If it is impossible to connect a private house to a centralized sewer network, the owner needs to equip an autonomous treatment plant. Usually a septic tank is chosen for these purposes. It is one or more containers in which waste water is settled and filtered. For better cleaning, the devices are equipped with biofilters and special filtration fields, as well as aerators that support the vital activity of aerobic cleaning bacteria. The output is clean enough water that it can be dumped into the ground or even used for technical needs.
Operating principle
Septic tanks work on the principle of wastewater purification by settling and processing organic waste with special microorganisms. Contaminated liquid from plumbing fixtures enters the chambers of the septic device, where it is clarified to a state in which it cannot become a source of environmental contamination.
The more chambers and filters the treatment plant is equipped with, the cleaner the liquid at the outlet.
Effective devices are able to clarify liquid by 98 percent. It can be used for garden irrigation, wet cleaning, summer shower. And the silty mass formed in the final sedimentation tanks can serve as a fertilizer.
Types of septic tanks for a private house
In small country houses and dachas, single-chamber septic tanks are often used - sealed containers buried in the ground. To create them, metal and plastic tanks, polymer pipes with a welded bottom are used, or concrete rings with a bottom are installed in the pits. The advantages of such devices are ease of installation and low cost. The cost of a medium-sized tank starts from 1,500 rubles, the installation of a structure made of concrete rings will cost from 15,000 rubles. The downside is the need for regular pumping out using sewage equipment.
By regularly adding microorganisms and installing a biofilter, the number of cleaning procedures can be reduced to one per year.
More efficient is a two-chamber septic device with overflow. You can also build it yourself using the same methods as in the case of a single-chamber septic tank. But the design will come out twice as expensive, and will take up twice as much space, which is irrational for a tiny site.
The overflow septic tank operates according to the following scheme:
- The liquid from the sewer enters the sealed well, where it is settled and purified by bioorganisms.
- Partially clarified water enters the second tank. Instead of a bottom, it is equipped with a sand and gravel filtration cushion.
- Leaving through the crushed stone filter into the ground, the liquid is additionally purified.
The septic device requires pumping out every 1.5–2 years.
The greatest productivity is distinguished by three to five-chamber septic tanks with biofilters, filtration fields and aerators. They have several sealed chambers where water settles, activated sludge is formed. In the post-treatment unit, nitrites are decomposed into nitrates under the action of bioactive substances.
After additional settling, almost pure water is discharged to the filtration area, and then to the ground. Thrifty septic tank owners use it for technical needs.
Criterias of choice
To select a suitable septic device, you need to evaluate the following indicators:
- the dimensions of the structure and the site you own;
- the principle of operation of a particular device and its performance;
- the type of soil and the depth of its freezing;
- the level of occurrence of subsurface sources;
- the number of people living in the house and likely guests;
- number of plumbing fixtures.
When choosing a volatile option, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the power supply. If there are interruptions, the price of the equipment will rise due to voltage stabilizers and power generators.
The cost of septic tanks
If you want to install a high-quality septic tank for a private house, it is better to purchase a ready-made device. Manufacturers offer many options at an affordable cost. The most popular systems are:
- "Topas". They are distinguished by a high degree of cleaning and durability, but they need power supply for the operation of air pumps. The price of a septic tank "Topas" for the sewerage of a country house depends on the performance and starts at 73,000 rubles.
- "Tank". These modules are non-volatile, easy to install and require pumping down only once every two years. Their price starts at 19,000 rubles. Most septic tanks require additional soil treatment with the additional purchase of infiltrates.
- "Rostok". A kind of two-chamber septic tanks in one building. For cleaning, mesh and sorption filters are used. The design will only clear the liquid up to 80%, but it is easy to install and relatively inexpensive. The most budgetary model costs 26,000 rubles.
For large cottages, you need to choose the most efficient device or a deep biological treatment station with pumping equipment. A properly installed septic tank will provide urban comfort even in the most remote village.