The device of a country toilet with a cesspool

On a suburban area, the presence of a toilet is just as important as in a full-fledged cottage. If there is no sewage system, as a rule, allotment owners are engaged in the installation of a country toilet with a cesspool with their own hands. This is the simplest design that does not require significant investment in construction. It is quite possible to build a toilet from scrap materials, but it is advisable to adhere to the basic recommendations of SNiP.

Preparation for construction work

Sump pit

Before starting the installation of a country toilet, it is worth preparing the territory. To do this, the top fertile soil layer should be removed from the intended plot of land. It is more useful in the beds. It is advisable to mark the area for the pit using pegs and construction thread.

The second preparatory stage is digging a pit for the receiver. It doesn't matter what material it will be made of. The dimensions of the recess should be larger than the intended tank by 20 cm on each side and 20 cm at the bottom.

The bottom of the pit is well rammed and a sand cushion is poured. It is advisable to slightly moisten it. So it will sit more tightly under the rammer and form a solid base under the receiver container. Then the concrete base is poured. It is desirable to reinforce it. They are waiting for the complete drying of the concrete pad and continue to work.

Required tools

In order for the process of installing a country toilet with a cesspool to pass without a hitch, you must immediately prepare the following tools:

  • shovel;
  • rammer;
  • concrete mixer (if the pit will be poured from the solution);
  • roulette;
  • pegs;
  • formwork boards;
  • trowel and mallet (for laying bricks, if the pit will be mounted from it);
  • hammer and construction nails;
  • saw.

Materials for construction are procured as follows:

  • brick, plastic cube / barrel or cement (depending on what the tank will be made of);
  • sand;
  • roofing material or mastic;
  • wooden beam;
  • board (can be unedged);
  • roofing material.

The simplest components for a country toilet are listed. If you want to build a beautiful house, you can use more solid materials: rounded logs, foam blocks, bricks, etc.

Choosing a location for placing a toilet with a cesspool

An important stage in the construction of a country closet is the choice of a place for it. Arbitrarily installing an object in any place you like on the site is prohibited. The choice of the point of its installation is approached, relying on the existing sanitary standards:

  • From all sources with water (well, borehole, etc.), the latrine is "moved" at least 20-25 m.
  • The toilet is located at a distance of at least 4 m from the outbuildings.
  • It is necessary to move the sanitary house from the cottage (if there is one on the site) at least 12 m.
  • Distance from all cultivated plantations - 4 m minimum.
  • The distance from the toilet to the fence must be at least 1 m.

In this case, it is worth considering the predominant direction of air masses, which can drive unpleasant odors into the windows of the house. Pay attention to the side towards which the closet door will look. It is not entirely pleasant if it is the neighbors' house / garden.

It is possible to mount a standard pit, in which the drains will seep into the ground through the drainage, only if the groundwater level in the area is at a depth of 2.5 m or more. In other cases, you need to build a sealed receiver.This will prevent an environmental disaster in the village. In addition, non-compliance with sanitary standards during the construction of a country toilet is punishable by law.

Choice of materials

Monolithic concrete pit

To properly make a good country toilet with an odorless cesspool, it is better to immediately mount a sealed receiver under the drains and constantly add bacteria to the sewage. They will process feces into organic matter (silt and water). As a result, there will be no persistent smell from the toilet, and the sludge can be used as compost.

The following materials are used as materials for a sealed pit:

  • Brick. Lay on a previously poured concrete platform. The bricks can be placed in one row. After assembling the blocks, the walls of the tank are treated with bitumen mastic.
  • Plastic eurocube or barrel. Installed on a concrete base and filled to the top with water. Only after this is the container sprinkled. If this recommendation is disregarded, the barrel may burst over time under soil pressure. After sprinkling the container, the water is pumped out.
  • Concrete rings. The most labor-intensive material that requires special equipment. The rings are installed one on top of the other, connecting them in parallel with special brackets. After the installation of reinforced concrete elements, all joints are coated with a bituminous sealant.
  • Monolithic concrete. Here you will have to fill the tank from the solution. For this, formwork is placed around the perimeter of the pit. Then the fittings are mounted and the solution is poured. After it is completely dry, you can fill the container on the sides.

When sprinkling the receiver, the soil must be well compacted.

Stages of construction of a country toilet with a pit

After the pit for the drains is ready, you can proceed to the step-by-step construction of the above-ground part of the toilet - a house. As a rule, its parameters (L x W x H), according to frequently used drawings, are 1 x 1.4 x 2.2 m. Or the width is slightly greater than the width of the cesspool.

  • First of all, you need to mount the foundation for the house. To do this, a trench is dug around the tank. A solution is poured into the installed formwork, pre-reinforcing with steel rods. After the foundation has dried, it is covered with roofing material on top, and the walls are coated with bituminous mastic.
  • A frame for the house should be assembled from the prepared timber: make a frame according to the parameters of the foundation and fix four vertical posts on it. In the upper part, the frame is also connected by a frame made of timber. The entire structure is screwed to the foundation. The frame for the house can be reinforced with cross and diagonal braces.
  • On the base-frame, logs are arranged for the floor from the boards. The lag step is 30-40 cm.
  • Boards are laid on the logs, in which a hole is previously cut out for installing a seat / toilet. All wood is treated with an anti-fungus agent. The thickness of the boards must be at least 3 cm.
  • Sheathed the structure from the outside. To do this, use a board, lining, metal slate.
  • Make a roof. Here you can use the simplest single-slope design. Roofing material or slate is used as a roofing material.
  • A wooden seat box is installed and the doors are hung on the hinges. To make it light in the toilet, you can conduct electricity there or simply cut a window in the door leaf in advance. The interior of the house can be left as it is, or it can also be sheathed with clapboard.
  • Small parts are mounted - doorknob, latch, hooks, toilet paper holders.

To make the tree of the house last longer, it can be treated with fire retardants and moisture-proof impregnation. From above, it is advisable to paint the building or varnish it.
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