Features of the splitting of fat in sewer pipes and pits

Every person, regardless of whether he is a resident of a multi-storey building or the owner of a private dwelling, at least once in his life, but faced a similar problem: a blockage in the sink, water does not leave or leaves, but slowly and almost imperceptibly. Congratulations, you have accumulated a lot of grease and dirt in the drain! It is about deleting it that we will talk with you.

Sewerage is a complex structure, during the installation and operation of which certain rules and regulations must be observed.

Danger of fat accumulation

Every day, we drain various types of waste into the sewer: dirt, hair, grease, chemicals. Provided that the drain pipes of the sewage system are installed incorrectly, namely, the angle of inclination of the pipes is incorrectly selected, fat tends to accumulate, and at the exit we get a blockage. This is also due to the fact that the inside of the cast iron pipe (if you have one) has a roughness. Due to such a surface, during daily operation of pipes, fat deposits gradually accumulate on its inner side, which then develop into a "greasy" blockage. To restore the usual functioning of the sewer system, it is necessary to rid the pipe of fat. This can be done without even dismantling the sewer.

Chemical cleaning methods

There are several effective methods for removing fatty deposits on sewer pipes using chemicals. It is most effective to choose a product that contains alkali. You can give preference to a granular product so as not to study the composition of many products on the store shelves. It is important to remember that the alkali can also dissolve the soap residue, and it very often accumulates on the inner wall of the pipes.

The most effective remedies for removing fatty blockages:

  • Mole is a granular product at an affordable price. The convenience of its use is that it is packaged in packaging for one-time use.
  • The Mister Muskul brand produces a product with a similar composition. The only difference is in the price range.
  • Funds from the manufacturer Pothan. This product can remove severe blockages in just 10 minutes. But this tool has a serious drawback - it is dangerous to human health. It has a high cost, but the funds will not last several times.

In any case, when using household chemicals, be sure to use gloves (you can also use a protective mask), so you will protect yourself and keep your health. Be sure to make sure that the room is well ventilated at this moment.

Pour the granules into the drain and pour a glass of warm water. If the sink is full of water before starting work, drain the excess into a bucket. After removing the blockage, flush the sewer with water pressure.

Mechanical cleaning methods

Along with chemical methods, the mechanical cleaning method will be highly effective. If you are a city dweller and do not want to delve into the depth of the problem, the option of calling a plumber, who will faithfully do his job, is suitable for you.

In the case of a private plot, most likely you will have to complete this task yourself. Most often, in this situation, they use a plumbing cable, which is a strong long piece of wire, at the end of which a rotary handle is fixed. This rope is flexible and durable. At the other end of the wire there is a tip, thanks to which all the blockage is removed.

The tip can be a metal brush or a volume spring. If a grease plug has formed, the first type of handpiece is better suited.Do not forget, in turn, to do the work carefully so as not to damage the walls of the pipeline during the process.

Prepare a waste container before starting cleaning work. Remove any water that has accumulated in the sink and pipe. Pour water again, see how much liquid goes away, that is, its volume. If the blockage is deep in the system, then you cannot do without parsing the pipe. The end of the cable is inserted into the pipe, slowly turning it by the handle; upon reaching the problematic area of ​​the blockage, it will be necessary to apply a little more force. The cable is pulled out in the same way, only in reverse circular movements. After the procedures, the tip of the cable is treated with machine oil.

If there is a pit-shaped sewer in a private house, you must carefully remove the fat. Various chemicals can damage soil and groundwater. Caustic soda will undoubtedly cope with the fat, but then it will get into the soil. If you have an open, not sealed receptacle, use bacterial preparations that are excellent at decomposing fat, food debris and feces. The downside is that these funds will not work in an aggressive environment, because everything is drained into the sewer, which means that detergent, powder, and cleaning agent get into. It is necessary to bury this pit and make another, but sealed, in which caustic can be used. Caustic is dangerous, it burns any living tissue, wear gloves when working with it, and a mask. Carefully read the instructions for the product, stir the granules to dissolve thoroughly. According to the instructions, the consumption of funds is 0.5-0.7 kg per 1 m3 pits. Diluted with water for 8-10 liters. After the solution is poured into the sewer, they wait another 4-5 minutes, only then it is allowed to pump out the sewer with a sewer.


What could be better than fatty blockages? Of course, their absence, and for this it is necessary from time to time to resort to preventive measures. Everything is much easier than removing a stinkingly unpleasant lump of fat and dirt, especially if you are a man and you have to remove it with your own hands, and not with the hands of a master, neighbor, friend or brother.

