Why a cesspool is quickly recruited and what can be done

For the device of an autonomous sewage system, not only a pipeline is needed, but also an end sink for drains. Most often it is a sealed septic tank or cesspool. The first is a full-fledged local treatment system and works like a clock. The second version of the tank often gives the master a lot of problems. Especially if the cesspools fill up quickly after pumping out. To fix the problem, you need to find out the cause of the failure.

Causes of the problem

Cesspool without a bottom and sealed

To find the root of the malfunction of the waste receiver, you need to understand its structure and learn the principle of operation. As a rule, a cesspool is simply dug into the ground. At best, its walls are laid out with bricks, and the bottom is made drainage (sand, crushed stone, rubble). In such a receiver, water simply oozes into the ground, and feces (large impurities) remain, forming a viscous slurry. It later needs to be pumped out with a sewage system.

In the worst case, a cesspool is simply an earthen cube into which drains flow. This version of the receiver device is unacceptable, since fecal water causes irreparable harm to the environment. In addition, the walls of the earthen pit silt up faster and become overgrown with fat.

The main reasons for the rapid filling of the receiver may lie in the following:

  • Tank volume too small. For example, initially the pit was designed for two people with a specific number of water consumption, and recently a dishwasher or a washing machine was added from plumbing fixtures, and two more guests began to live in the house.
  • Silting up the bottom. Both the earthen hole and the receiver with a drainage bottom silt over time. In the first case, this happens faster, as fecal masses, household water contain human sweat secretions. They first settle in a thin film on the bottom and walls of the tank, hindering the outflow of the clarified liquid into the ground. The thicker the fat film, the faster the pit will fill. The same goes for the walls of the receiver.
  • Frozen soil in winter. If the soil at the level of the bottom of the pit is grasped by ice, water will not flow freely into it. This results in a rapid filling of the waste chamber.

In order not to harm the environment, not to provoke outbreaks of epidemics in the village, it is advisable to make a cesspool with sealed walls and a bottom. In addition, this is interpreted by the sanitary norms of the Russian Federation.

Effective ways to solve the problem

Biological products must be used constantly, according to the instructions

Eliminate the problem of quickly filling the sewer pit consistently, depending on the cause. If it is necessary to increase the volume of the tank, it is not at all necessary to dig a separate new receiver. It is possible, next to the first, to form an additional overflow chamber for another 1/2 of the total volume of the old pit. Thus, the system will look like a full-fledged septic tank. The main thing is to bring the overflow window into the second chamber and arrange a drainage bottom in it. Later, faeces will have to be pumped out of the first receiver less often.

Silting of walls and bottom

This problem is fought like this:

  • Sludge washout on the bottom and sides of the receiver. You will have to work with household products. This is done after pumping out the pit and under great pressure. All washed away must be removed from the receiver again.
  • Complete replacement of the drainage bottom. All stones, gravel and sand should be removed here. Then the drainage layer is re-laid.

At the time of washing the fatty film, it is advisable to thoroughly process the walls of the pit and bottom with stiff brushes.

Also, to combat body fat, you can use special preparations:

  • Bacteria. The preparations in this series are living cultures that come into action in a humid environment. Bacteria actively decompose fecal waste into organic sludge and plain water. The main advantage of using such drugs is that the stench completely disappears, and the receiver has to be pumped out less often. In addition, the sludge later becomes organic compost. But it is worth remembering that bacteria work only at temperatures above + 7. If the water contains household chemicals (powder, detergent, etc.), bacteria reduce their activity or cease to act at all. The most popular biological products for cesspools are Microbec, Vodogray.
  • Chemical substances. The main component of such drugs is ammonium compounds, formaldehydes or nitrate oxidants. The chemicals are extremely aggressive, and therefore effectively act on fatty impurities in fecal waters. But they also have a number of their own characteristics. Formaldehyde products are considered the most dangerous for the environment. They completely destroy odors, pathogenic bacteria, fats, but when they enter the ground, they completely kill all living things in the soil. Nothing will grow on dead ground for 7-8 years. Fruits that have already ripened on such soil cannot be eaten. Ammonium chemicals can only be used in the warm season at freezing temperatures. Preparations based on nitrate oxidants are considered the most environmentally friendly. The sludge formed from their work is suitable as compost.

When using any preparations, it is highly advisable to adhere to the recommendations regarding the dosage of loading per pit.

Frozen soil

If the reason that the cesspool is quickly recruited is frozen soil, you need to take measures to eliminate the problem:

  • Warm up the pipeline completely. To do this, it is worth stretching an electric cable from the exit of the collector from the house to its entrance into the pit. It is advisable to do this even at the stage of installing the sewer system. An additional insulation is placed on top of the cable.
  • The bottom of the frozen bottom of the receiver will have to be heated with special iron rods. One metal rod, in height exceeding the depth of the pit, is driven with force into the bottom so that one end sticks out from above. A stripped electrical cable is thrown onto the rod and connected to the network. The principle of such heating is that the frozen ground conducts current well, due to which it warms up. Thawed soil does not let the electricity go any further.

It will take at least a day to heat one pit with a volume of 3 m3 in this way.

Prevention of rapid filling of the sewer pit

To avoid problems with fast filling of the receiver, you can do the following:

  • At the stage of the pit construction, its volume should be correctly calculated. Additionally, you can throw another 20%.
  • It is important to take into account the depth of soil freezing in the area. If it is not possible to position the pit below this level, you need to properly insulate the camera. Additionally, you will have to take care of the possible heating of the collector.
  • It is better to immediately mount a septic tank or at least completely concrete the walls / bottom of the receiver. This will protect the soil from the negative effects of runoff and prevent siltation in the reservoir.
  • In the warm season, it is better to use bacteria. They will not only remove layers of fat on the walls and bottom of the pit, but also eliminate unpleasant odors. In addition, pumping down can be done less frequently.
  • Once a year, it is advisable to thoroughly rinse the walls and bottom of the leaking pit.

The dynamics of filling the sewer tank should be regularly monitored and fecal wastewater should be pumped out in time.

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