What are the advantages and features of R407C freon

Freon R407C is a hydrofluorocarbon mixture that has replaced the refrigerant R22, which depletes the ozone layer. The absence of chlorine in the compound makes it safe for the environment. Freon with an improved formula is used in household and semi-industrial air conditioners.

What is R407C freon

Freon circulation in the climate system

Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) R407C freon is a colorless and odorless gas. It is used in climatic equipment as a refrigerant. In air conditioners, the property of freon is used to absorb heat during evaporation and release it during condensation (transition to a liquid state). Freon R407C is chemically and thermally stable, its toxicity level is equal to or lower than R22 parameters. It is the best replacement for ozone depleting Freon.

The gas does not burn, decomposes under the influence of high temperature, forming toxic products. Filling and recharging the system is carried out only in the liquid phase of the refrigerant. In the event of a malfunction of the equipment, a freon leak occurs. Uneven evaporation of fractions leads to a change in the proportions of the mixture.

The new chemical composition does not provide the target performance. Partial replenishment of the loss is not recommended in case of significant leakage. Disposal of residues and full refueling is required.

Composition of freon R407C

Zeotropic mixture formula: R32 (23%) + R125 (25%) + R134a (52%). Each component is responsible for a specific property of the resulting connection:

  • R32 (difluoromethane) - increased productivity;
  • R125 (pentafluoroethane) - fire prevention;
  • R134a (tetrafluoroethane) - working pressure control.

The constituent parts of the formula are selected to provide characteristics that are as close as possible to the parameters of R22. The substances included in the zeotropic refrigerant do not form a homogeneous mixture. This is the main drawback of the product. When refueling, control of the proportions of the composition is required.


Freon R407C in technical characteristics is close to the refrigerant R22. Replacing an obsolete composition with it does not require significant modifications to the existing refrigeration system. When switching to a hydrofluorocarbon mixture, elastomers, safety valves, adsorbent filter elements, and oil are replaced. Zeotropic mixture is characterized by a low heat transfer coefficient. This difference is not noticeable in installations with plate heat exchangers.

Most of the air conditioning units using R22 can be converted to a safe refrigerant. Exceptions are centrifugal compressor systems and flooded evaporators. Not recommended for refrigeration units with evaporating temperatures below -10 ° C. With a decrease in temperature indicators, the cooling capacity deteriorates.

Scope of application:

  • household and commercial air conditioners;
  • industrial refrigeration equipment;
  • heat pumps;
  • refrigerators;
  • vehicles with cargo cooling function;
  • refrigerated warehouses;
  • ice skating rinks.

Refrigerant benefits

Dependence of condensation pressure on the temperature of freon R-407C

The promising substitute for R22 freon has a zero impact on the ozone layer. This is its main advantage, among other advantages:

  1. The main indicators (saturated vapor pressure and refrigeration capacity) are close to those of R22.
  2. Manufacturers of HVAC and refrigeration equipment use refrigerant for their products.
  3. Freon R407c is safe, the A1 / A1 index means that the refrigerant mixture does not burn in its initial state and when the concentration of fractions changes.
  4. In the event of a leak, it is easy to refill the system.

Freon R407C: characteristics

The main factors that determine the properties of a refrigerant are its thermophysical and thermodynamic characteristics.

Average molecular weight86,2
Density of saturated liquid at 25 °kg / cu. m1.1
Boiling point (at 0.1 MPa)° C-25,6
Critical temperature° C86,2
Critical pressurekg / sq. cm48,3
Flammable limit in airnot
Ozone depletion potential0,000
Vapor pressure of saturated liquid at 25 °kPa1,29
Global warming potential0,34
ASHRAE Safety GroupA1 / A1

The permissible temperature drift is 6-7 ° K.

Oils for R407C

For each brand of freon, a special type of oil is selected. Filling with incompatible components will damage the compressor. Polyester oil is used as a lubricant for air conditioning systems with R407c freon. Recommended manufacturers and series: Mobil EAL Arctic 32, 46, 100, Biltzer BSE 42, PLANETELF ACD 32, 46, 68, 100. When working with essential oil, take into account its ability to absorb water. During storage and during refueling, conditions are created that exclude contact with any sources of moisture. The use of mineral oil is prohibited.

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  1. Pavel

    Hello !!! Can you please tell me if the air conditioner on 407 freon refills with 22 freons this can affect its work?