Preventive measures:

  1. It is necessary to process the sewer system at least once a month with the means that can be found in every kitchen. Do not believe if they tell you that soda and vinegar will remove a strong blockage, these funds are used just for prevention.
  2. When washing dishes, use hot water, not cold water. When you are finished washing the dishes, pour some hot water into the sink so that no greasy deposits form on the pipe walls.
  3. Try not to pour leftover grease from food into the sink and toilet (you take out the garbage every day and greasy residues can be drained into any container, jar, bottle intended for disposal).
  4. If you want to avoid the use of chemicals and plumbing cables, use and install yourself a grease trap, which will rid the sewer system of grease before water enters the pit. This device removes debris from the drain in one compartment, and removes all the grease from the wastewater in the second section.

The next step towards prevention is the chemicals described above. They can also be used for prophylaxis, as in the case of clearing a blockage.


In conclusion, I would like to remind you that clogging is much easier than eliminating. No wonder they say that disease is better prevented than cured. If you try to take care of the sewer pipes from time to time, then you will not have to deal with blockages, or, in any case, much less often. You already know how to overcome this "pipe disease". The only thing left to do is to choose your own way of eliminating it: chemical or mechanical.

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  1. Daniel

    Serving kindergartens. The problem with fat is common. Everything that is written in the article is suitable for a maximum of an apartment. But the photo shows pollution just from a public place. Chemistry in such cases does not help, in view of the extended sections, the maximum she will be able to clean out a small area where she is able to linger, otherwise it will simply be washed off into the riser.The cable is also useless, because it passes through the fat without removing it or stripping it off the pipe walls. For prevention, I ask employees to spill the sewer system with hot water (60-65 degrees) on Fridays for 15 minutes. But since this is not its own apartment, it rarely works. To do this, I specially bought a 10m propane hose with a 1/2 ″ fitting. I push it 1-2 meters into the sewerage bed, wrap it with a rag around in the funnel (I improvise chasing), and take hot water from the nearest mixer (or even better from the heater's vent, if possible, the water is hot there) and under pressure I pierce the area. At the other end of the pipe, you can only see the mass of separated fat. But this does not always help. Then I call a special brigade with a high pressure installation, but this is already for money from 250 rubles / r.m. And more often than not, just pay. And at home it is easier to disassemble and clean. 10 minutes of work.

  2. Boris

    The blockage comes unexpectedly. Fat accumulates well in the horizontal section of the pipe. If possible, close the pipe on the other side and fill with hot lye. After a few hours, you need to pull out the plug and rinse the pipe with a pressure of hot water.

  3. Alexei

    The most effective cleaning is cleaning with a complete disassembly of the drain system! And no chemistry can cope with a strong blockage, chemistry is only for prevention

  4. Ildar

    the best remedy is the sequest. In a week it cleans up to the bio-film, and then itself forms a film, which further prevents adhesion of everything and not only fat, and also disinfects water from all known viruses and microbes

  5. Stas

    and what does your sequest have to do with the sewerage ????

  6. Ly

    On Ali I took an inexpensive pneumatic gun for plumbing - it seems to pierce well, the drain is definitely improving.

  7. Andrew

    The advice is generally appropriate, but in Soviet-style apartments with plastic sewer pipes installed according to the rules, you should not bother too much. Pipe sections are short and silted up, pipe clogging can occur in 15 years or more. But the converted bathrooms, the kitchens taken out on the loggias, and so on, as a result, the length of the pipes increases significantly, for a diameter of fifty millimeters the probability of silting, blockage also increases significantly. In this case, prevention is very necessary, especially if there are no revisions ...

  8. Aleksandr Vladimirovich

    Andrey, think WHAT you write - there have never been plastic sewer pipes in "Soviet-style apartments", only cast iron.
    (and plastic is an "achievement" of the post-Soviet period)
    And where did you see the 50mm sewer pipes, sofa plumber ?!

  9. Yuri

    Quite rightly, in Soviet times, the sewage system in Khrushchev was cast-iron and, moreover, it also rusted! And the plastic is already a miracle .. and in order not to clog the system, you need to periodically flush it SOLE IT WORKS A KOPEY, and the effect is cool .. Time-tested HONEST !! And the cable is not required, although I keep it in stock. I had to use it in the old house, it works.



