High-quality insulation of the bath from the inside is a responsible procedure included in the list of works on the internal protection of the building. If it is not given due attention, when operating a bath, heating the steam room will require significantly more costs. In the case of poor-quality insulation, when taking bath procedures, it will not be possible to get a sufficiently high temperature.
The choice of material for warming the bath

It is especially important to choose the right heater for the bath. There is a wide range of heat-insulating materials on the market that are used to insulate various structures, but not everyone is suitable for a steam room, where humidity and temperature reach values that are critical for most known protective coatings. To determine which insulation for a bath on the walls from the inside is better, you need to familiarize yourself with the following list:
- expanded clay;
- glass wool;
- basalt wool.
It is not recommended to use polystyrene for the stated purposes, since at high temperatures it begins to emit substances harmful to human health.
Expanded clay is best suited for warming bath floors. The free flowing properties of the thermal insulation material ensure good filling of wood and concrete substrates. It can also be used in reinforced concrete floors pretreated with a cement screed.
Minvata and similar heat insulators are used to insulate walls and ceilings. The most effective is a stone (basalt) wool heat insulator equipped with a special coating in the form of a reflective foil.
Bath insulation schemes from the inside
To reliably insulate the bath from the inside and protect the internal surfaces, you need to prepare the base and the material itself. General scheme for installing insulation in bath rooms:
- With the help of the selected heat insulator, the ceiling is finished, after which they move to the walls.
- Upon completion of these procedures, they begin to insulate the floor.
- At the final stage, the doors of the steam room and the entire building are finished with heat-insulating material.
- If necessary, insulation is carried out outside.
When insulating the individual components of the bath, various schemes are used. They differ for floors, walls and ceilings and may have some nuances that must be taken into account when carrying out insulation work.
DIY insulation instructions
Thermal insulation of floor and ceiling
Work on the insulation of ceiling surfaces is carried out in the following order:
- The plane is covered with sheets of roll paper, laid with the formation of overlaps (overlapping) and subsequent fixation in a convenient way.
- The ceiling with paper is closed with pre-prepared mats of insulation material, laid tightly end-to-end.
- A special foil is mounted on top, fixed with masking tape. To fasten it together with a heat insulator, it is recommended to use wooden slats, stuffed along the edges of the insulation plates.
During installation, make sure that a continuous coating is formed without cracks and seams. It is important to maintain the tightness of the waterproofing, in case of violation of which steam will enter the heat-insulating material.In this case, deformation ("subsidence") of roll mats and a significant deterioration of the protective properties are possible.
The wooden blocks used for fixing the heat-insulating layer serve as the basis for the filling of the finish, which only wood materials are used. With their help, it is possible to achieve a beneficial effect from the resinous substances released during strong heating. A good result is obtained if common and inexpensive wood species are used for ceiling sheathing: linden or aspen.
The sequence of operations to protect the floor looks a little different. For brick buildings, it looks like this:
- The base is being prepared: a cement screed for concrete or a wooden flooring made of boards.
- A waterproofing layer is equipped in the form of a polyethylene film, which reliably protects the base from the formation of fungi and decay.
- Sheets of thick paper are laid to protect the room from unwanted odors from the underfloor.
- On top of the waterproofing and paper, a frame is built on the basis of wooden bars.
- Expanded clay is poured into the formed niches or sheets of mineral wool are laid.
- Another layer of waterproofing is laid on the insulation material.
At the final stage of work, on top of the resulting "pie", another frame is made of beams, along which a finishing covering is made of well-rounded boards.
The same materials are used as wall insulation for baths as for the ceiling. Operations for their protection begin with laying out and temporarily fixing the blanks of the rolled heat insulator. After laying them on top, a wooden frame from a bar is arranged, on which foil with a thickness of 65-70 mm is lined. The procedure for laying and fixing it is the same as for the ceiling surface. The main task is to ensure the required level of tightness.
For finishing the insulated walls of a frame bath, it is preferable to use lining, which, if desired, can be used for the ceiling. In this case, you need to be prepared for significant costs associated with high-quality finishing of these building elements.
When insulating a foundation made of gas silicate blanks or other material in need of protection, special attention is paid to the joint zones of individual blocks. In these places, the formation of cold bridges is possible, which require mandatory protection.
Before insulating the joint zones of the foundation based on foam blocks, all weak points should be pre-treated with bitumen mastic. After that, they begin to glue on them a heat-insulating material (foam or polyurethane plates), the thickness of which is chosen at least 150 mm. The basement part of the brick bath protruding from the ground is allowed to be insulated using the same loose expanded clay. Previously, on the basis of the floor slabs, a screed is made of liquid expanded clay concrete, which somewhat improves thermal insulation.
In addition to the listed materials, Rockwell slabs are often used to protect this part of the structure. For external insulation of foundation foundations, they are usually mounted on modern Butts Facade panels.
Insulation of doors
Felt material is used to insulate the doors to the steam room and bath room. The advantages of such insulation include low cost and quite acceptable efficiency, especially if used in combination with other heat insulators. Foamed polyethylene or ecowool are suitable for this, which are recommended to be placed on the inside of the door leaf.
The order of work is as follows:
- Before placing the felt and plates of the selected thermal insulation, a frame made of thin strips is stuffed onto the protected surface.
- In the resulting niches, workpieces cut according to their size are placed.
- Thick sheets of moisture-resistant plywood are stuffed on top of a layer of insulation of about 40 mm.
The coating formed as a result of these actions guarantees protection against the penetration of cold into the bath and steam room through the doors.
In order to increase the efficiency of thermal insulation of internal spaces, it is recommended to additionally fill a layer of felt on the outside of the door.
Important points
Before insulating the bath with your own hands, you will need to familiarize yourself with the features of the procedures carried out at the same time and pay attention to the following points:
- insulation for a sauna and similar objects must have a minimum indicator of hygroscopicity (poorly absorb moisture);
- usually a heat insulator is chosen from a number of non-combustible materials;
- when preparing a wooden frame for a future bath, you should consider the issue of its external insulation.
The choice of a suitable insulation depends on the material from which the walls, floors, ceiling and foundations of the bath are made.
To take a steam bath and it was hot, go in a fur coat
Why make a thermos in a bath ???
The bathhouse must breathe.
30 years ago, there were no heaters, and everything was fine.
Now they have thought of some crap ..
Clay with sawdust or expanded clay, maximum, on the ceiling and that's it !!!
Insulation is apparently needed in order to breathe all kinds of filth, because without it, the wrong coat will be stunned as soon as people do not poison themselves