly flush the pipeline for 20 minutes. High temperatures help dissolve the fat film and transport it to the drain pit.


There are chemical agents for cleaning sewer pipes from grease in a house or apartment. Most often in Russia they use the "Krot" cleaning compound. You can also use the usual "Domestos" or "Tiret Turbo". The Mole components are potassium and sodium hydroxide. "Tiret" and "Domestos" contain surfactants and 10% chlorine bleach.

They act in the following sequence:

  1. The selected product in the amount of 0.5 cups (or 1 sachet if it is "Mole") is poured / poured into the sink / bath drain.
  2. About 1 liter of very hot water is also sent here. Within an hour, the chemical will work against the fat.
  3. Then all that remains is to flush the pipes with a large amount of hot, clean liquid.

This method does not work against deep and thick deposits.

Sewer pit cleaning

If in a private house there is a receiver without a bottom - just a hole in the ground - you need to deal with the fat carefully. Various chemicals such as caustic soda and the like can seriously harm the soil and groundwater. They will overpower the fat, but then seep further into the soil. In leaky receptacles, it is better to use bacterial preparations. They perfectly decompose feces, fat, food waste. However, biological preparations do not work in an aggressive environment, and powder water, detergents and cleaning agents are equally discharged into the sewer of a private house.

There is only one way out - using a sludge pump, or digging a hole and forming a new one, this time sealed.

Caustic can be used to break down fat in a sealed sewer pit, but very carefully. He mercilessly burns any living tissue, so you need to work in protective gloves and a mask. According to the instructions, caustics are diluted with 8-10 liters of water before use. Stir the mixture well until the soda granules dissolve. For 1 m3 of the pit, they take 0.5-0.7 kg of funds. The liquid is poured into the receiver and wait 4-5 minutes. Then the drains can be pumped out with a vacuum cleaner.

Prevention of fat accumulation in the sewer

In order not to resort to the use of aggressive chemicals and not to use heavy artillery in the form of a plumbing cable, it is better to install a grease trap for preventive purposes. Such a device allows you to effectively remove fat from the water before it enters the pit. As a result, the sewerage system will be insured against the formation of dense growths.

The grease trap works in two stages:

  • in the first section, it cleans wastewater from food and other debris;
  • in the second compartment removes fat from the water.

If you don't want to install the device, it is advisable to thoroughly rinse the sewer pipes with hot water as a preventive measure every 2-3 months. The liquid temperature is about 60-70 degrees. Flushing time - at least 15-20 minutes. You can also help with a plunger. If the device is used in a bath, the overflow must be closed, otherwise the efficiency from using the plunger will be low due to pressure drops in the system.

Try to avoid getting personal hygiene items, rags, paper, food waste into the collector.
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