Every respectable citizen pays monthly utilities, including the payment for water disposal. To avoid problems, you need to independently learn how to make calculations and figure out what is included in the cost of the service.
Wastewater disposal in utility bills and sewerage law
In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011, No. 354, the concept of wastewater disposal and its features are described in detail. The interpretation of the term is as follows - a set of measures aimed at removing household waste, wastewater from residential premises using a centralized main sewer network.
All consumers of communal resources can receive the service. The issues of water disposal of used water resources are regulated by the state, and also amends regulations and establishes rules. It is regulated by a number of regulations:
- Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, the content of which mentions the services provided by housing and communal services.
- Regional regulations and regulations on the basis of which the amount payable is calculated.
- Local changes and amendments to all structures and organizations that are related to wastewater disposal.
- Recommendations and regulations adopted by local governments.
A clear list of utilities that are subject to mandatory monthly payment by tenants is presented in Article 154 of the RF LC. It also describes what abbreviations utilities use to refer to certain services.
What is included in the payment amount in an apartment building
Many consumers mistakenly assume that sewerage means only sewerage, that is, waste disposal. However, in reality, this concept is somewhat broader and covers more than one procedure:
- Wastewater disposal used for technical purposes.
- Discharge of used hot and cold water for household and food purposes.
- Disposal of liquid waste.
- Filtration of waste water from pollution and debris.
- Transportation of household waste to treatment facilities.
Each event has its own characteristics. For tenants, it is considered most profitable to install personal meters in the room.
Tariffs and calculation of wastewater disposal in an apartment building
The tariff for wastewater disposal is set taking into account various parameters. There is no single tariff in Russia, each region has its own values. To calculate the amount of payment for sanitation, the following parameters are taken into account:
- Payment of wages to the employees of the water utility.
- Weather and climatic conditions of the region.
- Remuneration for the work of emergency specialists and formed teams that maintain the optimal condition and uninterrupted operation of the backbone networks. A separate fee is charged for the section of the water supply system that needs to be repaired.
- The current state of the sewer mains.
- The number of users of the provided housing and communal services.
- Evaluation of the operability of central water supply and sewerage networks.
- The number, capacity of pumping stations, as well as their distance from the places of final consumption.
- Distance of drains and water pumping.
Taking into account these criteria, the tariff scale in different regions differs significantly. For example, in Krasnoyarsk, the tariff for March 2019 is 9.42 rubles / cubic meter, in Rostov-on-Don, the value reaches 24.26 rubles / cubic meter, and in Surgut, tariffs of 25.44 rubles / cubic meter are valid. .m.
It is also worth familiarizing yourself with the 3 main methods for calculating drainage:
- on general standards;
- in each apartment or country house, individual accounting devices are installed, according to which the volume of consumed natural resources is determined;
- consumption is determined based on the indicators of the general house meter.
An example of calculating water disposal by meters:
- The data of the measuring devices are compared. For example, last month the readings were 30, and the current 60.
- The volume of cold and hot water consumed is calculated: 60-30 = 30 cubic meters.
- Calculation of the amount of water disposal by multiplying by the regional tariff plan: 30 * 9.42 = 282.6 rubles.
As an example, the tariff rate of the city of Krasnoyarsk was considered. There is no need to describe in detail the calculation algorithm in the receipt, it is enough to indicate the amount and the difference in readings between the last and the current month.
Cases of obvious overspending of the water resource are also common. The situation is unpleasant, since it negatively affects the family budget. The reasons for this may be:
- Leakage in riser water pipes.
- "Bad neighbors" refuse to present a reliable amount of spent water resources.
- An unknown number of persons who are not registered at a specific address, but in fact live. It follows that they use the services, but they do not pay for them.
According to the legislative normative act of the local government, tariffs change every year. As a rule, consumers are warned about the rise in price in advance, but it is better to follow the changes yourself.
Orientation by receipts
There is no difficulty in calculating the amount to be paid if there is a metering device in the apartment or a common meter for the whole house. It is enough to know the general calculation formula and substitute the data shown on the metering instrument panel. If there are no meters, regional codes are used. In such cases, there is no need to calculate costs, all information is displayed in the receipt.
The law states that changing the abbreviation is punishable by law, it must comply with the current recommendations. Many homeowners often have questions about what is cold water supply and hot water supply. The first is cold water supply, and the second is hot. Also, the term HVS DPU can be used in payment documents. This means that the calculation of the consumed volume of cold water is based on the general house meter. If the receipt says HVS KPU, then this confirms the presence in each apartment of its own metering device, on the basis of which the amount is calculated.
Household needs are also deducted from the readings of general metering devices, for example, cleaning of adjoining territories and entrances. If there are no common devices, but individual ones are installed in each apartment, the abbreviations GV IPU and HVS IPU will be reflected in the receipt.
If there are controversial points or questions, you need to apply for detailed advice directly to the management company. Tenants and property owners must pay utility bills no later than the 10th of the current month.