How to update a plastic window sill without replacing

Window sill - a structural element of a window, as a rule, is made of impact-resistant plastic. During operation, it can lose its attractiveness for various reasons. If the surface has not burst, it is enough to restore the plastic window sill.

Reasons and methods of window sill restoration

Window sill restoration is needed in case of mechanical damage, interior changes

Plastic is an economical and practical material. Elements made of PVC are easy to clean and easy to assemble. However, under the influence of high temperatures, they swell, and upon mechanical shock, they burst.

Window sill restoration is also carried out in the following cases:

  • The appearance of holes, chips, scratches on the surface as a result of mechanical stress and careless handling.
  • The presence of traces from hot objects and flower pots - yellowing, deep grooves.
  • Chipped surfaces and outer corners.
  • Deformation of the coating or subsidence in the center of the element.
  • Burnout due to sun exposure.
  • Chemical damage from improperly selected detergents.

If surface defects do not require replacement of the product, use restoration products. It is rational to install a new window sill when it burst.

Window sill restoration methods

The means and method of restoration depends on the nature of the damage

It is necessary to repair the structural element of the window depending on the level of damage. To restore the integrity of the coating, special products have been developed. Small scratches are eliminated by puttying, multiple chips are eliminated by surface lamination.

Methods for the restoration of a plastic window sill:

  • Chemical cleaners remove minor blemishes, flower pot marks and heat. Use wax or solvent based products to restore the surface.
  • Putty mixtures are intended for sealing small chips and cracks. The product is sold in the form of a powder, complete with a spatula. To prepare the mixture, use the instructions. Dilute the composition not with water, but with a deep penetration primer. It is not difficult to putty the window sill - after applying the mixture, the surface acquires the properties of PVC.
  • Liquid plastic is a material for filling dents. The tool is used for advanced cases, including deformation of the product. Apply the composition according to the instructions to renew and obtain a smooth surface.
  • Laminated film is a budget solution, for the implementation of which it is better to remove the window sill. It is recommended to work with two people, since this facilitates dismantling and allows you to evenly stick the film.
  • PVC linings are suitable for do-it-yourself window sill repair, if the product is not more than 6 cm in thickness. The elements are made of polyvinyl chloride resistant to moisture and UV radiation. Use this restoration option to update your interior.

Use polyurethane foam to remove the gap between the wall and the window sill. Treat the damaged area. After the product has set, remove the excess with a construction knife. Apply white acrylic sealant on top of the foam.

If a laminated film is used for the restoration, first remove the block, and put it back after work. This will ensure that the surface is evenly coated and will not bend in the future.

Preparation for restoration

Small scratches are rubbed with sandpaper

Before restoring the window sill, clean the surface from dust and degrease.Prepare materials that will be needed in the course of the work. It is recommended to select a product that will harmoniously look with the design of the room. For example, overlays allow you to restore the surface and refresh the interior of the room.

For shallow scratches, such as those from an animal's claws, rub with white sandpaper. Apply PPC polish and rub into the surface with a soft cloth.

Before repairing a window sill, prepare the tools:

  • assembly glue, silicone;
  • roulette;
  • saw;
  • solvent;
  • sandpaper;
  • construction hair dryer;
  • brush.

Depending on the type of work, some materials may not be required.

To independently restore the sill of the old window and avoid damage to the frame, cover its surface with masking tape.

Step-by-step instruction

Window sill cover Werzalit

You can update a plastic window sill without removing it using PVC overlays. The product is designed for quick elimination of defects of any complexity. In stores, the product is presented in white or with imitation of wood species. A well-known manufacturer of rubbers is Werzalit. The element is attached to an assembly adhesive such as Acrifix or Cosmofen.

Advantages of overlays:

  • budget solution;
  • easy installation;
  • reliability;
  • water repellent effect and protection from UV radiation;
  • different textures.

To repair a plastic window sill, use the instructions:

  1. Treat the surface with cleaning agents to remove dust, grease and stains. Level the plane with putty or fill in the deformed areas with glue.
  2. Measure the depth of the window and trim off any excess from the lining.
  3. Treat the product with alcohol.
  4. Apply a thin layer of assembly glue. Install the pad, put a heavy press on top. Leave for 6-8 hours for the materials to adhere and the assembly adhesive to dry.
  5. Fill the groove between the window sill and the overlay with silicone.
  6. Before installing the plugs, measure the length of the product and cut off the excess with a saw. Apply glue and fix the parts from the ends. Remove the protective film after the composition is completely dry.
  7. After gluing the lining to the old base, heat the edge of the plate with a blow dryer and bend it. Do not heat laminated or glossy parts as this will ruin their appearance.

The windowsill can be repaired in other ways - the choice of technology depends on the type and degree of surface damage.

It is recommended to change the structural element of the window if its integrity is violated.

Correct and timely care preserves the appearance of the product for a long time.
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