What paint is better to paint metal pillars for a summer residence

Support posts for fencing are most often made of shaped pipes. They can withstand heavy loads, are easy to install, and are durable. However, the steel from which pipes are made is prone to corrosion. Painting the poles with a suitable colorant is the best way to protect the fence.

Installation processing

To prevent the metal from rusting, it must be coated with a primer and paint.

Metal is a non-porous material with a hard structure and a smooth surface. It is difficult to paint products from it, since the coloring compositions do not adhere well to the surface. In order for the paint to lay down evenly and hold for a long time, the pipes are treated with special compounds before painting - a primer.

According to technical characteristics, primer mixtures are divided into several types:

  • Insulating materials such as epoxy putty. Such a composition increases adhesion and smoothes the surface. Excellent base for enamel.
  • Phosphating - used for priming any metal compounds.
  • Passivating - made on the basis of alkyd varnish with anti-corrosion additives. The primer protects the steel from rust and ensures high adhesion.
  • Protective - when solidified, they form a dense film on the surface, which provides resistance to moisture and mechanical damage.
  • Inhibitory - designed to protect black steel products. Even rusty surfaces can be primed to stop corrosion.

Primers, especially with anti-corrosion additives, have a rather bright color: brown-red, yellow-brown. This must be taken into account when choosing a paint.

Treatment of support pipes with bitumen varnish

Bituminous varnish for metal

A primer for a metal fence can sometimes replace paint. This fully applies to bituminous varnishes. Such a composition is obtained by dissolving bitumen from oil or coal in hydrocarbon solvents, for example, in white spirit. The composition is viscous, thick, fits well on an iron surface.

The color of the varnish depends on the thickness of the layer. With a large thickness, it has a black color, with a small thickness, it is dark brown. If you add aluminum powder to the composition, a silvery coating is obtained.

The coating dries within 24 hours, although it sets faster - in 2 hours. The mixture is suitable only for external work, as it has an unpleasant odor.

How to paint fence posts

If the color of the primer is not too attractive, the metal posts for the fence are painted in a suitable shade. It is more important here not so much to choose a color as to choose a suitable composition. There are many options, but it must be borne in mind that the street fence is exposed to high loads and the fence will have to be painted often.

Compositions for painting metal poles

The most famous are the following compositions:

  • Oil - coloring pigments are dissolved in drying oil. When dry, oil paint forms a dense waterproof film and protects against corrosion. However, the composition does not tolerate temperature changes, cracks and needs frequent updating.
  • Alkyd - based on alkyd resins. Such paint is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, although it does not tolerate high temperatures either. Alkyd enamels have a high hiding power, perfectly fit on galvanized surfaces. Paints are toxic, work must be performed in a protective mask and clothing.
  • Acrylic - non-toxic, non-flammable, elastic compounds.But in order to paint a profile pipe for a country fence, you need to buy formulations with markings - for metal. Regular acrylic paint will not work.

There is also a group of universal coatings. This paint is applied to any surface without prior preparation. The mixtures are quite expensive, but they are suitable for painting black steel, cast iron, concrete pipes.

Anti-corrosive or anti-rust

Anti-rust paint for rust

You can paint the metal fence posts to keep them from rusting, or if they are already rusted. These paints include universal and special powder paints.

Unlike conventional ones, they are solid compositions of pigments, hardeners, film-forming ingredients and others. The film is formed due to the fusion of particles and a chemical reaction, therefore the resulting coating is very strong and resistant.

The owners of summer cottages most often prefer the following compositions:

  • Blacksmith paint - used for painting steel, galvanized steel, iron, non-ferrous metals. Easy to apply, does not fade in the sun, completely insensitive to moisture or temperature changes. It attracts with its decorativeness: the composition easily reproduces the shine and color of old gold, bronze, silver.
  • Hammer - forms an original texture, reminiscent of a riveted surface, with traces of hammer blows. Paint is applied without a primer to any surface, including rusty ones. The manufacturer gives a 25-year warranty on the coating.

To paint fence posts, you need to choose paints for outdoor use.

Painting tools

Tools for cleaning and painting metal poles

Choosing the right staining method depends to some extent on what is being colored:

  • round or professional pipe - its surface is small, so ordinary wide brushes are taken for painting;
  • supports with forged parts or embossed surfaces - narrow brushes may also be required to paint difficult areas;
  • a fence made of a profiled sheet and a profile, a euroshtaketnik is painted with a roller;
  • a deaf surface can be painted with a spray gun.

When using powder paint, you need to take a pneumatic spray gun, since the electric one is not powerful enough.

General rules for painting work

It is recommended to paint metal products after applying a primer.

The step-by-step instructions for staining are the same for all formulations. When using universal or powder paint, preparatory work can be neglected.

  1. Support posts, lattice, corrugated board are cleaned of dirt, dust, greasy stains. The latter are removed with acetone or solvent.
  2. After drying, the surfaces are treated with a primer. The next day, the procedure is repeated. Priming is carried out only in dry weather.
  3. The paint is applied with a brush, roller, spray gun is used. At the same time, the face is protected with a mask and glasses, gloves and an apron are put on.
  4. It is recommended to apply the coloring composition a second time after the first layer has completely dried.
  5. The coating dries from 4 hours to 2 days, depending on the type.

Coloring the metal elements of the fence not only increases its attractiveness. The paint protects the iron from rust and prolongs its service life.

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