To build an effective cesspool in a private house with your own hands, you must carefully follow the work technology and choose the right materials. In this case, the created sewer system will cope with the assigned tasks and will work for a long time without any failures.
Types and arrangement of structures
Cesspools can be filtration (absorbing) or sealed. Structures of the first type ensure the absorption of collected wastewater into the ground. Subsequently, they are processed by microorganisms into organic compounds that are safe for the environment. Sealed collectors require periodic cleaning and disposal of sewage waste.
Cesspools without pumping out are equipped with side walls and a floor slab. At the same time, there is no bottom in the structure. The lower part of the collector is covered with a layer of rubble, which performs a filtration function. Large particles are retained on the surface, while smaller ones are absorbed into the soil. The walls of the absorption pits are perforated. This significantly increases the absorbency of the structure.
The overlap prevents debris from entering the pit and freezing of sewage waste. It makes it impossible for an unpleasant odor to spread throughout the area. There is a small hatch in the ceiling. It is necessary to monitor the fullness of the cesspool and to maintain it.
Sealed wells are equipped with a waterproof bottom and walls. For efficient operation, collectors of this type are equipped with a ventilation riser. To prevent unpleasant odors, sealed cesspools are used with special bacterial agents. They recycle waste products into water and bottom sediment.
Design and calculations
To make a sewer pit in a private house or in the country with your own hands, you need to carefully approach the choice of its location. It is important to decide on the structure of the structure, the necessary materials and the technology for performing the work.
The norms allow building a sewerage cesspool away from residential buildings (at a distance of 5 m), fences, drinking wells (at least 25 m). It is not recommended to equip the structure at the lowest point on the site. During a flood, there is a high probability of contamination of groundwater with harmful substances.
The volume of the collector depends on the number of residents and the duration of their stay in a private house. One person needs 0.5-2 cubic meters of a cesspool.
When choosing the volume of the structure, it is recommended to make it equal or a multiple of the capacity of the sewers. This will help to reduce waste collection costs, since you have to pay extra for each car ride. Also, the cesspool must be made in a place where the free access of the sewer is provided.
Tools and materials
To build a sewer with your own hands, you need to prepare a brick, ready-made rings or car tires. When choosing a monolithic structure, formwork panels, concrete mix (homemade or ready-made), and reinforcement are used.
To complete the work, you will also need the following materials:
- cement, sand to obtain a solution;
- crushed stone for arranging the filtering layer;
- reinforcement for obtaining overlap;
- ready-made hatch, corners and sheet of metal for its manufacture;
- waterproofing.
To carry out the work, prepare shovels, buckets, a container for preparing a solution. For masonry, a trowel, a hammer, a level, a suspension are required. For a large amount of concrete work, it is recommended to use a concrete mixer.
Self-assembly of a cesspool for a private house
Various technological schemes are used for the construction of a sewer. At the beginning of the work, a pit is dug, which must correspond to the size of the cesspool.
Brick building
For the construction of the collector, red solid brick is used, best of all burned out. It is undesirable to use silicate products due to their high absorbency.
Work technology:
- The bottom of the pit is covered with 50 cm of crushed stone or concreted (depending on the tightness of the structure).
- Wall masonry is performed. The manifold can be round, square or rectangular. The laying of a sealed container is carried out with careful filling of the seams with a cement-sand mortar. For the manufacture of a pit without pumping out, slots are provided for fluid seepage between the bricks.
- A hole is left in the masonry for connecting the sewer pipe.
- The upper cut of the walls should be 20-30 cm below the level of the site. After the completion of the masonry, the formwork is arranged and the overlap is poured.
The finished slab is covered with soil, which is carefully tamped. In areas with a harsh climate, the soil layer should be 50-60 cm thick to prevent freezing of the sewer.
Reinforced concrete ring sewer
To obtain a cesspool, it is recommended to adhere to a simple technology:
- A layer of rubble is poured onto the bottom of the pit, concrete is poured or a factory reinforced concrete slab is installed.
- 2-3 rings are mounted on the finished base. To achieve the required level, several rows of bricks are laid.
- A hole for a pipe in a concrete wall is made using a perforator.
- To obtain a sealed structure, the joints between the rings are sealed with a solution, the outer surface is pasted over with sheets of bitumen, the inner surface is plastered.
A reinforced concrete slab is mounted on the finished well and covered with a layer of soil.
Reinforced concrete collector
A cesspool made of concrete ensures high tightness. To obtain a collector, a 10 cm thick screed with additional reinforcement is poured onto the bottom. Waterproofing is laid on the side surfaces of the pit, after which an armopoyas and a crate are installed. Be sure to install mortgages to get holes for pipes.
When pouring concrete, it is compacted. This will increase the strength of the structure being created. After the walls are completed, they proceed to fill the floor.
Sewer pit made of car tires
To obtain a structure, products from heavy vehicles or buses are used. You will need at least 8 tires, which are installed on top of each other in the pit. The gap between the walls of the pit and the collector is covered with fragments of brick, rubble. An overlap is installed on the pit and a layer of soil is laid.
Common installation errors
When arranging cesspools, the following should be avoided:
- install filtration wells with a high level of groundwater - this will lead to contamination of the drinking source;
- make the structure insufficiently voluminous - as a result, the costs of its maintenance and waste removal by sewer trucks increase;
- weak strengthening of the pit walls during the installation of the well, which leads to their destruction;
- placing the collector too close to residential buildings - this leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor, which cannot be eliminated.
It is important to bring the sewer pipe from the house to the cesspool at a slight slope.This will increase the efficiency of the system and prevent waste stagnation.