Combined heating boiler purchase price

Boilers operating on several types of fuel are called combined boilers. The convenience of using such boilers is obvious: work on several types of energy can simplify the process of heating a house.

Combined boiler price formation

Combined heating boiler example
Combined heating boiler example

Any user would like to purchase a universal boiler that runs on any type of fuel. But such options are quite expensive. The more technically advanced the boiler is, the higher the price of a combined heating boiler and its subsequent operation. Such equipment requires periodic maintenance. Universal boilers are equipped with a special furnace design, a complex fuel supply system. Universal boilers of foreign production occupy the top steps in price ratings. Therefore, many consumers stop at simpler models.

The price of a combined heating boiler running on wood and gas or wood and diesel is available to most owners of country houses. Such equipment runs smoothly on two or three types of fuel. The boiler, additionally equipped with an electric tenom, will also cost inexpensively. Some models automatically switch the type of fuel, while others manually change burners or settings.

Boilers with tenami will ensure the safety of the heating system in the most severe frosts. If the heat from the fuel is not enough to heat the coolant, the heaters turn on automatically.

There are also models that supply hot water for domestic use.

In order to reduce the dependence of the heating system on electricity, the dampers and gates of many boilers are manually adjusted.

Prices of combined heating boilers

The cost of combined heating boilers is influenced by their power, the number of types of fuel used, the level of automation, and the country of origin. Domestic boilers are much cheaper than imported ones, they are less automated, but more unpretentious.

You can buy a combined heating boiler on wood (coal, briquettes) and electricity for a price of 13 thousand rubles (heats 90 square meters of area, equipped with a tenon of 3 kilowatts) to 20 thousand rubles (heats up to 250 square meters, is equipped with an electric heating with a capacity of 6 kilowatts) ). These boilers are equipped with one or two cooking zones.

You can buy a combined heating boiler for solid fuel and gas of domestic production for 9.5 thousand rubles (heats 100 square meters). A more powerful boiler of a similar modification, heating up to 160 sq. meters costs from 15 thousand rubles.

The cost of a combined heating boiler of foreign production, operating on liquid fuel and gas, heating 300 sq. meters, from 28.5 thousand rubles.
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  1. svetlana

    Thank you so much for finding what you were looking for inexpensively and great! Where to buy a boiler, firewood, coal and electricity?

    1. Valery Shumanov author

      Svetlana, hello!
      Because You have not indicated either the city or the budget, we advise you to contact your local installation organization (preferably in several, you can find them in our catalog) so that they can make an approximate calculation and give their assessment and recommendations regarding your system. By comparing several sentences with each other, it is easy to find the most meaningful and profitable.
      Best regards, Valery.



