What floor can you make in the garage yourself

The load on the flooring in the garage is much higher than in the living space. The flooring is often in contact with gasoline, oils, acetone and other chemicals. Often in the garage, in addition to the car, garden tools and various equipment are stored. Therefore, the floor covering must be durable and reliable.

What to look for when choosing a material

The floor in the garage should be durable, practical, easy to clean.

The garage floor is constantly subjected to mechanical stress. Also, the premises are often washed and painted, which causes chemicals to spill onto the floor. Taking these factors into account, it is necessary to make a high-quality flooring.

In addition to wear resistance, when choosing the type of flooring, the following are taken into account:

  • climatic features of the area;
  • structural characteristics of the premises;
  • features of the viewing pit;
  • type of soil under the garage;
  • indicator of humidity and temperature.

The floor in the garage must undergo simple maintenance and easy cleaning when dirty, show resistance to moisture. The material must not be flammable. This ensures the safety of the premises, the car and the owner himself.

An important role is played by the cost of production. The low-cost segment is distinguished by its simple design. The material of the high price category is more aesthetically pleasing.

Varieties of floors

Asphalt crumb floors require leveling and compaction

Car enthusiasts use a variety of flooring materials. Each of them has its own pros and cons.

Earthen floor

A simple view that requires leveling and compaction of the soil. The disadvantage of the coating is exposure to moisture and low temperatures. The installation of the floor in the garage involves the primary covering with a clay layer. The material is cold enough. For the purpose of insulation, linoleum is placed on it.

Asphalt crumb

Asphalt crumb does not absorb dust and moisture. The basis of the coating is made up of particles of bitumen and crushed stone with a diameter of 3-5 mm with the addition of sand and other elements. Made from old asphalt. To impart viscosity to the material, it is recommended to fill in bitumen.

Sidewalk slabs

Paving slabs are laid in a layer of sand

A garage floor covering made of paving slabs has a long service life exceeding 10 years. The market offers a variety of colors and sizes. The disadvantage of the coating is the absorption of dirt. It is impossible to remove oils and solvents without the use of special products. Increased absorption of moisture provokes a decrease in frost resistance.

Wooden floor

A fairly common view. Differs in a long service life. The positive properties of the material are environmental friendliness, heat retention and resistance to chemicals.

Ceramic tile

The self-leveling floor is easy to clean, the coating is not damaged by impact, does not scratch

Used industrial technical tiles with a high degree of resistance to wear class ΙV-V. In the absence of heating in the room, a frost-resistant material should be chosen. For optimum adhesion, the subfloor in a metal garage is primed.

Self-leveling floors

The bulk type is characterized by a high degree of strength.The floor in an iron garage is shock-resistant, damp and cold-resistant. The material does not have an unpleasant odor, does not collect dust and does not need additional coating with varnish or other compounds. Self-leveling floors are distinguished by their aesthetic appearance and plasticity. They retain good performance throughout the entire period of operation.

Rubber floor

One common flooring material is rubber, made in the form of tiles or rolls. It is characterized by a short service life. The rubber floor has a textured, non-slip surface. When laying, adhesive mixtures for outdoor work are used.

Regardless of the type of flooring chosen, it is recommended to pre-insulate it or install a heating system that will provide comfort in the room, protection from the effects of low temperature and dampness on the material. As a heater, preference is given to extruded foam with a waterproofing effect and thermal insulation. Granular foam glass is another solution.

Helpful hints

If the groundwater is close, it is recommended to insulate the floor with a membrane.

Basically, the increased moisture level in the garage is provoked by the close passage of groundwater to the floor surface. In such a situation, even small puddles can form in the garage. It is recommended to take care of digging special ditches for water outflow. They will serve as protection from precipitation, melting snow, liquid that gets on the flooring during repair work or washing a car.

The concrete floor gets dust quickly during operation. To reduce the level of pollution, they resort to the use of special impregnations. In some cases, it becomes covered with paint. Proper arrangement involves checking each layer using a building or laser level.

The duration of use of any material can be significantly extended with proper care, maintaining a positive temperature in the garage. Low temperatures provoke the formation of cracks, which contribute to the disruption of the integrity of the floor covering.

To improve performance, it is recommended to reduce exposure to moisture and chemicals. For example, it is not recommended to wash your car inside the garage during the winter. Otherwise, you should ensure complete drying of the floor.

The concrete floor must be sufficiently flat. Otherwise, when the temperature drops, moisture will collect in it, which will shorten the service life.

Reinforcement of the floor covering in the garage ensures its reinforcement. It also lifts it off the ground. After the first stage of work, you should wait until the pouring has completely solidified and only then proceed to laying the finishing layer.

A concrete garage floor can be covered with wooden planks or linoleum. Also, the material is covered with ceramic tiles, which improves the characteristics of the floor covering and prolongs its life.

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