When buying your own house in the countryside, do not forget about the other side of the coin: all the maintenance of communications falls on the shoulders of the homeowner. In the costly part of the family budget, it is necessary to lay several thousand rubles in order to pump out the sewage system in a private house.
How often is the waste pumping required?
Factors that affect the frequency of the procedure:
- the volume of the cesspool or septic tank;
- the amount of incoming wastewater, which depends on the number of living and connected plumbing devices;
- waste water content.
There are 2 ways to solve the problem:
- use the services of sewers;
- pump out the content on your own.
The main condition for any option: compliance with sanitary standards and safety precautions. To determine the degree of siltation of the aeration tank, the contents are scooped out of it with a bucket and left to settle. After 40 minutes, it will be clear how much sediment needs to be pumped out from the bottom of the sludge pond. For this, the filling depth is determined with the help of a bar. Having made the desired mark, they lower the homemade device into the water. Begin pumping until the desired level is reached.
Methods for pumping out sewage in a private house
Types of specialized equipment for mechanical cleaning of septic tanks:
- sewage pumps;
- with a vacuum pump;
- combined.
The simplest method is using a sludge pump. The capacity of the receiving tank allows you to do the job in one go. More expensive cleaning is hydrodynamic. After pumping out the sewage, the septic tank is filled with water for flushing, and then emptied again.
The use of special equipment has its pros and cons. The advantage is that all the work, from the preparatory stage to waste disposal, is taken over by the suction trucks. They quickly and almost silently serve the septic tank, additionally carrying out work on cleaning and disinfecting the sewage system.
The cost of the sewer service is quite high. In order to be able to use the equipment for the needs of sewerage, it is necessary to lay access roads at the design stage of the site. During the work, a specific smell spreads (absent during vacuum pumping).
Preparatory work
Before starting work, biological products are loaded into the septic tank for several days, which contribute to the processing of feces into sludge and water. Additionally, the amount of effluent is drastically reduced in order to facilitate the process of separating the contents into liquid and solid phases.
There are biologics in stores in different forms: soluble powders, granules or tablets. They all contain colonies of microorganisms that help to safely recycle organic waste. Funds are divided into groups intended for targeted use. They contain enzymes that provide the start of effective work.
In the warm season, the process goes faster. After 2-3 days, the liquid clears up, and unpleasant odors disappear. The volume decreases as organic inclusions break down into gas and water.
Anaerobic microorganisms do not need access to oxygen, therefore, biological purification agents with their use are used in hermetically sealed septic tanks. Their lack is in incomplete processing of waste up to 70%, released methane and the impossibility of using sludge for feeding green spaces and a vegetable garden.
Means based on aerobic bacteria are devoid of these disadvantages, but air access is necessary for their life: for this, compressors are used.
Necessary equipment
Prepare your equipment before starting work. It should be old clothes that can be thrown into the trash can without pity, as well as rubber boots and gloves.
Hoses are connected to the fecal pump. The pump is installed submersible or semi-submersible, in which the float signals the depth of the device. If other type of equipment is used, the hydraulic machine is installed outside the manifold, and the fluid intake hose is lowered into the pipe. Hardware installation depends on the type of appliance.
Removal of faeces is carried out in hermetically sealed containers, therefore, transport is required. In sewage pumps, the pump is powered by a car engine, and the pumped-out sewage is removed in a tank without damage to the surrounding space.
Criteria for selecting a fecal pump:
- body made of stainless steel or cast iron;
- great productivity;
- knives instead of an edge for shredding waste;
- accessible management.
Powerful hydraulic machines are better for rent due to their high cost.
Self-disposal of drains
The option of manual pumping is chosen in the absence of finances and the impossibility of passage for the sludge pump. For work safety, the presence of at least two is required. With the help of a shovel, rope and bucket, the tank is emptied, the walls and bottom of the device are cleaned. The sewage must be delivered and stored to a pre-selected location.
Fecal pumps with a chopper will help automate manual labor. Do not pump out contaminated wastewater with conventional water pumps, as this will lead to clogging and breakdown.
What to do to reduce waste pumping
It is possible to reduce several times the costs of sewer services if you adhere to the rules of correct installation and operation:
- The sewerage system operates on the principle of gravity, therefore it is important to observe the correct slopes of the pipes, which are provided for by SNiP. When installing the pipeline, it is necessary to avoid right angles and install manholes in places of possible clogging.
- Use filters to exclude the ingress of hair and coarse debris into the system.
- Install grease traps.
- Use chemicals to prevent silting of pipes.
- Pour a small amount of hot water into the system daily to prevent operational blockages.
- Install a non-return valve to prevent backflow of drains due to overfilling of the sump.
- For natural filtration of the contents of the cesspool, gaps are left between the rings.
- The optimal volume of the receiving tank is at least 3 m3.
Since it is impossible to litter the surrounding nature, disposal of waste in pits and reservoirs is excluded. The best place is faecal stations, but this requires an agreement with the relevant organizations.
The cost of the sewer truck
A call for special equipment for cleaning the sewage system is made in the event of an overflow of the receiving tank, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, a blockage of the sewage system, and cloudy water in the well. Toxic compounds are formed in the sump, microflora, which is dangerous to human health, develops. All this forces the owners to turn to professionals.
The price of pumping out the sewage system in a private house includes the cost of calling a car - 2 thousand rubles. The final calculation is influenced by the mileage, the volume of waste, the remoteness of the waste disposal site from the access roads, as well as additional services.