Features of the use of chemicals for cleaning a cesspool in a private house

Cesspools are equipped when arranging a sewerage system in the country or in a small-sized private house. The construction of a treatment plant does not require much time, effort and finance. But the cesspool must be systematically cleaned. The easiest way is to call the sewer equipment for pumping out. But it so happens that there is no opportunity to drive to the toilet. It is difficult to pump out sewage with a pump yourself; they need to be drained somewhere without contaminating the earth. In addition, sludge settles on the walls of the sewer tank. They solve the problem by means of chemical and biological products, as well as folk remedies that allow you to clean the sewer pit in a private house quickly and without pumping out.

How to understand that it's time to clean the cesspool

The sump should not be allowed to fill more than 2/3

A mixture of excrement, food waste and household chemicals can harm the health of the inhabitants of the house if a toxic substance enters the ground. Overfilling the pit with waste products leads to the formation of poisonous gases. They cause not only stench, but also poisoning. It is important to clean the structure in a timely manner.

Signs that it is time to clean the cesspool:

  • the appearance of a stench;
  • accumulation of silt at the bottom;
  • swarms of flies over the drain hole;
  • slow drainage of water in plumbing fixtures supplied to the cesspool.

On average, a leaky pit with a volume of 1.5–2 cubic meters can be used without cleaning for up to ten years. However, over time, the bandwidth decreases. It is easier to eliminate a small amount once a year than to remove a large amount after a decade. In addition, it is prohibited to use cesspools without a bottom.

How to clean a cesspool without pumping out

Nitrate oxidants are environmentally friendly

If it is not possible to call the sewer truck, you can choose other methods to clean the cesspool.

Chemical Compositions

Decompose waste and remove disgusting odors. Use only approved formulations. Formaldehyde and quicklime are prohibited because they pose a threat to the environment and harm the health of the inhabitants of the house.

The following compositions are suitable for cleansing the pit:

  • Ammonium compounds. They are inexpensive, but the discharge of clarified water into the soil is impossible. We'll have to call specialists for disposal. If the waste liquid contains impurities from household chemicals, the efficiency decreases. It is not recommended to use it in cesspools with metal elements due to the risk of their destruction.
  • Nitrate (nitrogen) oxidants. Harmless but expensive. In composition, they are similar to nitrogen fertilizers. Not susceptible to household chemicals in sewage. In addition to the decomposition of biological impurities, an unpleasant odor is removed.
  • Acidic cleaners. By the principle of action, they are similar to nitrogen compounds. Suitable for dissolving sludge, suspended solids and neutralizing harmful bacteria. It is not permissible to use it in structures with plastic walls and in open cesspools.

If the problem is not in an overflowing pit, but in clogged sewer lines, use caustic soda.

Chemical compositions are not afraid of frost and sudden temperature changes. They are released in the form of tablets, liquids, granules and powder. The latter are dissolved in water before use and poured into the sewer. Tablets and liquids are immediately sent to the cesspool, which is convenient in country toilets.

Bioactive drugs

Biologics work only at positive temperatures

The processing of sewage sewage is due to the vital activity of microorganisms: aerobic and anaerobic. They are able to decompose organic matter and turn sewage into a cloudy, odorless liquid. At the same time, the amount of feces is reduced by half. Bacteria are also used to sanitize pits that have not yet been filled.

Aerobic purifiers need an influx of free oxygen for life, anaerobic ones do not need it. This allows them to be placed in sealed containers. The frequency of cleaning cesspools with sewage equipment when using bioorganisms is significantly reduced.

Advantages of biological products:

  • efficient processing of fats, solid organic waste, feces;
  • safety for people, animals, plants;
  • no impact on the materials from which the cesspool is created;
  • the possibility of restoring drainage and improving the throughput of the sump device with a filter at the bottom.

The disadvantage is that the colonies of microorganisms must be constantly updated, and this is not cheap. In addition, bacteria die at sub-zero temperatures and contact with chemicals. Waste liquid with chemical impurities must not be drained into the cesspool.

Bioactive agents are available in the form of tablets, granules, liquids and powders. Some can be sent directly to the cesspool, others require preliminary dilution with water. This point is necessarily emphasized in the application guide.

The activity of bacteria is activated two hours after they are placed in the pit. The stench disappears four hours later. Biologicals only work at temperatures between 4 and 30 degrees Celsius.

Traditional methods

Wood chips absorb liquid. You need to remove them manually.

You can clean the cesspool with folk remedies, the material basis for them is present at each site. These include:

  • sawdust (preferably from coniferous trees);
  • peat;
  • nettle;
  • tomato tops;
  • mint leaves and basil.

Sawdust and peat absorb the contents. The cesspool dehydrates, the disgusting smell disappears. The downside is that such products do not dissolve and must be removed manually. But if you put the substance in a compost pit, after a season you will get an excellent fertilizer.

You cannot clean the pit with herbal remedies, but it is possible to remove the disgusting smell. Herbs contain substances that kill microorganisms, the vital activity of which causes a stench.

Sewage pits are also cleaned mechanically by means of a pump or even scooping with a bucket. This unpleasant job is done every year: a lot of manual work is difficult. After the rake is washed with water from a hose to slow down the process of the appearance of stony growths on the walls.

How to reduce the number of sump cleanings

When erecting a cesspool, you should correctly calculate its volume. The larger it is, the longer the interval for pumping out the sewage. For a family of three, a hole is dug at the rate of at least two cubic meters of liquid waste.

The increase in volume is possible by converting the cesspool into a septic tank with an overflow. An extension of another well will be required - with a filter at the bottom or sealed (depending on the type of the main cesspool).

The problem may not be just volume. Overflow also causes excess fluid. Methods for dewatering a simple cesspool depends on the reason for its filling:

  • Violation of throughput due to silting of the bottom. You need mechanical cleaning or regular use of biological products.
  • Freezing of effluents in winter with subsequent thawing. Correct thermal insulation of the line will be required.
  • Location of a pit without a bottom in an area with high groundwater. We'll have to replace the cesspool with a sealed container.

If there are no structural problems, but it is necessary to reduce the volume of liquid in the cesspool, use sawdust and peat.

The longer the cleaning of the sump is delayed, the more toxic gases are generated. It can be harmful to health. Therefore, cleaning activities should be carried out regularly.

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