The main task of climatic technology is cooling, therefore, when purchasing equipment, it is necessary to focus primarily on this indicator. To ensure high-quality cooling, it is necessary to take into account the relationship between the power of the air conditioner and the area of the room.
Power consumption or cooling of the air conditioner?
These indicators must be distinguished when selecting an air conditioner for the area of the room. The cooling intensity is always higher than the consumption power. So, with a consumption of 0.7 kW, the air conditioner cools it with a power of 2 kW. this difference is due to the principle of operation of the air conditioner.
Calculation of the room cooling capacity
It is easy to calculate this indicator for choosing an air conditioner from the area of the room, the indicator is expressed in kilowatts:
Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3
Q1 - heat penetrating from all planes in the room is calculated by the formula:
S * h * q / 1000,
hereS – room area in square meters,h – ceiling height in meters,q – a special factor selected based on the room illumination from 30 to 40. The maximum value is used for rooms with large windows facing south. Minimum - for dark shady rooms.
Q2 - heat emanating from people: 0.1 kW at rest, 0.13 kW at minimum load, 0.2 kW during physical work.
Q3 - heat emanating from technology: computer - 0.3 kW, TV - 0.2 kW. To calculate the heat gain from other types of equipment, it is necessary to multiply the maximum power by 0.3.
When selecting an air conditioner for the area of the room, it should be borne in mind that its cooling capacity can be 5% less or 15% more than the final value of Q.
Such a calculation is correct only for halls with an area of no more than 70 sq. meters located in standard heat-insulated buildings. If it is necessary to select the capacity of the air conditioner and the area of the premises of an industrial enterprise, a large public building or a non-capital structure, specialists should do it.
Accounting for heat gain from vents
According to the above calculations, the equipment should work with closed doors and windows.
The manufacturer will certainly warn about this in the operating instructions. But the operation of the ventilation system does not in any way disrupt the function of the climatic equipment. This is explained by the fact that, knowing the power of the ventilation equipment, it is possible to accurately determine the air flow per unit of time and take it into account when choosing an air conditioner from the area of the room.
But no engineer can calculate the volume of air entering a room through an open window or window under different weather conditions. It is possible to provide yourself with fresh air without turning off the air conditioner.
To do this, open the window slightly, and close all doors and windows. The air inflow from the street will be negligible. But the duration of airing should not be long.
Lovers of frequent ventilation can be advised to increase the calculated cooling power by another 1 \ 4 - 1 \ 5. It should be noted that with such operation, the amount of electricity consumed increases by 10 - 13%