The classic Russian bath is still very popular with the owners of country houses and summer cottages. Before starting work, it is important to decide on the design of the future structure and choose the right one. The modern user is offered two options: a brick heater or a homemade metal stove for a bath. Many owners of suburban estates prefer the second option as the cheapest and easiest to perform.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Steel Furnaces
The rejection of the brick version and the choice of a metal sample is explained by the following advantages of this design:
- compactness;
- no need to equip a foundation base for a homemade steel furnace;
- the ability to maintain combustion at a constant level;
- the admissibility of using inexpensive materials at hand.
An iron stove for a bath does not require special skills that are needed when laying the simplest brick structure. The small dimensions of such a device make it possible to install it even in a small steam room. If necessary, make a base for it, you can choose the simplest type of lightweight foundation. All of the listed advantages will simplify the installation work themselves and will save the time spent on their implementation.
When operating an iron stove for a bath, the control of the combustion process and the removal of combustion products is simplified.
What is required
Regardless of the option chosen, the following materials will need to be prepared to assemble the furnace:
- sheet steel blanks;
- a bar with a thickness of 10 mm;
- pieces of metal pipe;
- several latch-latches on the doors of the combustion chamber;
- steel doors;
- blanks of rods for the grate and partitions for the heater;
- tap for water supply from the tank.
Sheet steel is taken with a thickness of 8 mm or more. Metal pipes are selected with a wall thickness of 10 mm and a diameter of 40-50 mm. When choosing them, one should be guided by a 90 cm long segment used for the manufacture of a firebox. For the construction of the tank, you will need to prepare a 60-cm piece, and a 50-cm pipe is used for the rest of the parts.
When making a stove for a sauna, designed for firewood, the doors of the structure are easy to make yourself. For those who are not completely confident in their abilities, it is recommended to buy a finished cast iron product. From tools for assembly and installation work, you will need a welding machine and a grinder.
Types of structures
Before assembling the stove into a bath with your own hands made of metal, you have to decide on the shape of its body. The performance and ease of handling of the unit depends on the correct choice of this indicator. In accordance with this characteristic, homemade stoves are:
- cylindrical;
- a special curly look;
- horizontal execution;
- rectangular.
The last version of the shape of the product is the most common and therefore is chosen as the basis for the future design. With this configuration, it has maximum rigidity.
The rectangular shape will ensure uniform heating of the entire steel structure and the bath room.When solving the issue with its design, the stability of the position of the furnace on the floor base must be taken into account.
Cylindrical or round housings are characterized by low stability. In addition, the design of the product takes into account the thickness of the pipe blanks used, which ensure maximum thermal efficiency.
In addition to the traditional open design, metal furnaces are sometimes made with a small enclosure of refractory bricks. It makes sense to cover the stove with such a fence - this will allow to accumulate heat within the chamotte masonry and protect people taking bath procedures from burns. Homemade metal bath stoves have many other designs, once invented by folk craftsmen.
The simplest solution is to make a stove from an unnecessary metal barrel with thick walls, from which the lid and bottom are cut off. As a result of the refinement, it is possible to obtain a cylindrical blank, which is filled up to half of the volume with bricks installed on the edge. A ready-made cast iron grate is laid on top of it, and the rest is filled with stones to 2/3 of the total volume. At the end of the installation work, the structure is complemented by a chimney and a protective cover.
Closed oven with your own hands
The procedure for assembling a stove into a bath with your own hands made of iron is considered on the example of a sample with a closed stove, when using which, to add steam, you will need to open the door. To assemble such a furnace, the following operations are performed in the specified sequence:
- In a piece of 50 cm of pipe, an opening is made for a 5x20 cm blower.
- Inside the workpiece for welding, support brackets are fixed in the form of metal plates with small lugs (they are needed to install the grate).
- They turn to the arrangement of the firebox, under which a through hole of 25x20 cm is made.
- To separate the stove from the firebox, the same metal brackets are welded along the circumference.
For the manufacture of the grate and the partitions for the heater, pre-cut rods of a centimeter thickness are used. In most cases, even good craftsmen prefer to buy these parts ready-made. All further operations are performed in the following sequence:
- At the other end of the pipe, a hole is cut in its wall for the output of hot steam.
