If the sewage system is equipped with a cesspool on the site, then it must be remembered that from time to time such a pit requires maintenance with the help of a sewer machine. As a rule, with correct calculations of the volume of the pit, it is enough to use such a service once a year. However, many owners of private houses note that after several years of operation, the cesspool begins to fill up faster and faster and it has to be cleaned more and more often.
The reasons
There can be many reasons for quickly filling a cesspool, but you should pay attention to the most common:
- silting of the bottom or walls of the container;
- breakage of the drainage pipeline;
- insufficient pit volume;
- freezing of drains or the pit itself.
Also, the reservoir can fill up quickly due to non-operational factors. Sometimes, when designing a site, an incorrect calculation of the size of the sewer and incoming waste fluids is made.
For example, if at first the wastewater had to come from the kitchen and the bathroom, and then the house expanded and was supplemented with new sources of wastewater, then the amount of water entering the cesspool increases, and the capacity begins to fill up faster.
Another reason why the pit fills up too quickly may be an increase in the groundwater level. Often, site owners neglect the geological expertise to obtain information about the depth of the waters. In an amicable way, the construction of sewerage should be carried out in the summer, when groundwater is at a minimum. Then, while digging a trench and a cesspool, there is no risk of colliding with groundwater. At other times of the year, with heavy rains or melting snow, the level of groundwater increases, which can serve as a prerequisite for an accelerated filling of the reservoir.
Eliminating the problem
If solving problems with wastewater and improper sewer design requires an individual approach, then there are several correct solutions for the most common reasons for filling a sewer pit too quickly.
When sludge is formed
If, after a long use of the sewage system, it became more and more difficult for wastewater to escape through the walls, then most likely this happened due to the layer of silt formed on them.
To fix the problem, you can resort to the following methods:
- contact the sewage service to carry out a complete cleaning of the waste pit from waste;
- pour a lot of water into the pit for a day to soften the sludge;
- use special preparations with a high bacterial content
The latter method can be noted as the most effective, since such drugs include special microorganisms that feed on biological waste and fat deposits. Therefore, they provoke accelerated decomposition and prevent the pit from accumulating liquid too actively.
When using drugs, it is worth remembering that during their use it is impossible to allow potent chlorine-based agents to enter the sewer system, since such substances kill all beneficial bacteria and the entire effect of cleaning comes to naught. Also, cold weather negatively affects the effectiveness of microorganisms.
In case of malfunction of the drainage system
If a malfunction appears in the drainage system for some reason, then a fecal pump comes to the rescue. Manual pumping requires the device itself and a container for the recovered waste. You can also order a special pumping machine.
Pumps are automatic and semi-automatic. In the first case, the pump is installed in a cesspool and independently pumps out biowaste. A semi-automatic unit requires a wizard to adjust and monitor the operation of the equipment.
Before starting cleaning, it is best to add some water to the drains to soften them. After that, the pump is turned on and the waste is removed. Then it is better to refill the water and pump it out. In practice, it is better to perform such flushing several times in a row, so that in the future the pit will be less filled.
Insufficient pit volume
If during the calculations of the volume of the pit a mistake was made or after a long use the volume of wastewater increased, then it is best to dig an additional pit for further connection of the tanks with overflow pipes. Such a septic tank will drain and purify wastewater at a sufficient rate.
If the volume of the tank is insufficient, then the tanks will also fill up too quickly. Installing a septic tank with a drainage system will solve the problem.
Freezing of pits and drains
During cold weather, it happens that the filling of the pit occurs too quickly due to the strong freezing of the soil, due to which the wastewater ceases to be absorbed into the ground. This problem is also solvable, although it requires some effort. The pipeline can be insulated with a heating cable to liquefy the drains in it. The cable should be wrapped around the pipe and connected to the network. It is best to use a self-regulating cable that equalizes the temperature across all areas of the collector as it changes.
You can also build sludge heating in the pit of a private septic tank. To do this, you need a long wire with a plug for connecting to the network, a metal rod the size of the depth of the pit, and hot water. The action plan is as follows:
- First, the sludge is warmed up with hot water. It is enough just to pour enough of it into the pit. If possible, you can warm up the drains in a private septic tank with an industrial hairdryer.
- Then one side of the metal rod is heated with fire and driven into the silt, deepening the metal into the ground.
- A wire bare from the end is wound on the upper end of the rod, and the plug is connected to the network.
- Due to the work of the frozen soil as an excellent conductor of current, the sludge in the septic tank heats up and water flows out of the pit.
It is important to note that this warm-up can take a significant amount of time: from 12 to 24 hours.
In the case of freezing of sewage pipes, the scheme of actions is similar.
You need to strip the copper wire, the length of which is equal to the diameter of the pipe multiplied by 3.14. This wire wraps around the pipeline, and its end is plugged into an outlet. So, for the next 2-4 hours, the pipes will be energized, due to which the pipes will be defrosted. The frozen water will melt and the liquid will go into the soil. It is recommended to use a self-adjusting wire for this purpose so that the temperature is evenly distributed over all areas of the pipeline.
In the case of plastic pipes, it is best to use special equipment to heat the water supplied to the sewer. For such cases, there are devices that supply electric current to the pipe. However, it is not recommended to work with such equipment for people without experience.
Problem prevention
In order to prevent the filling of the cesspool from happening too quickly, you need to adhere to the operating rules and from time to time perform preventive procedures.
Basic rules for the prevention of problems in cesspools:
- regular rinsing of the container with clean water under strong pressure, at least once every 6-8 weeks;
- timely pumping of waste from the pit;
- periodic use of biological products containing microorganisms to prevent blockages after cleaning the sump.
Silting up
To prevent sludge or fat deposits from forming in the tank, it is recommended to equip all plumbing fixtures in the house with special grease traps.In particular, this affects kitchen sinks, through which mainly greasy bio-waste passes. Also, the use of filters will increase the efficiency of such a system.
To prevent the cesspool from freezing in winter, it is best to install thermal insulation in advance or warm up the pits and pipes from time to time.
When designing a sewage system, it makes sense to think in advance about leaving some space for thermal insulation.
In order not to face any of the above problems, it is worth considering in advance all the nuances of operating the sewer system and, during its construction, proceed from the possible needs for the construction of additional elements. If you still face such a problem as filling the cesspool too quickly, do not worry, everything can be fixed.
Sedimentation of solid fats on the ground after pumping! Cannot be pumped out! Must wait! In general, however, such pits should be banned! All waste must be converted to the topsoil! The sun, oxygen, vegetation are the main disinfectants! Clay allows microbes to enter the groundwater. And then these microbes get to us with water! The water heats up, germs multiply!
depending on how many people live. it is still not bottomless. and about processing. as?. there are septic tanks.