Blockages in sewer pipes: types and varieties, causes and localization

A blockage in sewer pipes is a fairly common problem that affected everyone. This can be caused by a variety of factors, from improper installation of the system to obstruction by a large object. Each of them can be dealt with, knowing only 3 points:

  • Blockage localization;
  • View;
  • Cleaning methods.

Blockage localization

Determining the location of the blockage will help you more accurately select the necessary methods or means to eliminate it.

The most common areas of contamination:

  • Located closer to the drain hole - siphon or elbow;
  • The transition points of the internal sewage system to the external one;
  • 50-60 cm before inserting into a common highway.

Professionals can determine the location of the plug using a special cable with video surveillance. But you can do without such devices.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the operation of the drain system as a whole. In case of stagnation of water in all plumbing, it is necessary to call a specialist, as the riser is clogged. If problems only arise, for example, in the sink, proceed to the next step - turn on the water. Did the overflow start immediately or after a couple of seconds? This indicates that the upper part of the sewer channel (siphon or area located immediately after it) is clogged. Does the water flow normally for a while? The blockage is deeper.


Blockages are divided into 3 types, based on the reason for poor pipe passage.


The occurrence of this blockage is facilitated by a disdain for the rules of operation. It occurs due to the blockage of the pipe passage by a large object. The most common place of localization is the upper sections of the pipeline, or bends.

Remedies: The solution to the problem is quite simple, it is necessary to extract the cause of the blockage. For this, rubber gloves and a pair of hands will be enough. In some cases, a plunger, plumbing cable or metal ruff will help. The last two should be used only in case of overlapping with some easily destructible object, for example, a large accumulation of paper. Otherwise, you run the risk of pushing the cause of the blockage deeper and it will be more problematic to get it.

Using a plunger, you need to seal the overflow hole so that the water does not flow out. We press the plunger to the drain hole and with jerky movements pump the air up and down until the water passes. For better adhesion, it is advised to lubricate the edges of the plunger with petroleum jelly. This method is only suitable for a pipe with a small diameter.

We introduce the cable gradually into the depth of the pipe with rotational movements. It is recommended to rotate clockwise both when inserting and withdrawing the instrument. Completing the cleaning session is worth using chemicals. There will be no problems working with a plumbing cable, but for greater convenience, you can purchase a special sleeve, with which there will be less twisting.


It appears as a result of long-term accumulation of household deposits (fat, soap, etc.), which narrow the lumen of the pipe and prevent the free passage of water. The situation is aggravated by small debris that settles on the surface of these deposits. Most often, the upper sections of the sewer canal are affected.

Remedies: This problem can be avoided by timely preventive cleaning. In this case, various chemicals are used, depending on the material of the pipeline, and mechanical stress, using the same plumbing cable and a metal brush.

If neglected, the blockage may harden. In this case, the above measures will not help and it will be necessary to replace the pipe.


It is more often formed due to improper installation of the sewer system: a large number of turns, a small pipe diameter, poor-quality material. Also, the cause can be problems in communication systems located next to sewer pipes or direct wear and tear of the system itself, its damage.

Remedies: In such a situation, only replacing the problem area will help, since ordinary cleaning will be ineffective.

Blockage in the siphon

Separately, it is worth highlighting the blockage in the siphon. This is a fairly common problem, especially in the kitchen. It very often accumulates food debris, hair and other debris. Dealing with this is easy.

The siphon is a curved piece of pipe that sits under the sink. During contamination of this area, an unpleasant odor emanating from the drain and poor drainage of water are usually noted. To remove the contamination, it is necessary to unscrew the knee and remove the accumulated debris. After that, rinse, degrease the pipe and reconnect it.
If the contamination area is located a little further than the siphon, you need to use a wire or cable. You should not apply them directly through the sink, because there is a great risk of damage to the sink itself and the pipe. In this case, you must first remove the siphon.


Everyone knows that it is easier to prevent a problem than to spend a lot of effort and money on fixing it. Timely prevention of pipe contamination will help with this. We advise:

  • Purchase special plastic or metal mesh for the drain hole. They will prevent debris from entering the canal;
  • From time to time (at least 1-2 times a year) it is worth disassembling and washing, degreasing the pipeline and its connecting elements;
  • Turn on a hot water tap several times a week and flush the system. This simple method will help protect the sewer from large accumulations of fat;
  • Under no circumstances should even small waste be thrown away, as they can form the basis for the formation of a fat plug.

It is also important to remember about chemical cleaning agents, which serve as a good protection against contamination. This method is effective for preventing blockages of organic origin. There is a large selection of such products, which can be divided by consistency: gel, liquid, granular and powder. Their composition differs, but the basis for all options is a strong acid or alkali. The most popular remedy was and remains "Mole", which is based on sodium hydroxide. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for cleaning plastic pipes, since alkali destroys the structure of the material. For such cases, it is better to use gel-like products, they are more gentle.

We must not forget about effective folk recipes. For organic contamination, you can use:

  • Soda and vinegar... Pour a glass of soda into the drain hole, add a glass of vinegar. When the foam starts to rise, you need to close the hole and leave it for a couple of hours. Then we rinse with boiling water. If the water does not go well, we repeat the procedure;
  • Soda and salt... We mix in equal amounts, fall asleep and fill in a small amount of water so that it helps the mixture move to the place of blockage. We leave for 10-12 hours. After the time has elapsed, rinse with hot water until it starts to pass normally.
  • Soda... Best for clearing toilet blockages. Dissolve about 250 g in a bucket of hot water and pour it into the toilet. We are waiting for 2 hours and wash off.
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