Wood remains one of the most popular materials for the construction of private houses. Buildings made of profiled or glued timber are environmentally friendly, attractive and durable. It should be borne in mind that wood is subject to atmospheric and biological effects, it is afraid of fire. To preserve the aesthetic appearance of the facade, to protect it from moisture, ultraviolet radiation and microorganisms, painting of a log house from the outside is used. The work is laborious, but does not require special experience and tools. The owner can do it himself.
The main functions of painting a house from a bar outside
The durability and attractiveness of a wooden house depends on the quality of the lumber processing. There are many factors that have a destructive effect on the timber:
- Moisture - Water is one of the main enemies of wood. Precipitation in the form of rain and snow causes it to swell. A humid environment promotes the growth of mold and mildew, discoloration of lumber.
- Fire - wood is a combustible material, it is highly flammable and supports combustion.
- Changes in temperature - a sharp change in temperature to negative marks leads to freezing and expansion of water trapped in the walls. Ice breaks wood fibers, deforms timber, leaves cracks. Drying also changes the geometry of the material.
- Insects - wood-boring beetles in the process of life turn durable and reliable lumber into dust.
- Ultraviolet - under the influence of direct sunlight, substances in the structure of the tree are destroyed. Its surface layer darkens and becomes loose.
- Microorganisms - wood is a favorable breeding ground for fungal and mold spores. Black spots appear on the surface of the timber, which worsen the appearance of the facade. Rot greatly reduces the durability of the structure.
Dyes and impregnations contain substances that prevent moisture from penetrating into the structure of the material. Antiseptics from rot, fire retardants that prevent combustion are added to them. Decorative and protective treatment reduces the impact of the entire complex of negative factors, improves the aesthetics of a residential building.
Variety of painting materials
When choosing the best way to paint a log house outside, you need to focus on the desired result. If there is a need to change the color of the building, paint and varnish materials with high hiding power are chosen. To protect the tree without fundamentally changing the shade and structure, antiseptics, impregnations and glazing compounds are used.
Impregnations based on water or organic substances
Due to the minimal content of pigments, the impregnations do not hide the natural texture of the wood. After processing, the surface remains unchanged, but acquires a matte or glossy appearance. Impregnating compositions have a protective and decorative effect. The resulting layer strengthens the timber and protects it from moisture. For outdoor use, compositions are recommended that give the wood a richer, darker shade.
According to the composition of the impregnation, there are two types:
- Water-based - materials are used as soil and antiseptic protection.Water emulsions penetrate deep into the wood fibers, filling it with solute substances. The impregnation dries quickly and the fillers harden, creating a strong layer on the surface.
- Organic - formulations based on oils and wax provide deeper penetration into the layers of the timber. After drying, it forms a water- and dirt-repellent coating. Oil products are tinted and transparent. Cons of products: unpleasant odor and toxic components.
The use of decorative impregnations increases fire safety and resistance of the building to aggressive factors.
Film-forming compounds
A feature of the funds is the formation of a durable film layer after applying to the timber. Such compositions include drying oil and varnish. The mechanism of action is based on the ability of the agents to polymerize in air. Natural drying oils from linseed, hemp, rapeseed oil, mixed, alkyd and synthetic are used. The advantages of the material are affordable cost, ease of use.
Varnishes for outdoor use are transparent and tinted. They include various resins (alkyd, epoxy, formaldehyde acrylic) and a solvent. After drying, a waterproof coating remains, increasing resistance to adverse weather factors. Polyurethane yacht varnishes work best.
Outdoor paint
Facade paints and varnishes must be resistant to moisture, frost and ultraviolet light. Additional requirements are:
- vapor permeability - this property is necessary to regulate the moisture content of the tree;
- high adhesion to the surface;
- durability and resistance to mechanical stress;
- elasticity - wood tends to change size;
- biological inertness - microorganisms must not spread on the coating.
Among the paints and varnishes, the listed criteria are met: acrylic, polyurethane, oil and alkyd compositions. Painting a house from a bar outside allows you to change the color of the walls, mask minor surface imperfections.
Coloring antiseptics
Antiseptics are the basic means of protecting wooden surfaces. They are used to prevent the appearance of harmful microorganisms and insects. A colored antiseptic allows you to achieve an even shade when applied to a profiled bar. After application, it is recommended to varnish the surface.
Preparatory work
It is recommended to paint a log house no later than four months after construction. Long-term stay of the material without processing leads to the accumulation of moisture and the beginning of destructive processes. Surface preparation for finishing ensures high-quality adhesion and durability of the coating.
Phased technology:
- Work begins by removing the old paint layer. If the house is new, it is necessary to inspect the surface and putty cracks, holes from fallen knots. Irregularities and streaks of resin are removed with a plane or a wire brush.
- The next step is grinding. The procedure makes the wood smooth, removes dark stains that spoil the appearance of the walls. First, coarse sandpaper is passed over the bar. Then fine grain polishing is carried out. Grinding is of particular importance when using translucent glazing compounds.
- At the end of the preparatory work, the surface is thoroughly cleaned of dust. The use of an industrial vacuum cleaner is recommended.
A primer containing an antiseptic and fire retardants is applied to clean wood. The composition will protect against moisture and reduce paint consumption. The solution is applied in 2 layers. The coloring of the building begins after the soil has completely dried.
It is recommended to treat the ends of the house with a special waterproof sealant so that the capillaries do not absorb moisture.
Required tools and materials
The set of tools depends on how the paint is applied. The manual and machine method is used. For manual painting you need:
- synthetic brushes of various sizes;
- roller;
- container for paint;
- stairs.
To speed up the process and reduce its labor intensity, use a spray gun.
Do-it-yourself painting of a house from a bar
A dry and warm day is chosen for work. The wood should not be wet, otherwise the coating will quickly peel off. It is advisable to start work in the absence of direct sunlight, then the composition will dry evenly. Cover the adjacent surfaces and gutter with plastic wrap before painting your log home. This will avoid contamination with the dye composition.
Operating procedure:
- Prepare the coloring composition according to the manufacturer's instructions. Mix components if necessary, dilute with solvent.
- To make sure that the correct shade is obtained when coloring, the composition is first applied to a small area.
- Painting starts from the top of the facade.
- The paint is applied with horizontal strokes in the direction of the wood grain. The composition should lie flat and without drips. Joints, ends and joints with the foundation are passed with special care.
- The coloring material is applied to the main part of the facade with a roller or spray gun. In hard-to-reach places, it is better to use a narrow brush.
- The composition is applied in 2-3 layers, after each stage a break is taken until the coating dries.
Coloring the house completely changes its architectural appearance, makes it individual. Do-it-yourself painting will reduce the cost of repairs, allowing more funds to be allocated for high-quality materials.