The organization of drainage in the kitchen is often difficult. After household tasks, the water used changes its consistency due to fat and food debris, which sooner or later leads to blockages. Even more difficulties arise when planning the transfer of the sink or the entire kitchen. These tasks can be solved with the help of sanitary pumps.
- Definition and scope
- Internal components and the principle of operation of sewage pumps
- Varieties of pumps for the kitchen
- Selection recommendations
- Kitchen pump installation
- Reviews and prices
- Reviews of the pump for the kitchen Grundfos Sololift2 C-3
- Reviews of the kitchen pump Unipump Sanivort 250
- Reviews of Sewer Sink Pump SFA Sanivite
Definition and scope
There are special devices designed to forcibly remove waste fluids from plumbing or household appliances by creating overpressure. Such mechanisms are used in kitchens, bathrooms and toilets and are called sewer pumps or sanitary pumps.
To ensure the drainage of wastewater by gravity, the pipes must have a diameter of at least 100 mm and lie with a slope of at least 2 cm per meter. In many premises, meeting these requirements is difficult or even impossible. For example, if the kitchen is moved to the basement, the sewer line turns out to be above the level of the room. In such situations, sanitary pumps help. They create overpressure and can crush the waste that comes in, which reduces the likelihood of blockages and allows wastewater to be removed regardless of the slope and diameter of the pipe.
Internal components and the principle of operation of sewage pumps
The device is a sealed container with holes for connecting pipes. Inside there is a submersible pump with a non-return valve, a filter system and a control element. Also, the pump may contain grinders.
When the container is filled, the control element starts the pump motor and the chopping knives (if any). The liquid with crushed particles passes through the filter and enters the sewer due to excess pressure. After all the liquid has been pumped out, the control element stops the engine. Filters are installed to eliminate unpleasant odors. The check valve is used to prevent waste water from returning to a sink or household appliance.
The sanitary pump is used in the case of:
- the need to use pipes of small diameter;
- the impossibility of observing a slope sufficient to drain water by gravity;
- installation of plumbing below the level of the outlets of the sewer mains.
By shredding food residues and other waste, the risk of blockages is reduced.
Varieties of pumps for the kitchen
Pumps are classified according to the following factors:
- the ability to move - stationary and mobile;
- the temperature of the treated waste water - for warm and hot;
- engine cooling system - oil, water and air;
- type of pipe connection - vertical and horizontal.
Also, the devices differ in power, performance, height of draining, dimensions and number of pipes connected.
Depending on its characteristics, dimensions and noise level, the pump can be installed directly near a sink or household appliance or in a separate room, for example, in a closet or a specially designated room.
Selection recommendations
Initially, the number and types of effluent sources should be determined.The processed temperature of the liquid, the power of the pump, the need for choppers and other features depend on this. If you plan to connect washing machines or dishwashers, you will have to install a pump that can handle hot water. The drains in the sink are considered cold, so you can get by with a device with an operating temperature of 40-50 degrees.
If more than one water source is expected in the kitchen, it is easier to install a device with several inlets than a separate pump for each drain. The required performance also depends on the number of consumers. The more wastewater must be pumped out at the same time, the more powerful the pump must be.
The presence of a shredder is not required if the sewer drain is of a sufficiently large diameter or if there is such a device in the sink.
The pump with vertical piping can be placed directly under the sink.
Kitchen pump installation
Installation of a sewage pump includes the following steps:
- choosing a place for the pump;
- organization of power supply;
- installation of sewer drain;
- installation of the pump;
- connection of outlets from liquid sources.
It is not necessary to call specialists to connect the device. You can cope with this task yourself by following the following sequence of actions:
- turning off the drain from the sink;
- installation of the complete mounting bracket on the gasket;
- connection of the prepared branch and the pump;
- connecting the pump to the sewer pipe;
- power supply.
For powerful pumps, it is advisable to lay a separate wiring line with a residual current device. The connection of the pump and the riser is allowed only with solid plastic pipes, since corrugated or cast iron pipes will quickly fail due to increased pressure. The device must be installed on a flat, non-slip surface.
If you plan to install several pumps, a separate sewer drain must be installed for each. Air cooled pumps require an air intake tube. It will have to be laid vertically upwards from a special hole in the case by 50-60 centimeters.
Reviews and prices
The simplest device for organizing the drainage of cold drains will cost about 5000-7000 rubles. The price of a sewage pump with a grinder starts at 8,000 rubles. Such devices are relevant for the kitchen in the apartment. The most advanced models that allow you to connect several sources and drain water to a height of 10 meters will cost 25-30 thousand rubles. Such expenses threaten the owners of private houses and cottages located in the lowlands.
Reviews of the pump for the kitchen Grundfos Sololift2 C-3
- the ability to connect up to three sources, work with hot water;
- reliability, compactness and ease of maintenance;
- the presence of a shredder, the maximum discharge level is 6 meters.
- high price.
Sololift is useful for moving rooms with a large number of household appliances.
Reviews of the kitchen pump Unipump Sanivort 250
- low price;
- connection of two sources;
- small dimensions.
- lack of grinders;
- the maximum water temperature is 50 degrees.
Reviews of Sewer Sink Pump SFA Sanivite
- the ability to connect to a hot water source;
- low noise level;
- ease of maintenance;
- affordable price.
- connects to only one device;
- there are no shredders.
This model is suitable for draining waste from a single kitchen sink.