Instructions for the use of the drug "Tamir"

Maintenance of a cesspool in the private sector can be based not only on the regular pumping of sewage, but also on their processing using special bacterial preparations. One of the well-established in this area is "Tamir". The mixture is actively used to eliminate unpleasant odors from an outdoor toilet / septic tank, blockages in the sewer pipeline. According to reviews, the Tamir cesspool agent works with high efficiency.

Principle of action and composition of the drug

The Tamir product, proven by repeated use, contains 86 active bacteria. Reacting with water at room temperature and glucose, they begin their active action: organic processing of sewage into simpler substances - sludge and water. In the future, the liquid clarified with the help of bacteria can be used for watering garden crops. Sludge is removed from the cesspool or used as compost.

The owners of suburban areas notice the first signs of active work of "Tamir" after 5-7 days. Evidence of healthy processing of sewage into natural organic matter is the complete absence of a specific smell from a septic tank / pit. Complete neutralization of effluents takes from 2 to 4 months, depending on the volume of sewage.

The advantages of the drug "Tamir"

Positive aspects of the Tamir product:

  • complete elimination of unpleasant odor from the toilet / pit;
  • decrease in the volume of waste / fecal matter;
  • improvement of sanitary conditions in the area of ​​the cesspool;
  • processing of sewage into natural compost (sludge), which can then be used to fertilize the soil;
  • the harmlessness of the drug for the owners of the site and the environment;
  • neutralization of ammonia and other substances harmful to human health in the sewer receiver;
  • ease of use;
  • acceptable cost.

"Tamir" can be used not only for a cesspool, but also as a universal means for removing blockages in the sewer system.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions, the drug is used as follows:

  • 40 ml of the liquid product is diluted in 4 liters of water at room temperature without chlorine.
  • Add 10 tablespoons of sugar to the mixture to activate the bacteria.
  • The mass is thoroughly mixed and left at room temperature for 2 days.
  • Over time, the mixture is poured into one of the corners of the cesspool at the rate of 0.5 liters for every 2 m3 of wastewater volume.

If there is not enough liquid in the septic tank, 10-15 liters of warm water (30-40 degrees) are poured into it.

All work must be carried out only at positive temperatures. The action of microorganisms in the sewer continues until late autumn. In the cold, bacteria stop working until the next activation of the process (heat, sugar, water).

The use of "Tamir" for removing blockages in the collector means diluting 50 ml of the product in a liter of warm water. The finished mixture is poured into the sink overnight. In the morning, rinse with hot water under pressure and in large quantities.

The efficiency of bacteria is reduced when chemically aggressive substances based on chlorine and manganese enter the effluent. These include washing powders, detergents, cleaning products.

Customer Reviews

Angela, 41 years old: My husband and I thought for a long time how to save money on a vacuum truck in the country and at the same time eliminate the unpleasant smell from the toilet. It was difficult to be near him in the garden, let alone go there. We are new people in the dacha business.Literally a year as we inherited the site. Therefore, we do not really understand the intricacies of its operation and maintenance. A neighbor advised her husband "Tamir". We did everything according to the instructions. The solution was poured somewhere in May. It’s October now, and there’s no hearing from the toilet, nor, most importantly, the spirit. And the truth doesn't stink. The husband dropped in. He says we will fertilize the vegetable garden in November.

Anna, 36 years old: The drug "Tamir" was used in the apartment to remove the blockage in the sink. Very often I had to use a plunger lately. And then I learned about the bacterial agent from a neighbor. I bought it and used it according to the instructions. True, I had to buy bottled water for this business. So that without chlorine. I poured everything into the sink for the night. I washed it thoroughly in the morning. I don’t know how the bacteria worked there, but for the second week in a row the water goes down the drain freely, without delay. Now I will keep Tamir close at hand. Better than calling a plumber to clean the pipes.
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