- Subsequently, the already welded stove is filled with stones suitable for this construction.
- In addition, a hole is made in the stove cover for the chimney.
- At the final stage of work, the chimney is installed in the place intended for it.
A self-made closed-design stove is suitable for a wood-fired sauna. If desired, its scheme can be improved by adding a homemade hot water tank to it, which is displayed in the dressing room. To do this, you need to do the following operations:
- A large-diameter pipe section is taken, to which the bottom is welded on one side, and a ready-made valve is mounted a little higher in the wall.
- A lid is made on top, the base of which is cut into two parts.
- In one, an opening is made for a chimney that heats the water, after which this part is welded over the tank.
- The other half of the cover is removable. For ease of use, a handle and fastening loops are welded to it.
Before the manufacture of the furnace, a set of drawings must be prepared, which indicate all the necessary dimensions and an assembly diagram. This will help you quickly make a structure of any complexity.
Metal stove with open heater
The choice of a drawing of a stove with an open stove will greatly simplify all the working operations for its assembly. It is even easier to do this if there is a metal sheet of the required size on the farm.The structure is made from a pipe blank divided into two sections by a previously purchased grate. A firebox is made in its upper part, and the lower one will be used as an ash pan and a blower.
Both compartments are complemented by doors through which firewood is put in, air is supplied and combustion products are removed. In the upper end of the pipe billet, a flue pipe with a diameter of 100 mm is mounted. On top of the almost finished furnace, a metal box is welded into which stones are laid. The chimney elbow can contact them, transferring some of the heat for better heating. In this case, the water tank is made of iron sheet. It is placed directly on the body of the stove from any of its sides in accordance with the layout of the steam room or sauna.
After choosing the location, the tank is fixed on top of the body in the form of a kind of "shirt", after which the pipes for water supply and intake are cut into it. For the most convenient and comfortable supply of it, a heat exchanger is made, mounted on the chimney pipe. The easiest way to buy a water heater is ready-made in a store; in this case, the kit already contains a standard sized pipe. Upon completion of the installation of the heat exchanger, the chimney outlet cuts into the tank; in this case, the pipe itself is diverted through a previously prepared hole in the wall and ceiling of the bath building. With a significant amount of water, a homemade tank can act as a heat exchanger.
Open oven with brick walls
Combined structures are distinguished by their ability to accumulate heat, increasing the efficiency of the entire unit. This design is based on a typical metal case, inside which brick walls are laid out. At the same time, the requirements for the thickness of the shell are not as stringent as for a purely metal furnace, therefore a 2 mm iron sheet will suffice. Refractory fireclay bricks are required for interior wall decoration. It is placed on a purchased proprietary mixture intended specifically for this type of brick material. When preparing it from dry powder, follow the attached instructions.
Before assembling the oven, a base is prepared for it. For this, legs with heels are welded to the steel body, giving the structure more stability. A continuous brick row is laid on them. For oversized structures, it is allowed to do it in half a brick. When arranging the outlet of the chimney, a quarter is used. After laying out the chambers with the blower, they move on to a cast-iron grate, mounted exactly in the middle between the ash pan and the finished firebox.
To design various openings in the masonry, square metal corners with a standard size of 20 mm will be required. In the process of laying bricks, make sure that the inter-row joints are kept even. Upon reaching the top of the combustion chamber (the level of the stove), a grid of 12 mm thick steel rods is laid on top. At this point, small openings are left on both sides, into which stones are subsequently loaded. The presence of such niches will allow you to periodically take out stones and clean them of accumulated soot. During the bath procedures, portions of water splash on them to increase the heat.
Specialist recommendations
When choosing an open option with brick walls, the master should be guided by the following considerations:
- the chimney duct in such structures is made with as many sharp turns as possible, which contributes to better heat transfer and complete combustion of the fuel;
- in the presence of such a flap up, you should worry about arranging an inspection window with a latch in this place;
- the upper row of bricks must be made solid; at the same time, a small opening is left in it for the installation of the chimney.
Upon completion of the brickwork, they proceed to welding the walls of the metal case, which by its purpose resembles a case that borders the entire structure.