Fan impeller for air conditioner

A breakdown of an impeller in an air conditioner is a fairly common reason for contacting service centers. You can recognize a malfunction by hearing a crackling sound from the indoor or outdoor unit. You can buy an air conditioner impeller only at a service center. Since the shape and size of the blades of each manufacturer is unique.

About the outdoor fan

Buying a fan impeller for an air conditionerThe outdoor units are equipped with axial fans with 3 to 6-blade impellers. The air is driven in only one direction. The fan is required to ensure air exchange on the heat exchanger.

Some manufacturers install reversible fans that allow you to change the direction of the air jet. The shape of the impeller in the air conditioner plays an important role in this case.

As a rule, it is made with three wide blades. Thus, noise is reduced, while the air flow remains as powerful.

Some manufacturers create special blade shapes, such as proprietary design Panasonic - blades in the form of a gull wing.

The air conditioner fan impeller blades are provided with grooves to reduce air resistance.

And this trick also makes the work quieter.

About the indoor unit fan

For indoor modules, a tangential impeller is used. The air jet, passing through the fan impeller for the air conditioner, changes its direction.

Air blows off the edges of the blades, forming a vortex motion - the cause of the hum and the decrease in efficiency.

Therefore, the shape of the impeller of the indoor unit is even more important.

Some manufacturers provide variable blade motion to reduce resonance and hence hum.

The best models have a noise level of only 23 - 26 decibels.

Fans with wide impeller blades and lower rotational speed operate quieter. To eliminate the pulsation of air flows, the blades are installed at different angles in relation to the axis of motion.

By purchasing an air conditioner impeller of a different model, even of a suitable size, the consumer may experience increased noise and a decrease in the performance of the equipment.

Outdoor impeller breakdowns are often associated with work in the winter season. When a layer of ice freezes on the heat exchanger, on which the blades cling.

The fan blades of the indoor unit often break even during the inept installation of the equipment.
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