Most often, water begins to flow out of the cesspool when it becomes silted. Insoluble waste ends up in drains. As a result, they settle to the bottom of the pit. When a large layer is collected, it turns into a thick crust. She becomes the reason why the outflow of water stops.
Another reason is pollution. This problem mainly affects hull structures with holes in the walls. Fat, soap and solid deposits clog them, the water does not leave and the pit overflows.
Rapid temperature changes also cause problems. In this case, an ice crust appears on the surface. Then new waste is deposited on the surface. As a result, it seems that the pit is filled to the limit, since the liquid does not come out of it. Another danger is the freezing of the bottom. Runoff does not go into the ground as it should.
There may be other reasons as well.
- Small volume. Overflow occurs because either the pit volume was calculated incorrectly, or the amount of waste has increased dramatically.
- Raising the level of groundwater. In this case, after heavy rains or when snow melts in spring, a large amount of liquid gets into the pit. This leads to overflow, even if there is minimal or no drainage.
- Too clay soil. Such soil is not suitable for placing cesspools: water is absorbed into it very poorly, which leads to overflow.
If a septic tank is used in the cesspool, then the reason for its overflow may be an insufficient amount of it or the collection of chemical waste that destroys microorganisms. The number of bacteria decreases for a number of reasons:
- there is a high concentration of alkali, chlorine, acids in the effluents, which get into the cesspool when the residues of household chemicals are discharged;
- fresh drains do not enter the container, so the microorganisms do not have enough food;
- the tank is poorly insulated, the temperature drops below +4 degrees: in such conditions, bacteria do not survive.
A sign that microorganisms cannot completely clean the tank is thick drains without separation into fractions.
Methods to Remediate Bad Churn
The easiest way is to call for the help of sewers. They will clean the pit with special equipment, wash off the formed layers. It is preliminarily recommended to prepare a barrel of water at the edge of the pit, so that after cleaning it, immediately pour the liquid into the tank and pump it out again.
If the water has ceased to be absorbed due to silting, then the resulting crust will have to be washed away. In this case, proceed as follows:
- pumping liquid out of the pit;
- the silt formed at the bottom is washed away by the strong pressure of water;
- then brushes clean the bottom of the pit and its walls;
- the reservoir is washed again, washed out sludge is pumped out.
If a large crust has grown, then you can use special preparations based on bacteria that soften the accumulation of sludge. But in this case there is a limitation: such chemicals are used at temperatures above 0 degrees with high humidity.
The fight against freezing of the sewer begins with high-quality insulation of its elements. In this case, they start with the pipeline. In addition to insulation, you can run an electric cable along the pipe. And in the pit itself it is necessary to warm up the accumulated drains. To do this, hot water is poured into the container and a metal rod is inserted so that it comes out to the surface. The rod is driven through the silt in the corner of the pit into the frozen soil. Next, an electric wire is applied to it and the power supply is turned on. So in about a day, you can warm up a pit with a volume of 2-3 cubic meters.
When only the surface of the liquid freezes, then I do the following:
- drilling several holes in the ice crust so as to gain access to the liquid;
- the ice crust is destroyed by steam;
- drains are pumped out;
- hot water is poured into the tank.
After all the ice has melted and the temperature of the water in the container is below 30 degrees, special biological preparations are poured so that bacteria fermentation begins.
If the pit is too small for the amount of drains that enter it, then it will have to be increased. The easiest way is to form a second reservoir in close proximity to the main one. Then both containers are connected with an overflow pipe. In the new pit, the bottom is made draining, and in the old one, it is concreted. As a result, sewage is purified, which causes significantly less harm to the environment than using a simple cesspool with a natural outflow.
When silting a hole with a sealed bottom, an additional amount of bacteria grown artificially is introduced. The stores sell several types of such drugs that are suitable for cesspools. After the septic tank has been restored to its proper working capacity, biological preparations are introduced into it on a regular basis.
Preventive measures to avoid the problem
To prevent problems with emptying the cesspool from interfering with a comfortable life, preventive measures must be taken.
- When the sump is emptied of liquid naturally, it is important to ensure that no fat gets into it. In particular, it is formed when food waste gets into the sewer pit.
- There is no need to wait until the silt clogs the cesspool and water stops leaving it. It is recommended to wash as described above at least once a year, and preferably once every six months. It is also good to include chemical or bacterial preparations. The chemicals actively attack and destroy faecal sludge and grease. Biological products also have a good effect on fat and sludge and decompose them into water and compost. However, they lose their effectiveness if the effluent contains impurities from household chemicals. Therefore, when choosing a bacterial preparation, it is better to take a special one, which is designed specifically for cesspools.
- The sewage is pumped out regularly, without waiting until they begin to flow out. This is especially important for sewers that are preserved for the winter.
- When forming a pit, the peculiarities of the local climate are taken into account, in particular, the depth of freezing of the earth. If the tank approaches this mark, then it is insulated in advance.
- When it was not possible to timely insulate the sewage system, a fire is made around it in cold weather to warm up the soil. A layer of expanded clay is placed on hot coals. After the fire goes out, they carry out insulation with foam. To do this, it is laid along the entire perimeter of the cesspool in two layers. Moreover, the width of the blind area is made equal to the depth of the container.
Having carried out the indicated preventive measures, it will be possible to avoid problems with the overflow of the cesspool.