A single air conditioning system is gaining popularity, allowing only one outdoor unit to be installed, which will work for all devices in a house or apartment. Installation of multi-split systems is a costly and time-consuming process, but at the same time reliable and aesthetic.
Before ordering or buying climatic equipment for a home, you need to decide on the types, cost, equipment configuration. The quality of air conditioning and the durability of the work depends on the installation materials built into the wall.
Complete set and types of multisplit systems
The industry produces two types of multisplits:
- with one compressor;
- with multiple compressors.
The difference is that the indoor units in a mono-compressor air conditioner operate in one mode - either heating or cooling. Multi-compressor models are capable of simultaneously heating one room and cooling another.
It is possible to buy a standard set of internal hair dryers and an external unit. But most often, buyers are offered to select the indoor units separately, based on the area of the premises, and then calculate the compressor power.
The capacity of the outdoor unit must be 20% more than the total capacity of all indoor units.
Connection of a multisplit system is possible:
- with the same set of internal hair dryers - a fixed system in which from 2 to 4 devices are connected to the compressor;
- by the type-setting method, connecting up to 16 devices at the same time using the branching of pipe lines.
The only condition for correct operation is the capacity of the outdoor unit. The typesetting method makes it possible to install various types of indoor air conditioners - floor, wall, ceiling, cassette, combining them into one cooling system.
Cons of a split system:
- stopping all internal devices when external equipment breaks down;
- problematic installation, if the premises are ready for operation and the repair work is over;
- increase in cost due to additional consumables.
The cost of one multisystem will cost more than installing single air conditioners.
Installation Requirements
Installation of a multisplit system begins with choosing a place for installing an outdoor unit. The length of the line through which freon will circulate separately to each internal hairdryer should not exceed the permissible values indicated in the manufacturer's instructions. Otherwise, the efficiency of the climate system will not correspond to the declared one.
The compressor must not be installed in closed or semi-closed rooms, because it will often overheat and turn off due to lack of air for ventilation. This leads to premature wear of the equipment.
If the installers insist on the open installation of main pipes, explaining this by the convenience for subsequent repairs, ask them to supply expensive high-quality pipes, which have a 30-year warranty, and install them into the wall. Pipes will fail faster if they are exposed to regular temperature changes.
Powerful multisplit - noisy device. It is not recommended to mount it on a wall with windows.
You also need to consider:
- the arrangement of furniture in the room so that the flow of cold air is not directed at the sleeping person, and the noise level;
- dripping condensation should not fall on passers-by, the tube is directed downward so that there is no stagnation of water;
- the system must be connected to a separate panel and have its own wiring;
- there should be no thermal contact between the cold and warm zone;
- the external module must be mounted lower than the internal ones so that there is no overconsumption of electricity.
It is better to trust the development of a multi-split system connection diagram to professional installers who have experience in private houses, apartments, offices. They often go out for repair work and listen to people's feedback on the functioning of the systems. It is almost impossible for a beginner to do the work on his own.
Tools for mounting a multisplit system
To install a multi-split air conditioning system, the following set of tools is required:
- perforators, a grinder, a screwdriver, a drill with diamond crowns, a chasing cutter for working with walls and iron reinforcement;
- pipe cutter, rimmer for turning internal cuts, mopping, rolling for working with pipes.
Specific equipment for refueling and searching for leaks after refueling freon:
- leak detector;
- filling cylinder;
- vacuum pump for removing vapors and air from the pipe.
- copper pipes for the main system and material for thermal insulation;
- electric cable and protective corrugation for it;
- coolant;
- brass brackets and nuts;
- silicone, polyurethane foam.
It is recommended to connect the split system on your own at least after one successful installation or dismantling of climatic equipment or watching a detailed video on this topic.
Installation steps
The sequence of steps for installing a multisplit system:
- The electrical cable is laid first. The work is carried out at the stage of rough repair, since it will be necessary to make a place for the cable in the wall.
- Next, install the external unit according to all the installation rules described in the instructions.
- A powerful puncher makes holes in the wall to connect the compressor and the indoor unit.
- Arrange highways in the walls.
- Connect the external device and indoor units with electric cables.
- Check the system for leaks.
- With the help of a pump, the remaining air is removed and the system is filled with refrigerant.
- Connect to the mains and connect.
After checking, insulate the set of wires between the outdoor and indoor unit.
After installation, it is necessary to configure the control panel separately for each hair dryer. There is an option when one of the remote controls is made the main one, the rest have a secondary status.
When carrying out electrical work, the whole house is de-energized. The cable is grounded.
The ground wire should be kept away from water sources, lightning rod. It is inadmissible to touch the switched on compressor with wet hands. Internal work in the compressor is carried out only after it is turned off.
Installation of multisplit systems without experience in installing such structures is not recommended. A miscalculation in the scheme or incorrect installation of pipes will lead to frequent repairs of equipment and premises.