Cleaning a cesspool in a private house with chemicals without pumping

Private houses that are not connected to the sewerage system use pits to collect wastewater. From time to time, containers are filled with waste and various sewage. The bacteria contained in the effluents partially absorb the accumulations, while the filtered part of the contamination passes into the underlying soil layer. Untreated waste should be disposed of regularly.

When to clean the pit

During the operation of the cesspool, waste is generated in it in a liquid state, as well as in the form of fatty deposits that remain on the walls of the well. At the same time, they complicate the cleaning of the container and speed up its filling. The accumulation of household chemicals, food waste and faeces is harmful to people living in the house and the natural environment.

Based on the presence of some factors, it becomes necessary to clean:

  • the presence of a bad smell;
  • sludge layering at the bottom of the well;
  • accumulation of insects over the drain hole;
  • delayed outflow in plumbing fixtures attached to the waste pit.

A cesspool with a size of up to 2 cubic meters. cleaned once every few years. At the same time, prevention methods also reduce the need for cleaning agents.

Cleaning methods without pumping

The easiest way is to call the flushers, but it is not always possible for a bulky apparatus to approach the well. It can be difficult to pump out on your own, since you will have to look for a place to drain the waste. In addition, silt deposits accumulate on the walls of the tanks, which must also be cleaned off.

Other methods come to the rescue to get rid of impurities:

  • with the use of chemicals;
  • using biological substances;
  • using folk methods.

Each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of a means and method for clearing the cesspool from sewage depends on the owners of the site.


Cleaning with chemistry has some advantages, because the drugs are able to fight dirt at any temperature in various liquids with impurities. However, their use can negatively affect the operation of the sewerage system and the state of the environment.

Chemicals work on the principle of interaction between the contents of the waste container and the reagent. The result of the work is the formation of organic compounds. However, this simple method is not the safest for the health of residents. Previously, quicklime and formaldehyde solution were used to treat wastewater. Now they are prohibited, and modern drugs are used instead of them, which are relatively safe.

They can be divided into several categories based on their chemical composition:

  1. Ammonium. The drugs are inexpensive, but nonetheless quite toxic. Not recommended for use in metal containers to avoid material degradation. Ammonium compounds do an excellent job of eliminating excrement and decomposing waste, while removing odors. The disadvantage of drugs is the inability to work in the presence of detergents in the drains, and are also ineffective in an aggressive environment.
  2. Nitrogen. Environmentally friendly and safe preparations based on surfactants that liquefy waste. The effect of drugs is not reduced in the presence of organic waste and household chemicals. At the same time, nitrogen compounds remove an unpleasant odor and kill harmful insects.
  3. Acidic.The preparations are used for cleaning metal containers, decomposition of sludge masses, plastic and solid waste. When working, they destroy pests and bacteria, as well as fight stenchs.

Chemicals are used mainly in winter and autumn, as the reagents can withstand low temperatures. Substances are sold in the form of liquids, various tablets, powders and various granule sizes. Liquid and tableted preparations are added to the cesspools, and the powders are diluted with water and drained into the drain of plumbing equipment.

Biological preparations

Cleaning products can be divided into two categories: antiseptics and septic tanks. The composition of biological products is distinguished by the presence of microorganisms that are capable of decomposing waste of any consistency into sludge and water. The use of biological products cannot replace mechanical wastewater treatment, however, it will significantly reduce the rate of filling with sewage.

The bacteria that make up the preparations are anaerobic and aerobic. The former are used in closed containers, bacteria carry out their work inside the waste accumulation. While the aerobic needs oxygen, they act on the surface of the cesspool. The drugs work at temperatures from 5 to 30aboutC, respectively, they are used only in spring or summer.

At elevated ambient temperatures, the container with the drug needs shading. This is done so that the active colony of bacteria does not die. The disadvantage of this cleaning method can be called the ineffectiveness of bacteria in the presence of household chemicals and chlorine in the effluent. In addition, biological products must be periodically added to wastewater.

Traditional methods

Some owners use folk methods to deal with sewage. Nettle and tomato tops, as well as sawdust are added to the cesspools. Peat and sawdust are able to absorb the liquid part of wastewater, but the containers still need to be mechanically cleaned from accumulations. The tops of the plants fight odors, but are unable to destroy waste.

Prevention to reduce the number of pit cleanings

To reduce the number of cleanings, preventive measures are applied at the stage of building a house and a sewage system. If no action has been taken, the old container can be reorganized. At the same time, build a septic tank with an overflow, which is two containers: one is sealed, the second is permeable.

This method of the device excludes silting up, and mechanical cleaning is carried out very rarely. In addition, the effect of various drugs in such containers is enhanced by the technology of the septic tank. An important factor is the correct installation of thermal insulation of cesspools and sewers. This will help protect the discharge pipes from damage by frozen waste.

It is not possible to completely abandon mechanical cleaning. Because waste will still accumulate and must be removed from the waste pit. The use of chemical and biological agents will definitely reduce the number of procedures, and will also increase the life of a septic tank or pit.


Cleaning sewer pits with a sewer truck is a quick and effective way to clean up. In this case, all sewage is taken out of the territory of the site. However, it is not always possible to arrange access to the well.

The use of biological products is safe, they do not affect building materials. After their work, sediment remains, which can be easily removed with a conventional pump. The disadvantages are the ability to work only at a certain temperature, in addition, biological products do not process plastic and construction waste.

Chemicals can work in different conditions and with different wastes, which is a definite plus. At the same time, they effectively deal with odors.

The choice of wastewater treatment method entirely depends on the capabilities and wishes of the owners of the site, as well as the location of the cesspool.
Add a comment

  1. Anonymous

    Everything is clear without you. Take a bucket and scoop

  2. yuri

    but not much about everything and not exactly what MALATSA !!!!!!

  3. Igor

    All this is eounda

  4. Veteran

    So what!? Acidic, Nitric, Ammonium and plus Biological - why did they write, just “enlighten for enlightenment” ??! At least one from each group would have called from these "mythical groups of drugs" exactly what exists, its name and which are generally available and are commercially available and where to buy ?! And the fact that they wrote not about anything - they copied from a shitty textbook for primary education of sewage workers - and that one preface and not in essence! And as for storing nettle tops and tomatoes with peat in the drain pit - generally tin - well, they stuffed them with tops, what is that "cleared" of the pit ?! And where is the cleaning without pumping out! ??

  5. Tatyana

    A young man, go at least for example to the OBI store or the like. Everything is there. To any wallet

  6. Anonymous

    Tomato tops are not bad at cleaning toilets, which I personally experienced.



