At the summer cottage, a cozy toilet with a well-made cesspool plays an important role. When the amenities are truly comfortable, there is no bad smell, nothing will spoil the weekend or the holidays.
Sanitary requirements for site selection
When building even a small toilet, it is necessary to comply with sanitary standards so as not to harm the health of loved ones and the environment. When arranging an outdoor toilet with a cesspool, the following points must be taken into account:
- The distance to the point of water intake and a large reservoir should not be less than 30 m.
- Distance to the road - from 5 m, to residential buildings - from 12 m.
- The indent from the fence is more than a meter, from the garden and vegetable garden - 3 m.
The depth of the cesspool for the local sewer or country toilet depends on the water table. The bottom of the structure must be at least one meter above the aquifer. If underground sources run close to the surface, it is possible to arrange a pit based on a sealed tank, for example, a plastic barrel. With a high location of subsoil moisture (up to 2.5 m), there is a risk that a light container will float during a flood. It should be anchored to the concrete base.
Other dimensions are arbitrary and depend on the internal structure of the cesspool for the country toilet: the size of concrete rings, old tires, and so on.
When choosing a place for a structure, the direction of the wind in the local area is taken into account, so that when the characteristic sewer smell seeps out, it does not carry it to the residential buildings.
Types of structures and installation features
Cesspools are classified according to the material of manufacture and design characteristics. They are made from bricks, concrete rings, plastic tanks, old car tires. Most of these structures can be sealed, but some are made without a bottom with a drainage layer. The latter can only be developed where the underground waters are deep. Despite the fact that the liquid gradually goes into the soil, pits without a bottom have to be pumped out, but a little less often than sealed ones.
Brick construction
This is one of the simple and inexpensive ways to make a cesspool for an outdoor toilet in the country with your own hands. Installation rules:
- Dig a pit and fill the bottom with a mixture of rubble and sand. The layer should be 30 cm thick.
- Tamp down the sand and crushed stone pillow and make a concrete screed with a reinforcing mesh over it.
- Line the walls with plain checkerboard brick using cement mortar.
- Coat the walls with bitumen for waterproofing.
Instead of bricks, other moisture-resistant blocks are also used. If the groundwater is far away, you can lay out a device with a filter bottom according to this principle. The sand-crushed stone cushion will act as a drainage, and reinforcement and screed will not be required.
Device from old tires
Car tires that have rolled their own will become a good inner layer for a sewer installation in the country. Such a structure is suitable only for small houses with a small number of guests. It will take several hours to create a cleaning device; expenditure on consumables is minimal. A middle pit requires a dozen old tires.
Installation steps:
- The pit is dug out according to the diameter of the tires. Its depth depends on the number of elements.
- In the center, a drainage well is being drilled to let runoff into the soil to avoid stagnation. A perforated drainage pipe is inserted into it so that the top rises a meter above the bottom. It is covered with rubble 15 cm.
- Tires are laid out with the inner rim cut off so that the surface from the inside of the structure is smoother. The joints are sealed inside. The last tire should be slightly above the surface of the ground.
- The inlet pipe is installed into the pre-cut hole in the side part of the top bus.
- The distance between the outer walls of the tires and the pit is filled with clay and covered with soil.
It is advisable to install a funnel pipe to eliminate sewer odors. It should rise above the pit by at least a meter, and preferably higher.
The use of large tires from trucks will increase the size of the cesspool being created, both in diameter and in depth.
Of the minuses of the device, they note a possible violation of tightness due to heaving of the soil and the complexity of repair and reconstruction.
Concrete ring pit
Due to the large weight of the rings, such an installation cannot be done exclusively with your own hands. We'll have to hire special equipment.
The installation is similar to building a brick pit. The elements are placed in a pre-dug pit on a concrete screed or slab, sealed with bitumen mastic.
You can also create an overflow pit - an analogue of a septic tank from two or three chambers. Thanks to filtration in several sedimentation tanks, the wastewater will be better clarified and released into the soil. The number of calls for sewer workers will be greatly reduced. In overflow pits, preparations with special microorganisms are usually used to treat wastewater in the second or third chamber. With the correct construction of a septic tank, it is possible to achieve clarification of the waters to such an extent that they can be used to fertilize the garden.
In stationary cesspools, biologicals can also be used - usually in the form of tablets or powders. Microorganisms-cleaners are able to process excrement, greasy compounds, paper. The main thing is that there is a nutrient medium and a positive air temperature. In the conditions of the summer cottage, it will be necessary to update the colony every season - in winter, useful microbes in the street pit will not survive. Their use will get rid of the unpleasant smell and flies flying on the sewer aroma.
Creating a toilet house
The size of the country toilet building should not be less than 1x1.5x2.2m, so that a tall and large person can freely accommodate there. The structure is pushed forward one third in relation to the pit so that it is possible to clean the device. A frame of four pillars is installed on a shallow strip-type foundation. The base can be made of bricks or concrete blocks. The pillars themselves are placed in the ground and fixed with concrete in the same way as piles.
For the construction of a frame base, you can use bars of 50 × 50 or 80 × 80 mm; it is impractical to use a larger material. A frame of the front, rear and side walls is constructed from a bar. In this case, the front wall is made higher than the rear one by at least 100 mm to ensure the necessary slope of the roof. On the front wall, you will need to reinforce the doorway.
The wall frames are attached to the foundation using metal corners; on the upper part and at the level of the toilet seat, they are strapped. The cladding of the frame base is made with wooden boards. Vertical cladding helps to save material, while horizontal cladding imitates the frame and looks more interesting.
All wooden parts of the building must be treated with a special antibacterial impregnation that protects the material from moisture and insects, and then varnished or painted.
A roof made of slate or metal profile is placed on the crate so as to build a visor.
Any doors will do - from wood, plastic, plywood. The door leaf is hung on two hinges. The chair is assembled from a board or lining. A pre-assembled frame is clad with them.The chair can be painted after completion of all installation work. A hole is cut in the middle.