How to properly fill the air conditioner with freon and refueling diagnostics

Refueling of the air conditioner with freon is carried out after the repair of some units, reinstallation, and also periodically due to natural leaks. How to properly fill the air conditioner, read on.

How to fill the air conditioner with freon?

How to properly fill the air conditioner with freon and refueling diagnosticsThere are several refueling methods that will give varying accuracy results. Each of them has pluses and minuses. Depending on the availability of experience, special equipment and the required accuracy, you can choose one of them:

  • filling by weight;
  • hypothermia refueling;
  • overheating refueling.

How to fill the conditioner by weight

Refueling and diagnostics of the air conditioner are carried out simultaneously.

First of all, you need to make sure that the freon line is intact. For this, special leak detectors are used. In the rays of a small pocket device, all the places through which the refrigerant evaporates are illuminated:

  • All the freon from the system is drained into the cylinder. It can also be vented into the air, but the first option is more economical;
  • The system is evacuated;
  • From the instructions we learn: how much freon is needed for the system and for each running meter of the track;
  • The cylinder is installed on the balance and as much refrigerant as necessary is drained from it into the system.

This is a very simple method in which the diagnostics of the air conditioner refueling is carried out using an electronic scale. The disadvantage of the method is the need for preliminary freeing of the circuit from the residues of freon and evacuation.

Refueling the air conditioner for hypothermia

How to fill the air conditioner with freon for hypothermia? The subcooling temperature is the difference between the temperature of the freon leaving the condenser and the condensation temperature (which is found in the table or read on the pressure gauge).

The cooling temperature is indicated in the instructions, most often it is from 10 to 12 degrees.

The need to refuel the air conditioner is indicated by the subcooling temperature below the calculated one. There are special installations that calculate the amount of subcooling and automatically supply the required amount of refrigerant. You can control how to properly fill the air conditioner using a manometric manifold or a thermometer (special).

Refueling of climatic equipment for overheating

The superheat temperature is the difference between the temperature at which the freon evaporates and the temperature behind the evaporator. How to fill the air conditioner with freon for overheating? To determine it, it is necessary to change the pressure at the suction valve and the temperature of the suction tube 15 centimeters from the compressor.

Overheating should be between 5 and 7 degrees. If the number is higher, the air conditioner needs to be charged.
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