What is a roof boiler room in an apartment building

Today, schemes that are somewhat non-standard for traditional heating methods are gaining more and more popularity. One of these options is called roof boiler rooms. The method of installation and laying of all heating elements is difficult, but due to the large number of advantages, it is increasingly common in buildings of various enterprises and residential buildings.

The principle of operation of roof boiler rooms

Modular roof gas boiler room

The rooftop gas boiler house is a stand-alone modular unit. The equipment includes thermal and control modules, control automation and circulation pumps. The capacity of the roof boiler room will directly depend on the number of thermal modules. All elements are connected together into one heating system.

The automatic system of the boiler house performs the following "works":

  • local control over pressure and temperature parameters;
  • alarm triggering in case of illegal entry into the building of an autonomous boiler room;
  • automatic regulation of the temperature of the network water taking into account the pressure drop in the return pipeline;
  • when gas contamination appears, the gas supply to the boiler room is automatically turned off and the exhaust fan is started;
  • switching on of backup network pumping equipment and a hot water pump;

In the event of a fire or strong gas contamination of the room, the supply fan, which is responsible for supplying air to the system, is automatically suspended.

Pros and cons

The device is installed directly on site

A roof-top boiler room in an apartment building and various enterprises is being installed more and more often due to the advantages of the equipment:

  • Profitability. The equipment is installed directly at the facility, there is no need for people to buy / rent additional territories for the construction of a boiler house. The most affordable fuel today is gas.
  • Environmentally friendly, since the raw materials used for heating are clean and safe. When the gas is burned, the damage to the environment is minimal.
  • High efficiency. This type of autonomous heating systems runs only on gas, and gas installations are considered the most efficient. The efficiency of gas boilers reaches 95%.
  • Full automation of the process. Thanks to the modern automated system, which the boiler room is equipped with, uninterrupted operation without human intervention is guaranteed. Automation monitors the indicators of all important parameters, even taking into account the weather conditions outside the window. This approach provides additional fuel savings.

Despite the many advantages, there are also disadvantages. The main ones are:

  • Installations are allowed to be installed on buildings no higher than 9 floors.
  • The high cost of equipment, installation, connection.
  • During operation, the pumps emit strong vibration waves, which can cause inconvenience to residents.

For residents of old houses, the installation of an autonomous heating system is not always possible. Not every structure is capable of withstanding such loads.

Varieties of boiler rooms

Block-modular type

The technical and operational characteristics of the building, its type, condition and purpose determine the type of roof boiler used:

  • block-modular type;
  • built-in type.

The first type is used if an autonomous heating system needs to be installed in an already erected building.They are installed, as a rule, during a major overhaul, where the built-in heating system needs modernization.

The project of an autonomous gas roof boiler room is created taking into account the technical features of the structure. The finished system is transported to the facility and installed in a specific, pre-agreed place.

Before installing the equipment, the main elements of the structure are carefully checked

Before proceeding with the installation of a block-modular type of boiler rooms, it is important to properly prepare the roof covering for the upcoming loads:

  • Experts check the condition of the main elements of the structure, especially the load-bearing walls.
  • A protective coating is applied to the installation site. As a rule, a concrete pad with a thickness of at least 20 cm is used.
  • A set of measures is required to ensure safety measures and enhance sound insulation.
  • After installation, power plants are connected to the heating network of the structure, creating a single system. Already directly on the spot, they regulate the operating mode, connect to the water supply and heating system.

Despite the complete automation of work, the boiler room is equipped with a special room for service personnel.

Construction norms

The equipment must be equipped with an automatic shutdown system

The construction of roof-top boiler houses should be carried out taking into account all the requirements of SNiP to prevent accidents.

  • It is impossible that the dimensions of the boiler room exceed the dimensions of the most multi-storey building.
  • It is forbidden to mount equipment on the ceiling of living rooms.
  • The equipment should be equipped with an automatic shutdown system in case of emergencies.
  • The equipment should not be adjacent to the walls of living quarters.

If the tenants of the house have decided to install an autonomous heating system, they must understand that all waste will be divided between the property owners. In addition to the boiler room itself, you first need to take care of the design, delivery and installation. The average price ranges from 5-10 million rubles.

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