Dissolving fatty deposits in the sump

The cesspool begins to fill faster than before. This indicates a decrease in the efficiency of its work. This happens, as a rule, due to the deposition of insoluble fat on the walls of the pit. The fat gradually fills the pores in the soil, preventing the drainage of water into the soil. The cleaning function is terminated. The pit turns into a fetid swamp.

Why is the formation of fatty deposits dangerous?

Fat deposits are also dangerous because, when they settle on the walls of the pit, they form a sticky film. The film has the ability to retain fragments of small particles. Gradually filling all the free space of the soil with insoluble particles that settle on the layer of fat, the wall in the cesspool is covered with an insoluble crust. Sometimes small stones form, which settle to the bottom, gradually filling the pit.

The combination of factors such as insoluble wall crust, stones, plaque formation in places leads to a deterioration in cleaning properties. Water stops filtering through the soil, as all the pores are clogged. The pit turns into a simple storage tank filled with a viscous liquid. A persistent, pungent odor begins to appear. In winter, this is accompanied by freezing of the sump. The emerging problem poses the task of solving it in accessible and cost-effective ways. First of all, the removal of fatty deposits.

Fat decomposition products

Practical experience of gardeners allows us to talk about several ways to remove deposits. Consider the options for using fat breakers. They practically do not require much effort on the part of the gardener.

Sump cleaner Roetech K-47 possesses high fat-decomposing properties. He can handle other types of waste and sediment. After its application, the volume of solid precipitation is significantly reduced. Before using K-47, you must:

  1. Stir the contents by shaking off repeatedly.
  2. Open the lid of the container, send the contents into the container.
  3. If there is no water in the pit, it must be poured.

The operation is performed twice a year. You can repeat it if you want. A bottle with a capacity of 946 ml is enough for the maintenance of 2 cubic meters. There is no harm to people, animals and plants. Keep out of the reach of children. Not to drink. The product works well with grease, soap, paper.

Roetech K-87 is a further development of the purifier. Its creators have provided an increase in the power of breaking down fatty deposits. It has become more effective in combating siltation of pits. Its use allows you to deal with the remains of soap, paper, which, together with fat, rendered the treatment facilities inoperative.

Aqueous solution of bacteria of the genus Bacillus subtilis, Bacillis macerans, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, and Bacillus pumilis... These bacteria decompose substances that pose a threat to nature. They are safe. The bottle contains 946 ml. It is enough to process containers with a volume of 2m3. Safety requirements include protection from children and from ingestion. Safe.

There are also other biological substances. They represent pills... This form is considered the most convenient. One tablet is enough for the anaerobic bacteria to begin their cleansing work. The dosage, depending on the proposed volume of the sewage pit, is written in the attached instructions. Usually one or two tablets are dropped into the reservoir every month. This is believed to be sufficient to effectively clean up the sediment. At the same time, suspended particles are not forgotten, odor is neutralized.Anaerobic bacteria, which are used for this, perform their functions perfectly in the absence of light and oxygen. Sometimes, instead of pills, biologics are produced in a cassette version. This cassette contains microorganisms. Water-soluble bags with similar contents are also used.

The biologics market offers the following products:

  1. Bioactivator Saneks... It's a powder. To give it a working condition, insist in warm water for 20 minutes. During this time, the bacteria are activated. It works great not only with sewage, but also with fats, starch, paper and organic fibers. Water, after its application, is suitable for irrigation.
  2. Dr. Robick... Rich in microorganisms, it allows you to easily cope not only with organics, but also to ensure the decomposition of phenols, fats and detergents. The bag is designed for cleaning 5 cubic meters of waste water. It is used only in the presence of water. If necessary, the pit freed from the liquid is filled with water before adding this agent.
  3. Bioactivator "Green pine"... Includes: bacteria, organic carriers, enzymes. Pine flavor added. Fights fats, impurities, prevents flies from multiplying. Convenient in that the contents of the pit after processing can be used as fertilizer.
  4. Bio-sept... A universal remedy. Bottom sediments and fats are subject to him, in addition to excrement. Afraid only of chlorine-containing substances that kill bacteria.

How else can you solve the problem

The easiest way is full content cleaning... It starts with the removal of liquid waste manually or with the use of technology. Then the plaque is removed from the walls of the pit and the bottom. This frees up the pores of the soil to filter the liquid. After these operations, you can continue to use the sump. The work is time consuming. It is a method of mechanical removal of grease during cleaning. The use of special equipment may be required: a pump, a sewer machine. It all depends on the type of cesspool or tank that is used as a sewage accumulator.

The problem is simplified by simply digging up an old cesspool. The condition of its walls due to the deposition of insoluble fat, filling the bottom with stones and sediment is such that they are practically airtight. Therefore, after filling, problems should not arise. The presence of places where it is possible to dig a new hole will allow us to limit ourselves to elementary digging, both manually and with the help of improvised means or special machines. It all depends only on the availability of certain possibilities.

The method of digging a new hole is used if other methods of solving the problem of returning the cleaning function have been exhausted. Sometimes both pits are combined. To do this, work is carried out, consisting of the following stages:

  • another tank is dug next to the old one;
  • bring it into working condition;
  • using a pipeline, we connect both pits;
  • we close them.

In this case, both containers are used. Burying is not necessary. The old one serves for the accumulation of solid waste. The new one takes in the liquid filtered from the particles.

Preventing the problem

It is impossible to completely get rid of the ingress of fat into the drain pit. Commonly used detergents only rinse off, not dissolve the grease. Therefore, a mixture of water and fat flows into the container. From this it can be seen that the fight against fatty deposits is to reduce its amount entering the drain pit. There are several ways to achieve this. For example, you can use a fairly simple method. It consists in the fact that the remnants of the used fat must be poured into a container allocated for this, which, after filling, is thrown away as garbage.

However, there is another way to fight fat. This is a grease catcher installation. The essence of the operation of such a device is that water with fat residues is passed through it. The water leaves, but the fat stays inside. The accumulated fat is removed. The principle of operation is based on the fact that fat and water have different densities. Fat is lighter.He stays on top. It can be removed. In this way, the formation of deposits of insoluble fat is eliminated. The service life of the tank is extended without cleaning.

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