It is impossible to use traditional fuel for a fireplace in apartments of multi-storey buildings, since it is prohibited by the rules for the operation of residential buildings. There is a high likelihood of fire and smoke, and chimney openings can significantly weaken the supporting structures. A biofuel fireplace is an excellent alternative to wood and electricity fired products. Thanks to this modern, beautiful and efficient device, city dwellers can enjoy the play of real flames and sounds that faithfully simulate the crackling of burning branches.
Biofuel composition
Biofuel for a fireplace is a synthetic composition obtained by chemical processing of raw materials of animal and vegetable origin. The production of the product is carried out by fermenting organics in which sugar is present: wheat, cane sugar, sugar beets, potatoes, seaweed. As a result of the manipulations performed, ethanol is obtained at the exit. To achieve the effect of a fire flame, environmentally friendly additives are added to give the fire a characteristic color.
In appearance, the fuel is a neutral color gel. And in terms of composition, it is a solution in which 95% is pure ethanol, and 5% is water and additives that ensure the stability of combustion and naturalization of the flame. The alcohol is denatured, since the sale of alcohol outside specialized retail outlets is prohibited by international treaties and internal laws.
In its pure form, denatured ethanol is odorless. To satisfy the tastes of consumers, manufacturers add flavorings to it, which create the smell of pine needles, coal, firewood or light smoke when fuel is burned. The sounds naturally mimic the crystals of sea salt added to the gel.
Depending on the design of the hearth, the combustible solution is placed in cans in appropriate recesses or poured into a tank through which it is distributed over the burners. On average, one liter of refueling is enough for 2-3 hours of operation of the device with the generated heat energy of 1-2 kW / h.
Varieties of biofuels and features
Various types of ecological fuel for decorative home fireplaces are on sale.
A biofuel fireplace can operate on the following fuel:
- Biogas. The raw material for production is organic waste, which releases decay products into the air. With the help of a special system, the gas is collected, purified and processed in a special way for further use.
- Bioethanol. It is analogous to fuel for internal combustion engines. The fluid is produced by hydrolysis of wood, straw and other materials with a high cellulose content. Another type of production technology is the fermentation of carbohydrates, which are found in foods with a high concentration of starch and sugar.
- Biodiesel. Rapeseed, coconut, palm, soybean oils, animal fats are used in the production.
When purchasing biological fireplace fuel, you need to make sure that it is suitable for the previously purchased product.
Advantages and disadvantages
Like any substance used in everyday life, biofuel for a biofireplace has its pros and cons.
The advantages include:
- no harmful emissions during combustion, the need to equip a chimney and exhaust;
- ease of transportation and storage;
- ease of maintenance of equipment, no ash and ash;
- creating a reliable effect of burning logs;
- affordable cost;
- the possibility of making with your own hands;
- almost complete fire safety.
A liquid fuel fireplace also has its drawbacks:
- insufficient power for high-quality heating of premises with a large area, limited range;
- it is not recommended to leave the operating device unattended, since the possibility of interference by children, animals or people with an inadequate psyche should be taken into account;
- impossibility of refueling without stopping the combustion process and complete cooling of the device;
- you can use only special lighters for igniting, do not use matches or burning paper;
- restrictions on the place of storage - containers must not be kept near heating devices and in places accessible to children and people with mental disabilities.
Considering the above factors, we can conclude that a bio fireplace is more an element of luxury and interior than a heating device. As an element of additional heating, it can be useful in the off-season and during extreme cold weather.
The product lacks electric spirals, a fan, a firebox and a chimney, so designers have the opportunity to experiment with shapes and sizes. In addition to the classic floor-standing corner and wall-mounted models, decorative table and wall fireplaces are produced. This is an interesting solution for offices and modern apartments, decorated in techno or modern style. Products of interest in execution are an element of the image, while at the same time creating a feeling of comfort and coziness.
Fuel consumption for biofireplaces
Fuels for bio fireplaces are produced on all continents, but the leader is Brazil, where there is an almost unlimited amount of resources for the manufacture of gel. There are factories in Russia that are gradually reaching the required capacity to fulfill the task of import substitution of expensive products. Its price is quite high to ignore this factor. Depending on the brand, it varies between 500-1000 rubles per liter. The liquid goes on sale in plastic cans with a capacity of 1-5 liters.
Manufacturers announce the following fuel consumption:
- Kratki BioDECO (Poland) - 250 ml / h;
- InterFlame (Russia) - 300 ml / h;
- Fanola (Germany) - 270 ml / h;
- BioKer (Russia) - 250 ml / h;
- Vegeflame (France) - 220 ml / h;
- Bionlov (Switzerland) - 225 ml / h;
- Bioteplo slimfire (Italy) - 240 ml / h.
The duration of fuel burning in the fireplace depends on the volume of the tank. The larger it is, the longer the device will work. Modern models are capable of maintaining combustion for up to 20 hours with a full charge of 5000 ml.
Most products have a function for adjusting the intensity of the flame. This allows you to set a low or high temperature, save fuel or burn it in an increased mode to achieve the desired effect.
Self-made biofuel production
Self-production of biofuel for a home fireplace saves money.
For work, you will need the following materials and devices:
- Medical alcohol. Sold without a prescription in all pharmacies in 100 ml bottles. The price is in the range of 50-70 rubles per piece.
- Refined gasoline for refueling lighters. You can find it at almost any point of sale selling tobacco products. The cost of the spray can vary between 100-120 rubles for 125 ml.It is better to take Zippo gasoline, which is of high quality and good compatibility with alcohol.
- Flavoring agent. Essential oils, which can also be found in pharmacies, work well. A solution with a favorite smell is chosen. This can be pine, juniper, eucalyptus, lemon, or grapefruit. For 100 ml of the composition, 5-10 drops of oil are enough.
- Sea salt. The product is sold in supermarkets in 1 kg packages. It is recommended to use coarse and fine salt, as crystals of different sizes emit soft and loud sounds typical for burning natural wood.
- Plastic water bottle with a capacity of 1000-5000 ml, depending on the planned volume of the finished liquid.
It is better to knead the composition in a plastic or aluminum container.
In the manufacture of biofuels, flammable substances and volatile compounds are used, therefore, the following safety measures must be observed:
- work in a well-ventilated area;
- use rubber gloves and goggles;
- have rags on hand to collect spilled liquid and clean water for washing the skin and mucous membranes.
After preparation, the mixture should be poured into a bottle and tightly closed with a lid. The container must be signed in such a way that no one can use its contents for other purposes. The inscription should be large and catchy so that a visually impaired person can read it.
Operating moments
Biofireplace operating conditions:
- you can add fuel only after the product has completely cooled down;
- if the liquid spills on the floor, it must be wiped off immediately and the coating is washed with soapy water;
- do not store a container with fuel next to the fireplace;
- before the planned downtime of the equipment, it is necessary to completely burn out the fuel in it;
- refueling is allowed only up to the level set for each model.
If these rules are followed, the fireplace will last for many years, delighting the owners with an original exotic glow and warmth.