Progress does not stand still - everyone knows this, even a small child. A person learns, invents, creates, so that later another person picks up and modifies, breathes new life and begins to study again. The circle is continuous and incredibly large, because people, in fact, for so much time of their existence have stepped from a sharpened stone to technologies close to artificial intelligence. Everything is developing, everything is moving forward, and this is the best ability of our brain - development.
There is, however, such that humanity, looking exclusively upwards, does not notice the obvious things under its feet. Indeed, the grass does not prevent us from walking on the ground until we stumble and fall. The ant is not visible to our eye until it crawls under the clothes and bites. And the noise of water in the pipes is not noticeable until it becomes so loud that it wakes you up at night.
Where does noise come from and its impact
Water from the tap or sewage passing through the sewer pipes touches the walls and makes a loud sound that can be heard at decent distances due to the fact that collisions with the walls cause the entire sewer system to vibrate. According to studies (Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, the Department of Acoustics of the Faculty of Physics was closely engaged in this issue), the noise of sewer pipes significantly affects the state of people: both moral and physical. The permissible noise level in rooms where people are for a long time reaches 30 decibels, but this result is practically unattainable even in an absolutely correct design of the sewerage system.
Undoubtedly, there are various methods of sound insulation, thought out over the years, or even centuries. Man, having learned to build houses and apartments, continued, continues and will continue to improve them.
Ways to reduce noise
Firstly, if the sewer system is mounted from standard materials, then various noise-insulating means can be used during installation - in particular, pipes are wrapped with all kinds of materials that absorb sound. They use a lot - from foam rubber ("old-fashioned way") to the material that is used to insulate the walls of houses. However, this method is very costly and very unreliable: insulation is expensive, besides, when installing such a system, the master will have to be much more careful, since it takes up more space than the standard one.
Secondly, it is possible to completely get rid of vibrations in the system using special thick-walled pipes with mineral additives. The vibration would be completely damped, but such pipes are very expensive. Therefore, for the majority of the population, such costs are simply unacceptable, especially since the manufacturer is often silent about the durability of such products.
Thirdly, there are special fasteners that securely fix the entire system, but at the same time they also cost quite a lot, plus everything - a certain specialist is required to install them. The slightest inaccuracy during installation can lead to the collapse of the entire sewage system.
Returning to the topic of progress, it is worth noting that most - if not all useful inventions and their improvements were developed in connection with one main goal - conserving resources. The manufacturer always wants to spend little and earn a lot. The environment requires the use of the least toxic materials for production. The buyer directly states that he would like to spend less for better quality. This is where the market stands, it drives progress and civilization as a whole.
And a little more about prolipropylene
Sound-absorbing sewerage was previously used mainly in hotels, hotels, holiday homes, boarding houses and other places where people need peace and quiet. Unfortunately, earlier such systems were not affordable for ordinary houses, but now there are many companies on the Internet that offer this product at an affordable price. They are based on special sound-absorbing layers, as a rule, polypropylene reinforced with minerals. For the convenience and simplicity of the work of the craftsmen, the firms producing these pipes make special fasteners and other components to them. In general, it comes out much more reliable and cheaper than prefabricated systems. In addition, this system surpasses all previous ones in terms of its shelf life, which undoubtedly puts it one step higher.
Calmness is an indicator of the quality of life. In silence, most often the most brilliant ideas are born, the brightest thoughts come and the greatest deeds are accomplished. Silence and tranquility is a guarantee of spiritual harmony, which leads to real bliss. And a person's home is a place that a priori should be a refuge, where he feels protection, peace and inspiration. And all this cannot and should not be overshadowed by extraneous noise loading a person's head.
The sound-absorbing sewage system in its simplicity and convenience is another small step towards great creations, even more functional and useful inventions and the development of humanity as a whole.