Self-production of a gate for a fence made of corrugated board

In private construction, the installation of gates and gates for a fence made of corrugated board is popular. The demand is due to the practicality, economy and fast construction of the structure. If you choose the right materials and follow the step-by-step algorithm exactly, you can install the gate yourself.

Advantages of a wicket made of corrugated board

Corrugated gates with a wicket - solid construction

Profiled sheet is actively used in construction. The protective properties of the material have found themselves in the cladding of walls and roofs, as well as in the manufacture of gates and gates. Every year, new textures and colors appear on the market, which allows you to choose a professional sheet for the design of the house.

The use for fencing and doors is due to a number of advantages and the presence of minor disadvantages.

Advantages of a wicket made of corrugated board:

  • The material is covered with a protective film that prevents rust. Strength is not affected by UV radiation, precipitation and temperature drops.
  • Light weight and easy installation. Installation of a wicket made of profiled sheet takes 1-1.5 days if the supports are prepared in advance.
  • A wide assortment line of shades and textures.
  • The period of operation reaches 40 years on average.
  • Easy maintenance.
  • Low price.
  • The ability to select the required sheet size.

Among the disadvantages are the lack of sound insulation and low resistance to physical stress. This ratio of strengths and weaknesses becomes the reason why corrugated board is chosen for the manufacture of wickets and gates.

Preparing for self-production

Corrugated board grades suitable for various purposes

Before you start making a wicket in a fence made of corrugated board, you need to choose the right material. It is subdivided into brands - purpose, coating, color. It is impossible to determine the quality "by eye", therefore, product labeling is used:

  • H - carrier. The presence of such a letter indicates high strength. It is allowed to be used as floors, since the thickest metal, high corrugation and increased stiffening ribs are involved in the production.
  • NS - non-existent wall. The universal sheet is used for floors, wall finishes, coverings and fences.
  • C - wall. It features an attractive design. According to its technical characteristics, it has an average thickness and corrugation, as well as a small area. It is actively used in cladding, installation of fences and as a roofing material.

The marking of the corrugated board is supplemented with numbers that indicate the wave height (mm). For example, NS-20 means that the supporting-wall material has a corrugation height of 20 mm. Product identification is supplemented with values ​​for thickness, width and length.

Marking of professional sheet Н-60-0,1-850-1800 means:

  • carrier sheet with a wave height of 60 mm;
  • 0.1-850-1800 mm (TxWxL).

After preparing the tools, you should decide on the amount of materials for the gate from the profiled sheet with your own hands. For this, a dimensional drawing is created. It is recommended to adhere to the average door parameters: width 1100 mm, height - 2000 mm.

The dimensions of the sash can also be set in any order, focusing on the fence. The calculation of the amount of material for manufacturing depends on the design of the frame.

Wicket manufacturing technology from corrugated board

Before making a gate from a metal profile with your own hands, you need to install supporting elements. For these purposes, pillars from the fence are used. If the structure is being built from scratch, the installation is carried out independently.

Wicket frame made of profiled sheet

To make a frame, you will need skills in working with a welding machine

Making a wicket from corrugated board with your own hands begins with the installation of the frame. A simple option is to use a wooden structure. Pick up a beam with a size of 40x40 mm, but in this case there are no restrictions in the cross section. The frame can also be made from a 20x100 mm edged board.

Lay the cut profile on a flat surface before welding. If there is no concrete pad, create a plane - otherwise the frame will be incorrect. As a result, the wicket will fit loosely to the supports, having a lopsided appearance.

Weld the awnings to the frame. If the pillars were poured 2-3 days ago, the second parts of the elements can be immediately attached to the pillars. Cover the weld areas with foil to prevent dust ingress.


Having assembled the frame, do not start sewing with corrugated board - first weld the hinges and metal plates for the lock and handles. Set the staples at an angle to each other and tack with welding, adhering to a seam of 10-20 mm. The location of the hinges is due to the principles of reliability after installation is completed. This setting prevents vandalism. Fasten the loops at a distance of 25 cm from the edges of the canvas.

A wicket made of profiled sheet will hold even on two fasteners. The handle and lock are screwed to the outer pipe. Otherwise, the elements will not adhere well to the skin.

Installation of a wicket from a profiled sheet

The wicket is installed between two support pillars

Simple production of a wicket from corrugated board allows you to devote maximum time to giving the structure an aesthetic look. It is not recommended to make double sashes. If there is no sheet of the required size in one store, look for the material at another outlet, including if the door is 2 meters high.

Instructions for installing a wicket made of profiled sheet:

  1. Mark the canvas according to the frame diagram and cut off the excess. If the material is a little wider, do not cut it, but leave it on the porch.
  2. Fasten at the corners of the panel to prevent shifting with self-tapping screws in increments of 25-30 cm.
  3. On the oblique sections of the corrugated board, it is enough to twist along the self-tapping screw so that they do not move to the center of the sash.
  4. Make a mark in advance of the plate for the lock, and then fix it to the frame.
  5. It is allowed to paint the frame in advance, but this is not a matter of principle.
  6. Hang the canvas on a post and check the correct operation of the lock. All errors must be eliminated immediately. The edging on the lower and upper parts can be made with the corners that are included in the delivery set. Screw them on with self-tapping screws.

A wicket made of profiled sheet for a personal plot is erected before installing the fence and gates. If the order is out of order, this is not critical. The door is hung on pillars at ground level, and then pulled into the holes.

Sheathing with profiled sheet

After welding, the profile pipe must be painted

After the paint has dried, the gate from the profile pipe and profiled sheet should be sewn up. For these purposes, "C" grade corrugated board is used with a wave height of 20 or 21 mm, and a thickness of 0.5-0.6 mm. Installing a sheet with lower parameters is not recommended.

The corrugated board is attached to roofing screws or rivets. In some cases, bolts are used, but they are not recommended as they become a source of corrosion. Profile sheets are fixed horizontally through the wave, vertically - into each crossbeam.

Forging will make the appearance of the gate beautiful and give the exterior authenticity.

Recommendations for care and use

After the paint has dried, the profile sheet is mounted

During operation, the gate of their profiled sheet must be periodically washed with soapy water and a rag.The use of solvents for these purposes is prohibited. The hinges are lubricated with grease to prevent jamming. The supporting elements should be coated with paint and varnish every year.

Recommendations for the care of a wicket door in a corrugated board:

  • When painting the frame, carefully machine the welds and support columns.
  • Regularly clean the profiled sheet from dirt and dust.
  • Lubricate the hinges with grease at least once a quarter, and the lock with machine oil.
  • For a wicket, it is better to use double-sided corrugated board. The material gives the structure strength and aesthetics. In terms of properties, the product resists corrosion better than metal sheets, including those with a double-sided protective coating.
  • It is recommended to install a lock with attachment to the profile pipe on the swing gate. This constipation is protected from moisture, dust and snow.
  • If it loses its attractiveness, the metal profile should be replaced by fixing a new sheet with self-tapping screws to the frame.

The advantage of a wicket from a profiled sheet is the price of the material. The construction is cheaper than wood or solid metal. Correct and regular maintenance will increase the service life. When making a wicket by yourself, adhere to the technology in order to avoid shortcomings.
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