Decoding errors and operating instructions for air conditioners Carrier (Carier)

kody-oshibok-kondicionerov-carrierkarier-rasshifrovka-i-instrukciiThe fault detection function is incorporated in the air conditioner program. The system is able to fix some violations by itself, but this does not always help, so it is advisable to have an instruction manual at hand.

During the operation of the self-test mode, the orange and green LEDs blink at the same time. To read the code, you need to count the number of blinks of the indicators. Thus, the orange indicator indicates the number of tens, and the green indicator indicates the number of units. First, orange blinks, after which there is a break for two seconds and green blinks. After that, another break for four seconds. Thus, the error indications of Karier air conditioners are repeated until the problem is corrected.

Example, if according to the instructions the error code of the air conditioner Carier 24:

  • First, the orange indicator blinks 2 times;
  • After that, the blinking stops for 2 seconds;
  • Green indicator blinks 4 times;
  • Break for four seconds.
Air conditioner error code CarierOrange indicator (number of blinks)Green indicator (number of blinks)Decoding the error code air conditioner Carrier
22The function of the room temperature sensor is broken
3 Carrier air conditioner error3The function of the temperature sensor of the heat exchanger of the indoor module is broken
66Breakage of the reverse valve of the outdoor unit
88Indoor unit fan motor breakage
9 error of air conditioners Carier9No power supply to indoor unit
1111The condensate pump does not work or the container for it is overfilled
12 Carrier air conditioner error12Indoor module board malfunction
1313Violation of the work of the general payment
1414No response from the general fee
1515Broken thermal sensor of indoor module heat exchanger
1818The function of the outdoor unit board is broken
202Violation of the function of detecting the position of the module
21 air conditioner error Carier21Broken outdoor unit electrical sensor
2222Broken thermal sensor of the external heat exchanger
2323Broken temperature sensor of the injection system
2424Outdoor unit fan does not work
2626Malfunction of an external module
2727Outdoor unit compressor stopped
2828Discharge temperature too low or high
2929Broken outdoor unit compressor
3131The pressure in the outdoor unit is too high

If the air conditioner displays an error code, you must write it down on a piece of paper. Then disconnect the device from the power supply and call the service technician.

As a rule, with slight mistakes, cassette air conditioners Carrier can cope on their own.

But if this does not happen, you should not try to open the device without the presence of a specialist who can accurately localize the error codes of Carrier air conditioners.
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