Sump pit operating rules

The rules for operating the cesspool are established by the current regulatory documents and are binding. They allow you to ensure the disposal of wastewater without harming people and nature. On your own site, you can build different structures, but they must meet the requirements. Before starting the construction of your own cesspool, you should master the features of their arrangement and operation.

Why is it important to handle the cesspool correctly

A cesspool is the simplest and most common waste disposal option for private estates, country houses and summer cottages. Its principle of operation is based on the collection, accumulation and disposal of liquid waste and wastewater, for which special tanks are equipped.

Strict requirements are imposed on the design, placement and operation of cesspools, regulated by SNiP and SanPiN. The restrictions are well founded. Improper handling of a cesspool can cause serious problems:

  1. The multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms increases the risk of infectious diseases. In this case, the infection is carried by various insects and small rodents.
  2. An unpleasant odor can spread over a distance of more than 10 m, even in calm weather.
  3. Soil pollution can change its chemical composition, which has a detrimental effect on trees and garden crops.
  4. As it seeps into the groundwater, runoffs pollute them, and water appears in the wells that cannot be used as drinking water.
  5. Soil moistening has a destructive effect on metal and concrete structures, incl. foundations of the house and outbuildings.

It should be borne in mind that the operation of cesspools in violation of the norms is not only dangerous for the owners of the sites themselves, but can also poison the lives of neighbors. This is fraught with fair claims and lawsuits.

Considering the degree of danger of sewage, the state strictly controls their disposal in private households and dacha communities. The basis for the norms and requirements was the Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population." The basic rules for the maintenance and operation of cesspools are regulated by SanPiN 42-128-4690-88, SP 32.13330.2012, SNiP 30-02-97. Violation of current norms and rules can be punished by administrative, and sometimes criminal, punishment.

Types of cesspools and their operation

The current rules allow the use of several designs of cesspools:

  1. Absorption ponds or cesspools without a bottom. This is the simplest design, which is a pit or well (reservoir), where a natural filter of sand and gravel is laid instead of the bottom. It can be installed provided that the daily flow volume does not exceed 1 cubic meter. In this case, the liquid does not have time to accumulate in the pit (well), but, seeping through the filter layer, goes into the soil.
  2. Sealed sump. Such a cesspool is made in the form of a well with sealed walls and a bottom. Impurities enter it by gravity and gradually accumulate. As the volume is filled, the liquid is mechanically pumped out.
  3. Accumulative septic tanks. They are hermetically sealed containers (plastic, metal or concrete) with a filtration and biological treatment system. In such sedimentation tanks, the sewage is partially purified, and the filtered water does not pose a great danger.With a multi-chamber design, it can be used, for example, for irrigation.

The choice of the type of cesspool depends on the actual volume of flow, the constancy of residence in the house, the properties of the soil, the occurrence of groundwater. The special environmental requirements of the area must be taken into account.

Each cesspool design requires a specific approach to design, maintenance and operation. It is important to correctly determine the installation site in compliance with all standards, to ensure safe and reliable transportation of the drain, to comply with the established rules, and to clean the containers in a timely manner.

Operation of the absorbing structure

A cesspool without a bottom is equipped in accordance with the norms of SanPiN 42-128-4690-88. The bottom filter should contain layers of sand and gravel, as well as an interlayer of broken stone of various fractions. The bottom of the pit should be located below the level of the drinking water intake in the water well. The distance from the settling tank to the water intake should be at least 20 m in clay soil, 30 m in loamy soil and more than 50 m in sandstone.

The following safety distances must be observed:

  • to a residential building - 9-10 m, to utility buildings - 5-6 m;
  • to the fence and the border with a neighboring site - more than 1 m;
  • to the water main - 22-25 m, to the gas line - 5-6 m;
  • up to trees - 5-6 m.

Wastewater flows into the cesspool by gravity. For this, pipes are laid at a slope of at least 3%. The pipe diameter is at least 10 cm.

A natural filter copes with the incoming liquid, but gradually sludge settles at the bottom, which worsens filtration. Cleaning the pit from it must be carried out at least 1 time in 6 months. For this, the liquid is completely pumped out of the well, and mechanical cleaning is carried out. From above, the well should be closed with a hatch to prevent the spread of odors. Periodic inspection of the pit is provided at least once a week. To do this, the hatch is opened and the liquid level is checked, as well as the condition of the bottom filter using a dipstick.

Operation of sealed septic tanks

Sewage remains in sealed cesspools for a sufficiently long period of time, which allows the development of various bacteria. Chemical reactions and decomposition of substances take place with the release of poisonous and flammable gases. This circumstance requires the arrangement of ventilation. Its pipe must have a diameter of at least 10 cm and rise above the ground to a height of more than 0.6 m.

The main parameter is the volume of the cavity to be filled. It is calculated based on the actual flow volume. It is generally accepted that the average daily volume is 0.5 cubic meters per person. However, with permanent residence and housekeeping, it can reach 2 cubic meters. The calculation is based on the condition that pumping is provided in 1-3 months.

An important requirement is the timely pumping of liquid. The level of its accumulation must be constantly monitored. The liquid should not reach the top of the well at a distance of 30 cm. The depth of the pit is not recommended more than 3 m, which allows the use of standard fecal pumps when pumping out. For continuous level monitoring, it is recommended to install a float sensor.

Regulatory documents establish special care for sealed sedimentation tanks. Regardless of the type of drain, liquid sterilization is provided at least once every six months. It is designed to eliminate the activity of pathogenic bacteria. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a mixture of bleach, creolin and naphthalezole. It is forbidden to use pure chloride lime. When it comes into contact with water and some components of the effluent, a significant amount of gas is released, which can have a dangerous effect on the human respiratory tract.

For the possibility of year-round use of the cesspool, it is necessary to take care of the thermal insulation of the walls of the well and pipes in the trench. It is important to insulate the manhole cover.

Accumulative construction

The cleaning chamber plays an important role in the storage system.In addition to filters for coarse and mechanical cleaning, biological methods are used. High efficiency is achieved by using bioactivators. In fact, these are beneficial microorganisms, which, with their active vital activity, process food residues. The processed waste precipitates and can be further used as fertilizer. For the decomposition of solid waste, special chemical reagents are introduced into the septic tank.

Cleaning activities are carried out at least once every 15 days. It is necessary to carry out a full inspection and preventive repair of sealed and storage structures annually.

When operating cesspools, a situation may arise when their volume ceases to satisfy the owners. In this case, you should not rush to dismantle and replace the equipment. It is enough to dig another hole nearby and connect it to the existing one.
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