Pumping the cesspool and septic tank: rules, instructions, methods

Among the methods of organizing a suburban sewage system, three main ones can be distinguished: the device of a septic tank, a cesspool without a bottom, or the installation of a sealed container. Despite significant structural differences between these structures, they are united by a common feature - the need for periodic pumping out using a sewage machine.

Failure to comply with this requirement will pose a threat to the health of residents and the environment, as well as poison the life of the spreading stench. Insects attracted by the strong smell will create new difficulties and make living impossible.

What is a cesspool

A cesspool is an elementary wastewater disposal facility. However, when installing it, you must adhere to certain requirements. The material for construction can be:

  • plastic;
  • brick;
  • metal;
  • reinforced concrete (monolithic or prefabricated rings).

It is preliminarily determined whether the container will be airtight or whether fluid seepage into the ground is acceptable. If the water table is high, the construction of an impermeable structure is recommended. Under favorable conditions, it is possible to build a filter well, which is an absorption pit with a layer of sand and gravel at the bottom. Due to the absorption of liquid into the ground, the call of the sewer truck is made less often.

The best solution is to use a septic tank, since it usually includes two or three compartments where mechanical and biological wastewater treatment takes place. Despite the high efficiency of such installations, they also tend to silt up and need periodic cleaning.

How often to pump out

The frequency of cleaning the cesspool depends on the following parameters:

  • daily volume of effluent;
  • dimensions of the container;
  • the percentage of heavy particles in the waste stream.

When calculating, it is necessary to take into account which class the solids entering the pit belong to. Distinguish:

  1. Organic (degradable) fractions. These include cellulose, toilet paper, feces. It takes a long time for such substances to decompose.
  2. Residues that are not biodegradable (plastic, animal bedding and other materials). Such fractions quickly fill the volume of the pit and require elimination for the normal functioning of the structure.

It is important to minimize the amount of biodegradable and non-degradable particles in wastewater as much as possible. In this case, the filling of the filter well or septic tank will not occur so quickly. In relation to a sealed container, this rule is of little use, since the mass entering it does not leak anywhere.

The next factor that determines the pumping frequency is the amount of water consumed by the residents. This indicator depends on the number of people living in the house and their habits to use water. In families where it is customary to take a shower every day, the filling of the pit will occur several times faster. Household age also affects the amount of water used. It has been found that older people send significantly less waste to the pit.

If a filter well is chosen as a wastewater collector, then its ability to absorb moisture will directly depend on the amount of heavy fractions that have settled to the bottom. With a large accumulation of biomass in the filtering part of the structure, the soil loses its ability to absorb the daily incoming liquid.

The costs of biomass removal are high in both time and material. When pumping out, the sediment located at the bottom of the pit should be removed. To do this, you will need to provide free access of the pump to this area. After complete removal of water, the biomass decomposes within a few days.

If the container used is sealed, then its filling and, accordingly, the pumping frequency will directly depend on the amount of water consumed over a period of time. For example, if we take the daily water consumption rate of 200 liters per person, the number of people living is 5, and the capacity of the cesspool is 3.5 cubic meters. m., then it is easy to calculate that the pit will have to be pumped out in 3 days. With a more moderate use of water, you can postpone the time of the next call of the sewer truck.

In the case of filtering wells and septic tanks, an accurate calculation of the pumping frequency is impossible. This indicator depends on the absorbency of the soil itself, the contamination of the day with silty sediment. In any case, the need to clean such structures occurs much less frequently than when operating a sealed container.

Pumping out with a sewer truck

Removal and removal of household waste with a liquid consistency is the task of the sewer truck. There are several types of this special equipment:

  • vacuum;
  • mixed;
  • sludge sucking.

The machine is equipped with special tools for performing the specified functions:

  • sealed tank with a capacity of 5-7 cubic meters. m .;
  • pump;
  • drainage hose.

Usually the volume of the cesspool does not exceed 5 cubic meters. m., which allows you to clean it completely in one go.

There are several ways to clean the pit, depending on the equipment used. Exists:

  • vacuum cleaning - performed with a vacuum pump;
  • hydrodynamic pumping - work is carried out in three stages: waste removal, filling the tank with water with cleaning the walls and re-pumping;
  • using a suction pump is the most cost effective way to remove wastewater.

The use of sewer trucks allows you to clean the cesspool quickly and without the risk of contamination. When choosing this method of emptying the container with drains, it is necessary to provide an approach to the pit and take into account the length of the suction hose (it is 3-4 m). In the case of a greater depth of containers, it is necessary to take care of additional methods of cleaning its bottom.

With long-term operation of the structure, there is a need to soften the dense sediment on its walls. For these purposes, biological and chemical agents are used. In this case, it is necessary to fill in special preparations a few days before the arrival of the car and do not use the sewage system during this period. This measure is used to separate the effluent into liquid and solid fractions.

Pumping out by pump

The use of a fecal pump will save yourself from additional costs for pumping out the cesspool. The complexity of this cleaning method lies in the choice of a place for the discharge of sewage. The process of removing liquid household waste itself is not difficult. For these purposes, you can even use an ordinary water pump, having previously protected the inlet pipe with a special grate or grinder.

All high-quality faecal pumps are equipped with a chopping device, which allows them to function well in an aggressive environment.

If it is possible to utilize wastewater at your site, you can set up pumping with fecal suction when the sewage reaches a certain level. Living in a densely populated village or city makes the process of self-disposal of wastewater difficult or impossible.

When working independently with the pump, you should provide yourself with protective clothing and a respiratory mask. The pumped-out sewage can be aggressive chemicals, and the methane formed during the decomposition of biological residues is a threat to human health.The use of biological products to decompose waste allows the solids to be liquefied as much as possible and facilitates pumping. Chemical cleaning agents also help break down organics and remove particulate buildup.

The choice of the method for pumping out the cesspool remains with the owner of a private house. With periodic and irregular living in a summer cottage, you can refuse the services of sewers and independently clean your tank of drains manually or using a pump. The main difficulty in this case is the need to dispose of wastewater. Such a possibility does not always exist, and therefore there is a great risk of being penalized and administratively liable.

Using a suction truck removes the above concerns of the homeowner. Its main task in this case is to provide free access to the pit. The financial costs will more than compensate for the lack of worries about draining the drains, the need to inhale unpleasant odors and get dirty.

As a rule, a family of 4-5 people permanently residing in the house uses the services of sewers at least once every 1.5 weeks. Therefore, it is necessary to plan in advance in the family budget an item of expenses for the disposal of sewage. This option, despite the significant costs, is the best for houses in which people constantly live.

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