How to remove siltation of a cesspool

Probably, one day or another, any owner of an individual water supply and sewerage system encounters such a problem. At some point, the sump is silting up. This means that the pit fills up very quickly, and its pumping becomes very expensive pleasure. Let's try to understand the causes and consequences of this phenomenon.

Causes and symptoms

Cesspools are divided into several types:

  • Cesspool without a bottom. This is a simple, hastily dug hole. The biggest plus is the cost of execution and portability. You can dig it by hand, to any depth and anywhere. The downside will be: very fast filling, unpleasant odor, negative impact on the soil.
  • An insulated pit with an open bottom. Such pits are equipped with concrete rings or the walls of the pit are laid out with any insulating material. But the bottom is left open, which ensures the outflow of sewage strictly downward.
  • Septic tank. This is a device that releases only purified water into the environment, but the residues are already pumped out. cesspool machine.

Well, the signs of siltation are quite simple and unpretentious - cesspool the pit fills up very quickly and gives off an unpleasant odor.

Of course, there are a lot of methods for cleaning the cesspool. You just need to choose the most optimal one for your problem.

Dry cleaning

To clean cesspools, products containing ammonium salts or formaldehyde... But they can only be used during the warm season. There is an alternative in the form of nitrate oxidants. After using them, you can even use the waste as fertilizer for the soil. The only negative point will be that the waste treated with chemicals will not be very useful for reuse as fertilizer after the cleaning residues have been pumped out.

But there are numerous chemical methods for cleaning cesspools. cons - they toxic. Therefore, it is worth thinking very seriously before attempting such methods, although they are very cheap.

For chemical cleaning, the following are most often used:

  • formaldehyde, which is very affordable but straightforward proportional in terms of harmfulness and toxicity both for soil and for humans. It is by these reasons these drugs are used extremely rarely today, because they are capable of provoking cancer;
  • nitrates perfectly break down all organic residues contained in cesspools. After cleaning with nitrate oxidants in the correct dosages, the cleaned contents of the cesspools are converted into high-quality and inexpensive fertilizers for agricultural use. But these drugs are quite expensive to purchase;
  • ammonium purifiers for cesspools are very effective, but to this day they have not been fully studied, so it is too early to talk about their harm or benefit. But there is no doubt that they have a long-term effect.

The only drawback of chemical cleaning for all drugs is that chlorine entering the cesspools greatly reduces their effect. Therefore, if you use a chemical method for cleaning the cesspools of your houses, is worth to abstain from the use of chlorine-containing preparations for washing dishes, washing clothes and cleaning plumbing fixtures.

Biological cleaning

Bioactivatorsbased on live bacteria.This is precisely the basis of drugs that decompose and recycle everything that the cesspool is full of. These bacteria reduce the contents of the sump by up to 30 percent. Along the way, these living organisms cleanse the walls of the cesspool itself, providing better absorption of liquid into the soil layers that surround the cesspool. These live bacteria do not emit harmful components, which is a significant advantage in using live bacteria to clean cesspools.

These biological cleansing additives come in several forms. Everyone can choose from the abundance of tablets, gels and special liquids on the market, as well as granules and powders. These microorganisms will make the wastewater from the cesspools completely harmless to the environment. After treatment with biological organisms, these waters can even be used for irrigation of the same vegetable gardens and orchards. But if water with chlorine or a field of washing machines and dishwashers is drained into the same cesspool, then the properties of microorganisms are significantly reduced.

Mechanical cleaning

Mechanical cleaning of the cesspool is not particularly difficult. For this Total you need a bucket and rope corresponding to the depth of the sump. The procedure itself is straightforward. The contents of the cesspool are simply scooped out with a bucket. The main thing is not to forget to change into clothes that will protect you from dirt and unpleasant odors. Another prerequisite will be the protection of the respiratory tract from ammonia and methane fumes, which can become dangerous for the human body. After all, repeatedly in the press, there are published notes about fatal poisoning during the cleaning of cesspools.

Self-cleaning of the cesspool has always been a chore, long and dangerous. Therefore, many users of cesspools who need mechanical cleaning install a special fecal pump. This device simplifies this procedure many times and makes it practically safe. Such a pump is also called sucker... It is installed on a machine that drives up to the sump and simply pumps out the entire contents of the sump through a wide hose. True, the smell after this manipulation remains in the air for quite a long time. But this method is the most environmentally friendly.

And of course, the classics of the genre, pumping out the cesspool cesspool cars. Everything is quite trivial here. You just need to find a company that provides such services. Call specialists at the date and time you need and calmly wait for the provision of this service. But you should pay attention to the fact that the sewer service provides services only if your cesspool is two-thirds full. Otherwise, the installation simply won't be able to work. Therefore, here it is worth closely monitoring the volume of filling the cesspool. Otherwise, everything will become very problematic and expensive.

Preventing the problem

Of course, filling the cesspool is a must, but there is a way to make it happen as rarely as possible. To do this, it is necessary to equip the bottom of even the simplest cesspool with filter elements: gravel and sand - he has always been at the heart of all filter elements in cesspools and septic tanks. Therefore, do not underestimate the importance of a sump filter.

Another option would be an additional outflow of liquid water from the cesspool. For this, a sewer pipe is installed, which falls on exactly half of the dug cesspool. And it is retracted at an angle to the side. This ensures the outflow of liquid water away from the main storage. This method is also quite effective. True, quite laborious. The pipe must not only be taken to the side, but also created under it the same filtration cushion as at the bottom of the cesspool. First, a hole is dug along the entire length of the branch pipe, the bottom is covered with agrofibre or sand mixed with gravel.A pipe is laid on this pillow at an angle, which is sprinkled with coarse gravel, then sprinkled with sand and covered with soil. Such arrangement of the cesspool will keep it clean for a long time. And the unpleasant smell can be avoided for a long time.

Of course, it will not be possible to get rid of the silting up of the cesspool forever. But this problem can be avoided for a long time if you apply some of the available methods from the ones described above. The main thing is to choose exactly those methods that are right for your site.

First you need to decide on preventive methods, think over all the available methods for cleaning a silting cesspool, and only after that create a cesspool for a comfortable and convenient stay on your site.
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