The wide range of pumps complicates the task for buyers who do not know which brand or model to choose, and what distinctive features (design and technological) exist between the devices. It is especially difficult to distinguish between a drainage pump and a faecal one.
Drainage pump
This device got its name, since its main purpose is to pump drainage water. But with its help, you can solve other problems:
- drain basements and swimming pools;
- organize water supply from wells or reservoirs;
- water the planting in the personal plot.
Purely structurally, this is a centrifugal pump. Through itself, the apparatus drives turbid polluted water, in which solid inclusions in the form of sand and pebbles no larger than 1.2 mm in size may be present.
Fecal pump
The model is also of a centrifugal type, only it cannot pass solid particles in the form of pebbles through itself. However, the pump easily moves soft inclusions, fibrous and any organic, as well as sand through its passage channel. The maximum diameter of the inclusions is 50 mm. Some models are equipped with knives, with the help of which all sewage sewage is cut into small pieces.
Scope of fecal pump:
- cleaning of cesspools, septic tanks and silted areas;
- drainage of wastewater with an increased degree of siltation;
- drainage towards the septic tank if a pressure sewer system is installed in the house.
When choosing a model for a drainage or sewage pump, it is necessary to calculate the performance and power taking into account the requirements for operation.
Distinctive features
Sewer drains have different temperatures. The faecal pump is manufactured in such a way that it can pump hot liquids without any problems. The drain is not designed for such work, therefore it cannot be installed instead of the faecal one. At the same time, the latter can be used in the drainage system.
Domestic drainage pumps are mostly made of durable plastic or stainless steel. Fecal models made of steel or cast iron. There is also a purely constructive difference between fecal and drainage pumps. It is based on the principle of operation of each device.
The drainage pump passes the pumped water through itself, so its electric motor is enclosed in a special sealed chamber so that liquid does not get onto the electrical part of the motor. In fecal models, a snail is installed, in which there is a suction pipe located at the bottom and an outlet pipe located on the side of the device. An impeller with or without knives is located inside the snail. The pumped contaminated liquid enters the snail chamber, where the sewage is broken up by the impeller and knives and thrown out to the side through the outlet pipe, which is connected to a pipe or hose.
The pump motor is located in its housing and is not protected by anything, because no liquids pass through the unit. It is always dry. But to ensure its cooling, a chamber filled with oil is provided in the design. It not only cools the motor, but also acts as a lubricant for the shaft and bearings.
In both categories of pumping equipment there are submersible and surface models. But in the fecal group for domestic needs, only submersibles, therefore, manufacturers strictly monitor the tightness of the device as a whole.
There is also a price difference. Drainage pumps are cheaper than fecal pumps.For example, a Drenazhnik pump with a capacity of 225 l / min, a liquid lifting height of 12 m with an electric motor with a power of 590 W, costs 4300-4500 rubles. With almost the same technical characteristics, a fecal device costs 6300-6500 rubles.
Installation methods
There are practically no striking differences in the installation of both modifications. However, there are aggregates in the fecal group that are called semi-submersible. These are pumps to which a pipe with a volute at the end is connected. Another pipe with an outlet pipe is installed on the side. Both pipe sections are parallel to each other and are of almost the same length.
Inside the first tube there is a shaft that connects the electric motor of the device to the impeller located inside the volute. He also transmits to her the torque from the motor.
The installation of the unit itself is carried out outside, the pump housing in which the electric motor is located is not in the water. The second half with a volute, impeller and outlet pipe, on the contrary, is placed in the sewer, which is pumped through the second pipe.
Semi-submersible fecal pumps are used if the sewer well has a great depth. In terms of their characteristics, they are no different from submersible modifications.