Do-it-yourself roof tile installation technology

There are a large number of roofing materials on the construction market that differ in size, shape, weight, color, composition and installation method. If you look at the houses in the private sector, you will notice that most of them are covered with roof tiles. This type of material has a rather long history of use and has proven itself extremely positive. In recent years, it has undergone significant changes, which made it more practical, more convenient to use and operate.

Varieties of roof tiles

Varieties of ceramic tiles by color

Fragments of the roof covering, small in size, have a common name, but they radically differ in texture, composition and installation technology.

There are such types of shingles:

  • Ceramic. This type of coating is considered a classic, which has become the basis for the modification and creation of products from natural and synthetic materials. Ceramic roof tiles are made of clay and fired in a kiln. The surface of the tiles is flat, wavy and grooved. The ceramic roof, depending on the aesthetic priorities of the property owners, is covered with a natural color material covered with glaze or colored clay (agnob).
  • Metal tiles. Appeared on the construction market relatively recently, but managed to acquire many adherents. The raw material for production is galvanized steel, which is subsequently coated with powder polymer spraying. In finished form, metal roofing tiles are small plates or large sheets with embossing imitating masonry. In composition, there are also copper and aluminum.
  • Composite. It is a kind of metal products. It consists of a stamped steel frame, a polymer primer and a layer of acrylic resin mixed with granite chips.
  • Cement and sand. The main advantage of this product is its price, justified by the cheapness of the raw materials used and the simplicity of the technology. The tiles are made from cement and quartz sand using injection molding technology. To give the coating color, pigments and mineral dyes are added to the mixture. Some models are coated with acrylic resin on top. Products are durable and heavy.
  • Bituminous (soft). It is a rectangular, diamond-shaped plate with a straight or rounded bottom. The base made of fiberglass, organic cellulose or fiberglass is impregnated with bitumen, sprinkled with stone chips or quartz sand. A feature of the material is the technology of its laying only on a continuous crate of slabs or boards, which affects the cost and duration of construction.
  • Plastic. A budget material made from vinyl. The tiles have precise shapes and sufficient weight to adhere tightly and securely to the frame. Plastic roof tiles are dull and fade over time.

The range of roofing tiles presented by the manufacturers allows you to satisfy any taste preferences of home owners and choose the best option for buildings of any design.

Advantages and disadvantages

When the protective layer is destroyed, the metal tile rusts

Ceramic tiles are distinguished by their high strength, presentable appearance, long service life, and resistance to all types of natural influences.Achieving the tightness of the flooring is possible only with the help of gaskets and mastics. The covering is heavy, you need to put a strong crate under it. An important factor is the high price, but the tiles will lie on the roof for decades, which will pay off the initial investment.

Metal roof tiles are distinguished by their lightness, ease of installation and an unusually diverse range of colors. Quality products from reliable manufacturers can last for decades without losing their presentability. The disadvantage of the coating is its increased noise in the rain. It is almost impossible to get rid of this. If the protective layer is damaged, the iron begins to rust, quickly becoming unusable.

You can save money on the purchase of cement-sand tiles, but this is where the benefits end. The material is heavy, you will need a reinforced frame and crate. Even well-processed cement remains hygroscopic. Moisture penetrates it, mold appears and even grass grows. The service life of such a coating is short; it can be used as a temporary solution in the absence of the required amount of funds.

Composite is an excellent option in every respect, meeting almost every aesthetic and performance criterion. These include presentability, strength, UV resistance, long service life. The coating does not make rain noise and has a low thermal conductivity. Added to this is ease of installation and minimal maintenance. The only downside is the cost of the tiles, which is several times higher than the budget options.

Soft tiles have an affordable cost, lightweight, absolutely no noise during rain. It takes a long time to install the coating, but it is not difficult, there is a minimum amount of waste. Over time, from heating by the sun, the bitumen melts, which leads to the formation of a continuous sealed surface that is not subject to leaks. The tile is easy to transport, lift and cut, fungus, mold and moss do not develop on it. The material also has disadvantages. It will not shake the brightness and color saturation, for installation you need to make a solid base, and this is additional time, effort and money. Decking repair is a very complex process, often involving a complete replacement.

Each coating has its own characteristics, their comprehensive consideration will allow you to make the right decision, which you will not have to regret later.

Criterias of choice

Shingles are more airtight than piece shingles

When choosing metal tiles for the roof of a house, ceramics, composite or cement, you need to remember that the microclimate of the interior depends on the quality of the roof.

The flooring must meet the following criteria:

  • Tightness. This property is the most important, since leaks lead to devastating consequences for the supporting structures of the building, the rafter system, household appliances and human health.
  • Strength. The flooring must withstand wind and snow loads, the weight of people who carry out repair and maintenance work on it without damage.
  • Durability. Roof replacement is costly and time-consuming. It is better to choose an expensive but practical option and forget about repairs for a long time.

Don't forget about aesthetics. The roof largely determines the style of the house, influencing its representativeness and opinion about the owners.

DIY installation features

It is important to follow the rules for installing tiles so that the roof does not leak.

When making a roof for a roof made of metal, ceramic, bituminous or polymer tiles, you need to think over and take into account all the nuances.

You need to start by drawing up a competent project based on accurate calculations. The frame must have an adequate margin of safety, but not be too massive.

You need to work with serviceable tools, process the material in accordance with the instructions for its use.

The most important thing is to observe safety precautions, since working at heights is associated with risks for the master and the people below.
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