In what ways can you pump out the drain pit

An autonomous sewage system is a private pipeline and the final point for receiving wastewater (pit, septic tank). This reservoir must be periodically cleaned of accumulated impurities. Pumping out sewer pits / septic tanks can be done in one of the ways convenient for the master. The owner of the site decides which one to choose, depending on the availability of free time, funds and the desire to tinker with the drains.

The need for periodic pumping of cesspools

The sump should not be allowed to fill more than 2/3

Complete filling of a properly designed sewer receiver occurs approximately every 3-4 months. Moreover, the level of waste in the pit also depends on the following parameters:

  • The amount of sludge at the bottom, walls of the tank (for leaky receivers). If they are heavily covered with fecal-fatty polyps, water will draw into the pit faster.
  • The intensity of the use of the sewerage system (guests arriving, added washing equipment, etc.).

Each master must be aware of the need for timely cleaning / pumping out of the tank for wastewater. If this is not done on time, the following problems may arise:

  • Failure of special filters, if they were installed during the installation of the collector.
  • Stagnation of dirty water in the sewer line, its slow outflow. Sometimes even faeces can be thrown into the toilet or sink / bathtub. From this, growths of fatty polyps are not excluded on the walls of the sewer pipes. As a result, you will have to thoroughly flush the system in order to return the collector to its previous diameter.
  • Overflowing waste outside the pit, which will provoke an environmental disaster. Fecal runoff can seep into groundwater and reach drinking wells. This can provoke an epidemic of infectious diseases among the inhabitants of the region.
  • Reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and, as a result, excessive stench in the area. Amber from a cesspool is a mixture of methane gas, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. In this combination, they cause irreparable harm to human health. In particular, they affect the central nervous system, respiratory organs.
  • Poisoning of the soil due to overflow of drains into it and the inability to plant agricultural crops in the ground. In addition, it is impossible to harvest and use the harvest of already sprouted plants from such land for at least 3-4 years.

To avoid problems, you need to regularly clean the cesspool, constantly monitor the level of fecal water in it.

Effective ways to pump out the drain pit

For a sewage truck, you need to provide an entrance to the cesspool

There are several ways to remove impurities from a receiver in a suburban area. Each of them has its own pros and cons.

Work of sewage equipment

This method is considered the most advanced. A special vehicle with a tank of several m3 drives up to the receiver. The equipment is equipped with a powerful pump that pumps large volumes of sewage in just half an hour. In most cases, the machine is operated by specially trained people - employees of the enterprise who are engaged in pumping out and disposing of sewage. Cleaning a cesspool with a trash can has a number of advantages:

  • High speed of the process. Literally 30 minutes and your receiver is ready for use again.
  • Removal of even old sludge deposits from the tank.
  • The driver / company has a special permit for the removal and disposal of wastewater to special municipal treatment facilities, landfills, etc.
  • Proper disposal of fecal masses and other household waste from the point of view of sanitary and epidemiological standards.
  • Possibility to conclude a long-term contract with a waste disposal company. Such relations allow the site owner to rely on a range of services for a lower price (pit flushing, a bonus brigade departure, etc.).
  • Pumping out faecal / domestic wastewater at any temperature. Even with a strong minus.

But even such a modern technique for cleaning a sewer receiver has some disadvantages:

  • Moderate noise from the machine. This must be taken into account if neighbors react poorly to external stimuli (small child, sick parents, etc.).
  • The need to ensure the approach of the car to the pit. If this is not possible (for example, the collector is located in the far zone of the site), the cesspools are pumped out with a long hose. But here you have to pay extra for each meter of the sleeve.
  • Financial expenses. They are quite reasonable if the pit is working properly and you have to clean it no more than once every 2-4 months. If not everything is in order with the receiver, the owner of the site can spend a lot on the services of a sewer.

When ordering a car, ask if the operator has a special permit for the removal and disposal of waste water at municipal VOCs. Otherwise, an unscrupulous driver can dump waste into a nearby ditch or even body of water.

Pumping out the pit with a drainage and fecal pump

This method of removing domestic wastewater from the sewer receiver is good if the owner of the site has the necessary equipment, and the volume of the pit is not more than 3 m3. It is desirable that the pump has a special built-in grinder (cutting mechanism). He copes with large inclusions in the water, turning them into a homogeneous mass. The advantages of such a pumping out of a sewer receiver are as follows:

  • Independence from third-party craftsmen who may not come on holidays or later / earlier, but convenient for the owner of the house. The work can be done when you want.
  • Saving the family budget.

However, this method has its drawbacks. All drains removed from the pit must be pumped out into a sealed tank and then transported for disposal. This implies the need for such containers (cubes / cisterns) and personal transport. Accordingly, you will have to incur transportation costs.

The most important thing is a ban on the discharge of effluents into ravines, ditches, reservoirs. All sewage must be pumped out and then delivered only to specialized treatment plants. To do this, you will have to conclude an agreement with them.

Do-it-yourself wastewater treatment

When pumping manually, wear a protective suit and mask

If the pit is small (1 m3) and there is just water in it without fecal impurities, you can remove it yourself with a simple bucket. If there is waste in the pit from the toilet, biological products are preliminarily poured into it, which decompose the wastewater into water and organic sludge. The disposal of such waste must be carried out in protective clothing. Positive aspects of self-cleaning the pit:

  • complete saving of family funds;
  • compliance with sanitary standards when discharging clarified water into the ground;
  • no stench over the site for the period of pumping out the sewer receiver.

The disadvantages of such work are:

  • The laboriousness of the process even with a small pit volume.
  • The need for disposal / storage of organic sludge until spring. He needs to be kept somewhere.
  • The inability to use bacteria in winter. At low temperatures, they just don't work. Bacteria carry out their activity at least at +5 degrees. If you use chemical preparations for processing sewage, it is forbidden to pour such water into the ground.

Few people prefer bucket and rope work.To make the task easier, you can combine the use of bacteria and the subsequent use of a drain pump. With its help, you can pump out and dump the clarified water into the nearest ravine or water the garden with it.

Service cost

The price for services for pumping out septic tanks and cesspools in the Moscow region starts at 360 rubles. The total cost of the work of the sewer truck depends on the following parameters:

  • the volume of the cesspool;
  • the number of hours of work / car arrivals;
  • the need to finish off the length of the sewer hose;
  • the complexity of the approach to the tank.

Sometimes companies providing these services include in the cost of work the payment of the distance that the car needs to travel from the city to the destination. It is advisable to clarify this issue when ordering a service.
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